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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2005; 42:1258


Aaron’s Tracheostomy Page - http://tracheostomy.com

Aaron’s tracheostomy page is the personal home page of a boy with tracheostomy.

This site offers comprehensive information on tracheostomy in children. This website contains information on the history of tracheostomy, types of tracheostomy and various types of tubes, maintaining a tracheostomy tube, complications and parenting challenges.

The tracheostomy "home care guide" is an excellent resource for parents.

Top Pediatric websites. The websites listed below in the various categories have been selected based on the number of visits in the year 2005. Some of them have already been covered in detail in past issues of the journal. (Source - Alexa search engine - www.alexa.com). The Indian Pediatrics website is the 10th popular website in the Pediatrics category and 2nd popular website in pediatric journals after Archives of Disease in Childhood.

1. Pediatrics - The Child Health - www.thechildhealthsite.com

2. Neonatology - Neonatology.org - www.neo natology.org

3. Journals–Archives of Disease in Childhood - http://adc.bmjjournals.com

4. Pediatric Education - Pediatric Radiology - www.pediatricradiology.com

5. Children’s Hospitals - Children’s Hospital Philadelphia - www.chop.edu/

C. Vidyashankar,
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E-mail: [email protected]



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