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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2001; 38: 1437-1438  


National Neonatology Forum
- www.nnf india.org. This is the website of our National Neonatology Forum (NNF). The website contains information about the activities of NNF and executive committee, forms for membership, publications and the bulletin. Full text of the editorial and the table of contents are available online. There is also a section on websites in neonatology. Interactive features in the form of ‘ask an expert’ and a chat room have been provided.

IAP Kerala State Branch - www.pediatrics kerala.com. ‘Pediatricskerala’ provides information about the activities of the branch, links to pediatric resources, patient informa-tion material and a birth defects registry. An exhaustive compilation of material for parent education is the key feature of this site. Information regarding immunization, problems in school and adolescence, dental problems, asthma, prevention of accidents and poisoning have been made avaialble on this site.

Princeton Medicon Medical Events - www.medicon.com.au. This website is from the Princeton publishing in Australia and contains details regarding upcoming medical conferences and seminars worldwide. The database can be searched by region, country, date and specialty. Conference organizers can add their events to this popular and well visited database.

Pediatric News - www.epediatricnews.com. Pediatric News is a monthly newsletter published by International Medical News Group, USA. It contains abstracts from latest journals, conference reports and commentaries by experts on approach to common clinical problems. Email delivery of contents has also been provided for. This newsletter requires a free registration.

Pediatric Skills Interactive Learning Modules at UBC - www.learnpediatrics.com. ‘Learnpediatrics’ demonstrates clinical skills in pediatrics using online multimedia content in the form of videos and images. This website also deals with the approach to diagnosis of pediatric diseases. The clinical skills are arranged system wise. This website has been launched by the University of British Columbia, Canada.

C. Vidyashankar,
Military Hospital, Namkum,
Ranchi, Jharkhand 834 010,
E-mail: vidyashankar@vsnl.com


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