Indian Pediatr 2014;51:
668-670 |
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in
CNS Tuberculosis
KE Elizabeth and K Jubin
From Department of Pediatrics, SAT Hospital,
Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Correspondence to: Dr KE Elizabeth, Professor of
Pediatrics and Superintendent, SAT Hospital, Government Medical College,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India 695 011.
Email: [email protected]
Received: March 05, 2014;
Initial review: May 09, 2014;
Accepted: July 02, 2014.
Background: Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
(IRIS), an exaggerated inflammatory response with clinical worsening due
to immune recovery during treatment, is rare in the immune-competent
population. Case characteristics: A 5-½-year old immune-competent
girl with CNS tuberculosis without HIV who developed paradoxical IRIS.
Outcome: Response to supportive care along with Anti-tuberculosis
treatment. Message: IRIS can occur in tuberculosis, even in the
Keywords: Hypersensitivity, Immunity,
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS)
is a heightened inflammatory response to a pathogen in the
setting of immunologic recovery after immunosuppression. It occurs in
those who have undergone a reconstitution of the immune responses
against an antigen. It is mostly described in HIV-infected patients
initiated on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). It can also
occur in patients with solid organ transplant, bone marrow transplant,
cytoreductive chemotherapy, and rarely, in tuberculosis [1,2].
IRIS includes increased lymphoproliferative response to mycobacterium
antigens, restoration of cutaneous response to tuberculin, and increased
activation markers like CD38, TNFA-308*1 and IL6-174*G [3]. We report a
girl who developed IRIS after initiating Anti Tuberculosis Treatment
Case Report
A 5½-year-old girl was admitted with low grade fever
of 1 week duration, drowsiness of two days, signs of meningeal
irritation and papilledema. CSF study showed pleocytosis; 150 cells/cumm 3,
70% lymphocytes, with protein 88 mg/dL and sugar 32 mg/dL. Bacterial and
AFB cultures of CSF were negative. CSF was also negative for TB PCR, HSV
PCR and Cryptococcus. Her HIV ELISA was negative. Chest X-Ray
showed right sided pneumonia, Mantoux test and gastric aspirate for AFB
were negative. Initial completed tomography (CT) of brain revealed no
abnormality. She was initially started on ceftriaxone and acyclovir. She
had a history of contact with tuberculosis in grandfather. She had been
started on INH chemoprophylaxis 1 year ago, but stopped after 1 month.
Repeat CT brain after 1 week showed hydrocephalus. After 1 week, in view
of poor improvement and history of contact with tuberculosis, X-ray
chest findings and compatible neuroimaging findings, a diagnosis of CNS
tuberculosis was made and ATT (SHRZ) was started along with oral
steroids. She improved slowly and was discharged after 1 month of daily
ATT; streptomycin was changed to ethambutol at discharge.
Fig. 1 CT Scan showing hydrocephalus,
brain edema, tuberculoma in right temporal region and exudates
around circle of Willis.
Six weeks after initial presentation (one week after
discharge), she was re-admitted with worsening of the condition. She had
fever, vomiting, frontal headache of three days duration, papilledema
and anisocoria. Repeat CT scan with contrast revealed, moderate
hydrocephalus, diffuse cerebral edema, abnormal nodular enhancement in
right temporal region suggestive of tuberculoma, and diffuse exudates
around the Circle of Willis (Fig. 1). In addition to
tuberculoma, there was also gyral enhancement (Fig. 2).
Repeat CSF study showed 570 cells: 60% polymorphs, protein 102 mg/dL,
sugar 45 mg/dL and sterile cultures. Repeat Mantoux test was strongly
positive (25 mm).
Fig. 2 CT Scan showing gyral
In view of the clinical worsening and restoration of
Mantoux positivity, the possibility of IRIS was considered. She was
restarted on decongestive measures along with parenteral dexamethasone;
ATT was continued. She stabilized over the next week and was discharged
on ATT and oral prednisolone after 10 days of hospitalization.
Prednisolone was tapered after 12 weeks and 0.5 mg/day was continued for
total of 6 months, till the papilledema disappeared. She is now stable
after follow-up of 6 months.
Diagnosis of CNS tuberculosis in this child was in
accordance with the Modified Ahuja Criteria [4]. IRIS was diagnosed on
the basis of clinical and CT findings, and restoration of Mantoux test
positivity [5].
IRIS is common in HIV patients with or without
tuberculosis, but rare in immuno-competent HIV-negative patients. Among
the two types – paradoxical and unmasking – the diagnosis of paradoxical
IRIS (worsening of symptoms/new manifestations of a known condition) was
considered in this child. Unmasking IRIS (appearance of diseases not
previously suspected that become apparent shortly after initiation of
treatment) was unlikely in this case [6-8]. Apart from tuberculosis,
IRIS can occur in herpes infections, hepatitis, fungal infections, human
papilloma virus infections, malignancies and sarcoidosis.
IRIS is the result of a disordered immune recovery
leading to dysregulated immune response to an antigen and resultant
exaggerated inflammatory features within a milieu of pro-inflammatory
cytokines [3]. In the diagnosis of IRIS, it should be ensured that
deterioration is not due to non-adherence to treatment, insufficient
therapy and development of resistance to specific therapy. If symptoms
are not severe, watchful approach is recommended with anti-inflammatory
agents and specific therapy [9]. In unmasking IRIS, specific
antimicrobial therapy for the unmasked disease is also warranted with or
without additional anti-inflammatory agents.
Contributors: EKE: diagnosed and managed
the case; JK: helped in the management and in drafting the paper.
Funding: None; Competing interests: None
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