Diarrhea is one of the top five causes of
death among infants and under-five children in India [1], despite
the availability of easily implementable interventions and existence
of National Guidelines for management at the community level. Oral
rehydration therapy (ORT) with oral rehydration salt (ORS) solution
remains the cornerstone of appropriate case management of diarrheal
dehydration and is considered the single most effective strategy to
prevent diarrheal deaths in children. However, data from United
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) coverage evaluation survey (CES)
[2] and the third National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) [3] show
that ORS usage rates are still unacceptable; while unwarranted
anti-diarrheal drugs and injections continue to be prescribed
frequently. Moreover, there is lack of knowledge and awareness
amongst care providers on how to implement and achieve greater
coverage of existing cost-effective interventions.
This systematic review of literature was
undertaken to provide evidence-based guidance for advocacy and
action towards better management of childhood diarrhea in India.
This exercise was a part of the combined initiative of Public Health
Foundation of India (PHFI), UNICEF India, and a team of independent
researchers for advocacy and action focused on locally relevant
issues [4]. The specific objective was to identify, synthesize and
summarize evidence pertaining to diarrhea (disease burden, etiology,
preventive interventions, client practices and prescription
practices) in children aged less than five years, with particular
reference to the Indian context. The review further aimed to
identify knowledge gaps and operational bottlenecks that plague the
current program concerning prevention and control of diarrhea for
under-five children in India.
The methodology for this systematic review has
been presented earlier [4]. A set of key questions for review were
finalized through consensus building, and categorized as ‘Technical
Issues’ and ‘Operational Issues’ [4]. The details of the search
strategy for each question have been presented in
WebTable I.
Literature searches were initially carried out during April 2010,
and updated on 10 January 2012.
1. Diarrheal Morbidity and Mortality in India
According to ‘SRS Report (2009) on Causes of
Death (2001-2003)’, diarrhea is the third most common cause of death
in under-five children in India, responsible for 14% deaths in this
age group [1]. Diarrheal illnesses are the leading causes of
childhood deaths beyond infancy; it is responsible for 24% of the
deaths in children aged 1-4 years, and 17% of all deaths in children
5-14 years.[1]. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates of
mortality from 34 studies published between 1992 and 2000 suggest
that 4.9 children per 1000 per year in developing countries died as
a result of diarrheal illness in the first 5 years of life [5]. This
has declined over the years from 13.6 (1982) and 5.6 (1992) per 1000
per year [6,7]. The decrease was most pronounced in children aged
under 1 year. Diarrhea accounted for a median of 21% of all deaths
of children aged under 5 years in these areas and countries, being
responsible for 2.5 million deaths per year. Lancet child
survival series, using a prediction model, estimated that 22%
(14-30%) of all under-five deaths are attributable to diarrhea in 42
countries, where 90% of all under-five deaths occur [8]. Most recent
prediction modeling data also conclude that diarrheal diseases
globally are responsible for most under-five child deaths beyond
neonatal age. This model predicts that 14% of under-five child
deaths totaling to about 0.24 million in India occur due to diarrhea
[9]. This figure is similar to the SRS verbal autopsy estimates.
Further, there was marked regional variation with mortality rate
from diarrheal diseases in Central India was three times that in the
West. Girls in Central India had four times higher diarrheal disease
mortality rate compared to boys in the West [10].
According to NFHS-3 report, 9% of all under-five
children were reported to be suffering from diarrhea in last 2 weeks
[3]. The corresponding figures for NFHS-2 and NFHS-1 were 19.2% and
10%, respectively [11,12]. These figures are not truly comparable as
these datasets were obtained from mothers of children with different
age groups (< 4 yr in NFHS-1, < 3 yr in NFHS-2 and < 5 yr in
NFHS-3). On comparing the different age groups, the prevalence was
more or less similar in NFHS-1 and NFHS-3 whereas it was
significantly higher in all age groups up to three years in NFHS-2
survey. The reasons for a worsening trend between NFHS-1 and NFHS-2
followed by a decline in NFHS-3 are not clear. Surprisingly, states
with some of the worst health indicators like UP, MP and Rajasthan
reported a very low prevalence of diarrhea in NFHS-1; it increased
by 2-3 times in NFHS-2. Another surprising finding from NFHS-1 was
that almost 50% of the prevalence of diarrhea in previous two weeks
was contributed by prevalence during last 24 hours. This may suggest
a significant recall bias in using two week prevalence as an
indicator. The second and third survey did not present any data on
24 hour prevalence. Overall, there appears to be decrease in
prevalence from NFHS-2 to NFHS-3. However, all this data have to be
interpreted with caution as these reported prevalence levels reflect
mother’s perception of the illness and not the medically certified
More recent data from UNICEF 10-district survey
report that 19.8% children (2-59 months) suffered from diarrhea in
the two weeks preceding the survey [13]. However, this UNICEF data
was from some districts in states with higher child mortality rates,
and therefore not representative for the whole country. Countrywide
UNICEF coverage evaluation survey reported 14.3% of children (< 2
yrs) to be suffering from diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the
survey [2].
The maximum risk of diarrhea was in the age group
of 6-12 months across all the surveys [2,3,11,12]. Blood was
reported to be present in stools in around 10% of the diarrheal
episodes in all the national health surveys [3,11,12]. Proportion of
diarrheal episodes with visible blood in stools was least in infants
(2% in < 6 mo and 5% in 6-12 mo; NFHS-3). No major rural/urban or
gender differences were found, except for dysentery, which was more
common in rural children. Prevalence of dysentery also had a
negative correlation with mother’s educational status and family’s
wealth or standard of living index [2,3].
Very few studies have attempted to find the
incidence of diarrhea among children through well-designed
longitudinal studies. Analysis of 27 studies from developing
countries, including three from India, suggested that the median
incidence of diarrhea for under-five children was 3.2 episodes per
child-year [5], with maximum incidence at 6-12 months (4.8 episodes
per child year). More recent data suggested that a child (<4-6
years) suffers from average of 2-3 episodes of diarrhea per year
[14-16]. Web Table II presents the summary of
all such studies conducted in India.
Conclusion and Comments: BOX 1
Knowledge gaps and directions for future
research: Reliable information regarding the contribution of
diarrhea to total deaths is missing because of absence of medical
certification of cause of death in majority of cases. The risk
factors and profile of children dying of diarrhea in the community
are not known. Whether most diarrheal deaths in the community are
occurring in outbreak situations or occurring in isolation? Large
scale incidence studies are not available. Most of the studies, and
even the national databases, have estimated the incidence and
prevalence of diarrhea in under-five children. Similar data in
neonates and older children are scarce.
• Diarrheal illnesses are the third most
common cause of death amongst under-five children, and is
the leading cause beyond infancy.
• A child below five years of age suffers
from average of 2-3 episodes of diarrhea per year.
• The point-prevalence (last two weeks)
of diarrhea among under-five children is about 9-20%.
• A child is at maximum risk of diarrhea
between 6-12 mo of age.
• About 10% of the diarrheal episodes are
dysentry; there has been no change in this trend over last
two decades.
• There are no major rural/urban or
gender differences in prevalence of diarrhea.
• Dysentry is more common in rural areas,
and in children from poorer families.
• There seems to be a positive trend of
decrease in diarrheal morbidity and mortality.
2. Etiology of Childhood Diarrhea in India
There is no large-scale nationally representative
community based study in last two decades regarding etiology or
trends of diarrhea from India. Most studies have been either
designed to specifically evaluate the contribution of a single
etiological agent or are based on isolation of microbes from stool
samples of hospitalized patients without their clinical details.
Moreover, the frequent presence of enteric pathogens in healthy
children from developing countries makes it more difficult to
determine their true etiological role in causation of diarrhea. The
seasonality of some agents also preclude valid analysis from studies
reporting cases within a short duration.
A multicentric (China, India, Mexico, Myanmar and
Pakistan), hospital-based study in 1991 evaluated the etiology of
acute diarrhea (including those with presence of blood or mucus in
stools) in children (0-35 months) [20]. The study attempted to
eliminate the role of seasonality by enrolling comparable number of
patients each week throughout the two-year study-period. The study
also evaluated the presence of microorganisms in healthy controls to
further increase the validity. An enteric pathogen could be detected
in 68% cases. The organisms more prevalent in cases than in controls
were rotavirus, Shigella spp. and enterotoxigenic E. coli
(ETEC). From India (N=5,862), rotavirus was detected in 18%,
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in 14% and Shigella
spp. in 20%. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Salmonella
spp., Clostridium jejuni were equally prevalent in
cases and controls. Vibrio cholerae was isolated from 2% of
cases (0.2% of controls) whereas E. histolytica was detected
only in 0.1% of cases (0.2% of controls). Rotavirus was isolated
most frequently during the first year of life whereas Shigella
spp. was the most common isolate in children aged 12-35 months.
A recent study [21] amongst subjects (including
under-five children) hospitalized with acute diarrhea, reported
rotavirus (48%), diarrheogenic E. coli, Vibrio (19%
each), Giardia (14%), adenovirus (12%), and
Cryptosporidium (11%) to be the most common organisms isolated
from under-five children. Further, this study documented mixed
infections in a substantial (48%) proportion of children.
There has not been any similar attempt to
evaluate the etiology of diarrhea from the community. Most studies
have concentrated on the role of a specific etiological agent,
especially rotavirus, in causation of diarrhea (WebTable
III). It is apparent from these studies that rotavirus is the
most frequent etiological agent, being responsible for about 15-30%
of episodes in hospitalized children, and 7-15% in community. Almost
all episodes of rotaviral diarrhea leading to hospitalization are
reported in children less than two years of age. In an analytical
review of 46 Indian studies, rotavirus positivity was detected in
20% of hospitalizations, 35% of neonatal infections, 15% of
symptomatic infections in the community, and 23% of nosocomial
infections. The modeling data extrapolating the prevalence of
rotavirus in diarrhea hospitalizations to total deaths are not valid
as most diarrhea deaths occur in community, and probably in
malnourished children. Among diarrhea hospitalizations, the
commonest G types were G1 and G2 while commonest P types were P8, P6
and P4.
Diarrheagenic E. coli, esp.
Enteroaggregative E. coli, is the most common bacterial
pathogen isolated in most studies. However, it has also been
isolated frequently in controls. Vibrio cholerae
predominantly occurs in outbreaks, and most affected children are
2-5 yr olds. V. cholerae O1 is the predominant serogroup
among diarrheal patients. The high isolation rate of Vibrio
cholerae from studies utilizing methodology of analysis of
samples sent to the microbiology department for culture is likely to
be related to the patient profile as it is likely that samples would
be sent more commonly in children having rice watery stools and
severe dehydration to specifically look for V. cholerae.
Conclusions and Comments: BOX 2
Knowledge gaps and directions for future research:
There is need for large scale community based studies evaluating the
etiology of diarrhea, rather than concentrating on identification of
one pathogen. Studies need to determine etiology of diarrhea, and
correlates of diarrheal deaths in malnourished children compared to
well-nourished children. Studies need to evaluate the contribution
of rotavirus and other factors in causation of diarrheal deaths.
However, as deaths from diarrhea primarily occur in settings where
access to medical care is limited, collection of appropriate
clinical specimens to perform a microbiologic evaluation is
extremely challenging.
• There is no large-scale comprehensive
community based study regarding etiology of diarrhea from
• Rotavirus is responsible for about
15-30% of episodes in hospitalized children; 7-15% in
community. Almost all episodes leading to hospitalization
are reported in children < 2 years. It is also the most
commonly isolated agent in neonatal infections.
• Diarrheogenic E. coli is the
most common bacterial pathogen.
• Shigella spp. is responsible for
about 10-20% of episodes. Visible blood is present in stools
in half to two-thirds of these episodes.
• Vibrio cholerae predominantly
occurs in outbreaks. Most affected children are 2-5 yr olds.
3. National Guidelines for Diarrhea Control
In India, National diarrhea control program (CDD)
was implemented from 1980 as a part of Sixth Five Year Plan
(1980-85) with the primary thrust of improving the knowledge and
practices of appropriate case management among caretakers and health
care providers, and primary objective of preventing deaths due to
dehydration. This program was integrated within Child Survival and
Safe Motherhood (CSSM) program, which evolved into Reproductive and
Child Health (RCH-I and RCH-II) programs. These programs with more
funding and stronger management systems included integrated
management of childhood illness (IMCI) as a central strategy for
child health and survival. Under IMCI, frontline workers and health
professional are trained in integrated management of newborns and
sick children, including for diarrhea. In addition, RCH-II proposed
to strengthen availability of ORS at community level through making
them available at Aanganwadis, sub-centers and through
alternate approaches such as social marketing and Public
Distribution System. It also talks of improving families’ practices
on home management of diarrhea through Behavior Change
Communication. The mainstay of the case management approach during
acute diarrhea included oral rehydration therapy (ORT), continued
breastfeeding, continued semisolid feeding in children older than 6
months of age and use of appropriate antimicrobials in cholera and
bloody diarrhea. Although there has been a decrease in diarrheal
mortality over last three decades, the ORS use rates during diarrhea
have hardly changed. The practices of continued feeding and increase
in fluids during diarrhea also are sub-optimal.
The current Government of India guidelines
recommend low osmolarity ORS, zinc and continued feeding of energy
dense feeds in addition to breastfeeding for management of diarrhea
[41,42]. Antimicrobials are recommended only for gross blood in
stools or Shigella positive culture, cholera, associated
systemic infection, or severe malnutrition. The first line
antibiotic recommended for treatment of dysentery is oral
ciprofloxacin [41,42]. Measures for prevention of diarrhea include
promoting exclusive breastfeeding, use of safe water, handwashing,
food safety, safe disposal of excreta, and immunization against
measles. These recommendations take into account new research
findings while building on past recommendations. Two recent advances
in managing diarrheal disease: (i) reduced osmolarity oral
rehydration salts (ORS) containing lower concentrations of glucose
and salt, and (ii) zinc supplementation as part of the
treatment; have the potential to further reduce diarrheal morbidity
and mortality by reducing the duration and severity of diarrheal
episodes and lower their incidence.
National Expert Group formulated by the Ministry
of Health, Government of India proposed that a single universal ORS
solution containing sodium 75 mmol/L and glucose 75 mmol/L, and with
osmolarity 245 mOsmol/L was acceptable for all ages and all types of
diarrhea. The revised formulation was approved by the Drug
Controller of India and the Government formally launched it in June
2004. Similarly, based on the WHO/UNICEF/IAP recommendations, the
Ministry of Health, Government of India has recommended that 20 mg
of elemental zinc should be given to all children older than 6
months with diarrhea, and should be started as soon as diarrhea
starts and continued for a total period of 14 days [41,42]. Children
aged 2-6 months should be advised 10 mg per day of elemental zinc
for 14 days.
Zinc dispersible tablets and liquid formulations
are now available widely in the private sector. Zinc dispersible
tablets are also being supplied in the RCH kits. Efforts are on for
making them available at most peripheral centers, and as over the
counter (OTC) drug [41]. Currently, there are no studies available
on the operationalization of zinc treatment through government
Knowledge gaps and directions for future
research: The current diarrhea management guidelines
mainly discuss the technical issues with very little emphasis on
operationalization. The key strategies for IEC, and distribution
system for reduced osmolarity ORS, zinc and ciprofloxacin have not
been given adequate emphasis. Although National Guidelines recommend
ciprofloxacin for dysentery and resistant cholera cases, there are
issues related to its approval by Drug Controller General of India
for use in children.
4. Preventive Interventions
A. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding has the potential of preventing 13%
of under-five deaths in developing countries [8,43].
Web Table
IV presents a summary of studies reporting effect of
breastfeeding on diarrhea morbidity or mortality. A pooled analysis
of six studies from developing countries (Brazil, The Gambia, Ghana,
Pakistan, the Philippines, and Senegal) documented a significant
reduction in diarrhea related mortality with breastfeeding [51]. In
the first 6 months of life, protection against diarrhea was
substantially greater (OR 6·1 [95% CI 4·1–9·0]) than for infants
aged 6–11 months (OR 1·9 [95% CI 1·2–3·1]). Protection was highest
when maternal education was low.
The benefits of breastfeeding are greater when it
is exclusive. In a study from Bangladesh [50], partial or no
breastfeeding was associated with a 3.94-fold higher risk of deaths
attributable to diarrhea in comparison to exclusive breastfeeding in
the first few months of life. Subsequent studies from all settings
have consistently documented the protective effect of exclusive
breastfeeding on diarrhea morbidity (incidence and prevalence).
The evidence in favor of breastfeeding is of
intermediate quality as randomized controlled trials directly
evaluating breastfeeding versus no breastfeeding are not
available due to ethical reasons. However, observational studies and
breastfeeding promotion trials conclusively support the protective
role of exclusive breastfeeding in prevention of diarrheal morbidity
and mortality.
Conclusions and Comments: BOX 3
• Exclusive breastfeeding for six months
reduces diarrheal morbidity and mortality.
• The preventive effect of breastfeeding
on diarrhea incidence is most marked among children from
lower socio-economic classes.
• The preventive effect is highest in the
first six months but continues beyond six months if
breastfeeding is continued along with complementary foods.
B. Handwashing
As pathogens causing diarrheal diseases are
mostly transmitted through the feco-oral route, handwashing is
proposed as an important prevention strategy. Epidemiological
evidence shows that the important risk behaviors that encourage
human contact with fecal matter include lack of handwashing after
defecation, after handling feces, and before handling food.
Handwashing aims to decontaminate the hands and prevent cross
transmission. Washing with soap and water removes pathogens
mechanically as well as by chemical microbicidal action. Hand
washing may require infrastructural, cultural, and behavioural
changes, which take time to develop, as well as substantial
resources (eg trained personnel, community organization, provision
of water supply and soap).
Several systematic reviews have attempted to
address the issue of prevention of diarrhea by promoting handwashing
interventions (Web Table V). The Cochrane Review [52]
included all randomized controlled trials which assessed
interventions promoting handwashing after defecation or after
disposal of children’s feces and before preparing or handling foods.
These activities included promotion strategies such as small group
discussions and larger meetings, multimedia communication campaigns
with posters, radio/TV campaigns, leaflets, comic books, songs,
slide shows, use of T-shirts and badges, pictorial stories, dramas,
and games. All institution-based trials were from high income
countries (except one from China) with adequate provision of water
supply and soap. Community-based trials included five
cluster-randomized controlled trials that used entire communities
(generally villages or neighborhoods, except one trial, which used
households) as units of randomization. These trials were conducted
in low-and middle-income countries in Asia (N=4) and Africa (N=1).
In three out of these five trials, soap was provided to the
community by researchers. Three trials evaluated hand washing as the
only intervention, and other two trials used multiple hygiene
interventions that included hand washing with soap (the type of soap
used is not described). Participants were mainly mothers or
caregivers as well as children. The outcome of diarrhea was assessed
only in children in all the trials included in this review. From
Institution-based trials, the incidence of diarrhea was assessed
in 7711 children aged less than seven years in 161 day-care centres
and 87 schools in the eight trials. The two trials that adjusted for
clustering and confounders, showed a reduction in the incidence of
diarrhea by 39% (IRR 0.61, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.92). The five trials
with rate ratios that did not adjust for clustering also showed a
benefit from the intervention. In Community based trials, the
intervention reduced the incidence of diarrhea by 32% (IRR 0.68, 95%
CI 0.52 to 0.90; 4 trials) in trials that adjusted for clustering
and confounders. The single trial which did not adjust for
clustering effects also showed a similar benefit. The reduction in
the risk of diarrhea was greater in the trials which provided soap
to the communities (IRR 0.49, 95% CI 0.39 to 0.62) than in the
trials that did not provide soap and promoted multiple hygiene
interventions. Overall, the trials documented a significant benefit
of interventions promoting handwashing in the institutions or
communities [52]. It is important to note that the control group in
most cases received quite frequent monitoring, which may itself have
influenced hand washing behavior. This might have lowered the
estimate of the quantum of benefit from handwashing. Overall, this
review provided strong evidence that handwashing interventions
reduce diarrheal morbidity by about one-third. However, most trials
in this review had short-term follow up, and it is unclear if their
level of effectiveness would be maintained if they were scaled up to
larger regions with less intensive monitoring over a longer
In another systematic review of published studies
(cohort, case-control and RCTs) assessing the water sanitation and
hygiene interventions to reduce diarrhea in the less developed
countries, all studied interventions were found to reduce
significantly the risks of diarrheal illness [53]. Most of the
interventions had a similar degree of impact on diarrheal illness,
with the relative risk estimates ranging between 0·63 and 0·75 [53].
Hygiene interventions, including promotion of handwashing reduced
diarrheal illness (RR 0·63, 95% CI 0·52–0·77; 11 studies).
Re-analysis of the data after exclusion of poor quality studies
lowered the risk further (RR 0·55, 95% CI 0·40–0·75). Hygiene
interventions were typically of two types, those concentrating on
health and hygiene education, and those that actively promoted
handwashing (usually alongside education messages). In general,
education was aimed at the mothers, although the outcome was
measured in children. Separate meta-analyses examining the
effectiveness of each of these specific interventions resulted in
pooled estimates of RR of 0·56 (0·33–0·93) and 0·72 (0·63–0·83) for
the effects of handwashing and education, respectively. In water
quality interventions, point-of-use water treatment was found to be
more effective than targeting the water source [53]. Multiple
interventions (consisting of combined water, sanitation, and hygiene
measures) were not more effective than interventions with a single
focus. This is likely to be the result of piecemeal implementation
of more ambitious intervention programs, which may result in an
overall lack of focus or lack of sufficient attention on important
components such as handwashing and water treatment at source.
Curtis and Cairncross [54] reported a systematic
review focusing on handwashing studies as opposed to general hygiene
interventions and also combined results from developed and less
developed countries. The pooled relative risk of diarrheal disease
associated with not washing hands was 1·88 (95% CI 1·31–2·68),
implying that handwashing could reduce diarrhea risk by 47%. When
all studies, when only those of high quality, and when only those
studies specifically mentioning soap were pooled, risk reduction
ranged from 42–44% [54].
Almost all studies included in the systematic
reviews utilized soap (plain or anti-bacterial) for handwashing or
did not report the proper technique. The only study reporting use of
ash or soil in handwashing did not document any benefit of same in
the reduction of diarrhea.
In the Lancet series of publications related to
child survival [43], meta-analysis indicated that the relative risk
of diarrhea with hand washing is 0.70 (95% CI 0.56-0.89).
The long term follow-up data from these studies
are mostly not available. In an earlier study in Karachi, Pakistan,
households that received free soap and handwashing promotion for 9
months reported 53% less diarrhea than controls [55]. Eighteen
months after the intervention ended, these households were enrolled
in a follow-up study to assess sustainability of handwashing
behavior. Upon re-enrollment, mothers in households originally
assigned to the intervention were more likely to have a place with
soap and water to wash hands, and more likely to demonstrate the
correct procedure [55]. However, in the ensuing 14 months, former
intervention households reported a similar proportion of person-days
with diarrhea (1.59% versus 1.88%, P = 0.66) as controls [55].
Although intervention households showed better handwashing technique
after 2 years without intervention, their soap purchases and
diarrhea experience was not significantly different from controls.
Conclusions and Comments: Box 4
Knowledge gaps and directions for future
research: Although the interventions promoting handwashing and
other hygiene measures clearly show a reduction in diarrheal risk in
the short term, the sustainability of handwashing-behavior in the
communities require investigation. Also, the evidence of reduction
in risk of diarrheal illnesses after scaling up the intervention in
uncontrolled situations is not available. India-specific data on
handwashing are scarce.
• Interventions promoting handwashing can
reduce diarrheal episodes by about one-third.
• Washing hands with soap and water is
the most effective hygiene intervention to prevent diarrhea.
• Water treatment at point-of-use also
reduces the risk of diarrhea by about one-third.
• Programs addressing multiple components
(e.g. hygiene, sanitation, water quality and source) are not
more effective than those focusing on individual components
such as handwashing and water treatment at source.
C. Vaccination
Rotavirus vaccine
In a recent systematic review of randomized
controlled trials [56], available rotavirus vaccines were
efficacious in reducing rotavirus-specific diarrhea by 72-73% at one
year and 62-67% at two years following the vaccination. The efficacy
in preventing severe rotaviral diarrhea was greater (80-93% at one
year and 84-89% at two years) (Table I). There was no
significant effect of one type of vaccine (Rotarix) on all-cause
diarrhea whereas the other brand (RotaTeq) resulted in reduction of
all-cause diarrhea by about half. There was no effect of either
vaccine on mortality. The only study from India included in this
review was an immunogenecity and safety study [67]. This study
documented that the seroconversion rate one month after receiving
two doses of vaccine was 58.3% [95% CI: 48.7-67.4] as against 6.3%
[95% CI: 2.5-12.5] in the placebo group. Efficacy in terms of
reduction of diarrheal episodes or any other functional parameter
was not assessed in this study.
TABLE I Systematic Reviews And Studies* Of Vaccines In Prevention Of Diarrhea
Study Year
[Ref.] |
Study type |
Results |
Rotavirus |
Rotarix |
Soares-Weiser,et al. 2011 [56] |
175,944 children (age 1 mo- 6 mo)
from 34 RCTs comparing rotavirus vaccines with placebo.
Rotarix (26 trials; 99,841 participants, RotaTeq (8 trials,
76,103participants). Most trials had multiple sites, oftenin
several countries. The only trial from India wasa safety
study. |
Systematic Review of RCTs
RR of diarrhea: 0.28 ( 95% CI 0.17 to
0.48; 11,121 participants, 6 trials) during first year
and RR 0.33 ( 95% CI 0.21 to 0.50; 7293 participants,
5 trials) during second year of follow-up.RR for severe
episodes after one year: RR 0.20 (95% CI 0.11 to 0.35;
35,004 participants, 7 trials) and after two years: RR 0.16
(95% CI 0.12 to 0.22; 32,106 participants, 7 trials).
RR for diarrhea after one year : 0.27 (95% CI 0.22 to
0.33; 7614 participants, 4 trials) and during the second
year: RR 0.38 ( 95% CI 0.26 to 0.55; 1569 participants, 1
RR for severe episodes: first year 0.07 (95% CI 0.01 to
0.50; 1485 participants, 2 trials) and for two years:
RR 0.11 (95% CI 0.03 to 0.47; 1569 participants, 1 trial).
Rotarix was not better than placebo in reducing the number
of cases of all-cause diarrhea but RotaTeq reduced the
number of cases of all-cause diarrhea at one year (RR
0.41, 95% CI 0.28 to 0.60; 1030 participants).No
statistically significant difference in the number of deaths
in children using Rotarix or RotaTeq. |
All the 34 trials (15 unpublished)
were sponsored by companies manufacturing or licencing
respective vaccines. Reporting of trial methods was poor in
most. The allocation concealment, blinding and analysis were
unclear or inadequate in most studies. |
Vieira, et al. 2011 [57] |
Two cohort of 250 children(vaccinated
and unvacci-nated)in Northeast Brazil |
Cohort study |
The mean numbers of all-cause
diarrhea episodes/child in the first yearwere similar
(0.87 and 0.84) in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
During the second year, the number of episodes/child
decreased to 0.52 and 0.42. All-cause diarrhea episodes were
more severe in unvaccinated children in the first year of
age whereas these were more severe in vaccinated children 18
months after vaccination. |
A very low (4.9%) prevalence of
rotavirus positivity was seen in both groups
indicating changing disease epidemiology rather than effect
of any vaccination program
Molto, et al. 2011 [58] |
Diarrhea-associated hospitalizations
amongunder-five children in2007 and 2008 vs. mean of
2003-05 from five health regions in Panama.
(Before-after) study |
After the vaccine introduction, there
was a decrease in diarrhea- associated hospitalizations of
22% in first year and 37% in second year. |
Likely contribution of overall
development and better diarrhea management practices.
Increase in vaccination coverage could be the reason for
better results in second year. |
Quintanar-Solares, et al. 2011 [59] |
Diarrhea-related hospitali-zations
during the 2008 and 2009 rotavirus seasons with the median
of 2003-06 in hospitals of Mexico |
Historicalcontrol (Before-after)
study |
Diarrhea-related hospitalizations
decreased by 11% in first year and by40% in second year. |
Maximum decline in hospitalization
was seen in infants. |
de Palma et al. 2010 [60] |
323 children (< 2 yr) admitted with
rotaviral diarrhea and 969 healthy matched controls
Matched case-control study. |
Effectiveness of two doses of
vaccination against diarrhea requiring hospital admission
was 76%. Admissions for diarrhea among children under 5
declined by 40% in 2008 and by 51% in 2009 from the
prevaccine year 2006. |
Richardson,et al. 2010 [61] |
Diarrhea related mortality in
under-five children during 2008 and 2009 rotaviral seasons
vs. baseline of 2003-06 levels. |
Historicalcontrol (Before-after)study |
Reduction in diarrhea-related
mortality from an annual median of18.1/100,000 children at
baseline to 11.8/100,000 children in 2008 (ratereduction,
35% [95% CI, 29 to 39; P<0.001].
Likely contribution of overall
development and better diarrhea management practices.
Absolute risk reduction of death is 6.3/100,000 children;
NNT 15874 for preventing one death. With 74% coverage,
corrected NNT 11904 |
CDC 2009[62 |
Rotavirus positivity in 2008-09
vs. 2000-06 (pre-vaccine) in USA |
Historicalcontrol (Before-after)study |
2007-08 and 2008-09 seasons were
shorter and later than the median during 2000-2006. The
2008-09 season had 15% more positive rotavirus test results
than the 2007-08 season.
Setting of developed country.
Esparz, et al. 2009 [63] |
Mortality due to diarrhea in
under-five children in Mexico |
Historical control
(Before-after)study |
From 2000-07, deaths due to acute
diarrhea in under-five childrendropped 42%. Diarrhea
mortality decreased between 2006-07; 15.8% in <1 yr and
22.7% in 1-4 year old.
Likely contribution of overall
development and better diarrhea management practices. |
et al. 2011[64] |
Four trials from Peru,Bangladesh and
India reported outcomes of vaccine efficacy in children |
SystematicReview ofRCTs |
Protective efficacy of oral cholera
vaccines in under-five children was38% (95% CI 20% to 53%;
four trials) in comparison to older children and
adults (Efficacy 66%, 95% CI 57% to 73%). Protective
efficacy diminished after two years and was lost in
the fourth year of follow-up. No clinically significant
increase in adverse events. |
Significant heterogeneity of vaccine
preparations. Vaccine efficacy too low for routine use. May
find use in placeswith high cholera endemicity.
Graves, et al. 2010 [65] |
Studies enrolling children and adults
who had received injectable cholera vaccine vs. placebo or
no intervention |
Systematic Review of RCTs |
In under-five children, vaccine
efficacy was 55% (RR 0.45, 95% 0.35 to 0.59; 250,941
participants) in first year and 17% (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.52 to
1.31; 42,039 participants) in the second year of follow up.
Most of these vaccines are not in
clinical use anymore making results of this review
redundant. |
et al. 1993[66] |
Children aged 9-24 months in Rural
Longitudinalstudy |
Attack rates of diarrhea in immunized
children (1.6/child/yr) was no different to that in the
non-immunized (1.5/child/yr). The mean duration of diarrhea
in both groups was 2.3 days. The prevalence of diarrhea in
immunized and non-immunized was 3.85 and 3.67 respectively.
Measles vaccination had no impact on
diarrheal morbidity. |
*Studies included in systematic
reviews have been de-duplicated in preparing this table |
Well-controlled effectiveness studies of
rotavirus vaccine are non-existent. Studies from South American
countries and USA documented a reduction in rotaviral diarrhea
incidence, and associated hospitalizations, after introducing
rotavirus vaccine [57-63]. Data from Mexico [61,63] documented a
small reduction in diarrhea related mortality before and after
introduction of rotavirus vaccine. However, these studies have
limited validity due to a large time gap between the two comparison
groups. The cost-efficacy for reducing mortality is likely to be
extremely low as about 11,900 vaccinations were required to prevent
one diarrheal death in the Mexican study [61]. Recent data from
Brazil also suggest that the effectiveness of vaccination program
may reduce over the years [57] as vaccinated children had more
severe episodes 18 months after vaccination although all-cause
diarrhea episodes were more severe in unvaccinated children in the
first year of age [57]. Data from USA also documented a 15% increase
in number of rotavirus positive cases in the second year over the
immediate year following the vaccination program [62].
Podewils, et al. [68] projected that a
universal rotavirus vaccination program could avert about 0.1
million deaths, 1.4 million hospitalizations, and 7.7 million
outpatient visits among an Asian birth cohort till it reaches 5
years of age. These estimates for rotaviral deaths are crude, and do
not represent a true picture as these models assume that rotavirus
would be responsible for about one-fourth of diarrheal deaths in
India. There is no direct estimate for this figure, and it merely
reflects the rotavirus detection rates in hospitalized children in
big cities. Most deaths due to diarrhea occur in communities where
medical care is limited whereas etiologic picture derived from
in-hospital deaths due to diarrhea would be biased toward agents
that are less likely to respond to medical care. Moreover, most
deaths occur in malnourished children where the role of rotavirus in
causation of diarrhea is not clear, and there is likely to be
significant role of systemic infections and other co-morbidities
Cholera vaccine
Most vaccines against cholera have not been found
to be very effective. Injectable vaccines are no longer in clinical
use, and their protective efficacy lasted only for one to two years
[65]. A recent systematic review of oral cholera vaccines reported a
protective efficacy of 38% (95% CI 20% to 53%; four trials) in
under-five children. This was lesser in comparison to older children
and adults. Moreover, the efficacy gradually declined over two
years, and was completely lost after three years. An Indian trial
included in this review reported 67% efficacy of a modified
killed-whole-cell oral vaccine against clinically significant
cholera in an endemic setting [70]. The vaccine has the potential to
be used in communities with the highest risk of cholera epidemics.
Measles vaccine
Although measles vaccination is promoted as a
diarrhea prevention strategy, there are not enough studies to
support its role. A single published study on the role of measles
vaccine in prevention of diarrhea did not document any benefit [66].
Attack rate of diarrhea in immunized children (1.6/child/yr) was no
different to that in the non-immunized (1.5/child/yr).
Conclusions: Box 5
Knowledge gaps and directions for future
research: As most data regarding rotavirus related deaths and
rotavirus vaccine in India are based on modeling methods and
efficacy studies in other settings, respectively, these cannot be
used to start large scale vaccination programs in India. There is an
urgent need to generate India specific data on rotavirus vaccine
effectiveness by evaluating functionally important outcomes such as
incidence/prevalence of diarrhea and related mortality. The effect
of an operational program on other vaccines’ coverage, and also on
other child survival interventions need to be carefully evaluated in
any future studies. Community acceptance, cost factors and logistics
also need to be studied carefully. Utility and acceptability of
cholera vaccine need to be studied in outbreak situations.
• Rotavirus vaccine is efficacious in
prevention against severe rotaviral diarrhea (80-93%) and
any rotaviral diarrhea (62-73%).
• There is no well controlled study
evaluating the effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine as a
public health strategy implemented in India or similar
• Existing cholera vaccines are not
effective enough for implementation on a large scale level.
D. Vitamin A
Results from a systematic reviews (Table
II) indicated that vitamin A supplementation has no
consistent protective effect on the incidence of diarrhea or
diarrhea- related mortality in neonates and infants less than 6
months. However, there was some evidence of benefit in children aged
6-59 months in low and middle, income countries. A systematic review
examining the role of vitamin A given during measles episode
documented a significant reduction in duration of diarrhea [76].
However, even this review did not document any reduction in
incidence of diarrhea. Overall, the evidence related to benefit of
vitamin A in prevention of diarrhea is conflicting, and thus it is
not recommended as a diarrhea prevention strategy, except in case of
TABLE II Systematic Reviews of Vitamin A in Prevention of Diarrhea
Study Year |
Study type |
Gogia, et al.2011 [71] |
Infants (< 6 mo) from 6 studies
conducted in low and middleincome countries |
Systematic Reviewof randomized and
quasi-randomized trials |
No reduction in risk of diarrhea
(pooled risk ratio 1.02; 95% CI 0.99 to 1.06, P = 0.19;
24802 participants, 6 studies) or diarrhea
related mortality (RR 1.01; 95% CI 0.72 to 1.41; 47998
participants, 7 studies) during first year of life. |
Mayo-Wilson et al. 2011 [72] |
Children aged 6 mo- 5 yrs who
received synthetic oral vitmin A supplements or placebo/no
intervention. |
Systematic Review ofRCTs |
Seven trials reported a 28% reduction
in mortality associated with diarrhea (0.72, 0.57 to 0.91).
Vitamin A supplementation was also associated with a reduced
incidence of diarrhoea (0.85, 0.82to 0.87)
et al. 2011 [73] |
Children < 5 years of age
Systematic Review of RCTs |
Vitamin A supplementation reduced
diarrhea specific mortality by 30% [RR 0.70; 95 % CI
0.58-0.86] in children 6-59 months. No significant benefit
was seen in children <6 mo of age. |
Gogia, et al. 2009 [74] |
neonates (<1 mo) receiving
prophylactic vitamin A supplementation from 6 trials from
developing countries |
Systematic Review of RCTs (including
quasi or cluster) |
No reduction in risk of diarrhea with
neonatal vitamin A supplementation. |
et al. 2003 [75] |
9 RCTs dealing with morbidity
from diarrhea in 6 mo- 7 yr olds |
Systematic review ofRCTs |
No consistent overall protective
effect on the incidence of diarrhea (RR, 1.00; 95% CI,
et al. 2002 [76] |
Vitamin A for preventing morbidity in
measles 6mo-13yrs (492 vit A, 536 placebo) |
Systematic Review of RCTs |
No significant reduction in the
incidence of diarrhea. There was a significant
decrease in the duration of diarrhea. |
Vitamin A supplementation does not reduce
incidence of diarrhea or diarrhea-related mortality in neonates and
children < 6 months but there is a benefit in children aged 6-59
E. Zinc
A large body of evidence from India and other
developing countries shows important therapeutic benefits with zinc
administration during an episode of diarrhea [77]. In addition, many
studies have examined the role of zinc supplementation as a
preventive strategy to reduce diarrhea morbidity in the subsequent
months (Table III).
TABLE III Systematic Reviews of Zinc in Prevention of Childhood Diarrhea
Author Year [Ref.] |
Study type |
Results |
Comment |
Patel, et al. 2011 [78] |
RCTs reporting use of zinc
supplementation for preventionof childhood diarrhea |
Meta-analysis of RCTs
Zinc supplementation resulted in 19%
reduction in prevalenceand 9% reduction in incidence of
diarrhea. It also reduced recurrent diarrhea by 28%.
Effects on prevention of persistent diarrhea, dysentery or
mortality were not significant. |
Heterogeneity of studies was an
issue. Quality assessment and methodology of reporting of
this review is not rigorous. |
et al.2011 [79] |
CTs on zinc supplementation Rfor
children (3 mo-5yr) in developing countries and its effect
on mortality |
Meta-analysisand Modelling |
In the random effect model, there was
no significant effect of preventive zinc on
diarrhea-specific mortality (RR = 0.82; 95% CI: 0.64, 1.05)
or all cause mortality (RR = 0.91; 95% CI: 0.82, 1.01).
After application of CHERG rules, a 13% reduction in
diarrhea mortality was seen. |
et al.2011 [80] |
RCTs and quasi-RCTs evaluatingeffect
of neonatal zinc supplementation |
SystematicReview |
No significant effect on the number
of episodes of diarrhea (RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.65-1.16; 2
trials) or number of children having diarrhea (RR 0.97, 95%
CI 0.90-1.04, 2 trials) during first year. |
Only two trials reported diarrhearelated
outcome. Data inadequatefor any definite conclusion. |
Aggarwal, et al. 2007 [81] |
RCTs of zinc supplementation for> 3
months conducted in under-five children |
SystematicReview of RCTs |
Zinc supplementation led to fewer
episodes of diarrhea(RR: 0.86) and significantly fewer
attacks of severe diarrhea ordysentery (RR: 0.85),
persistent diarrhea (RR: 0.75, and lowerduration of diarrhea
(RR: 0.86) |
Limited reduction
Heterogeneity Publication bias
et al. 1999 [82] |
RCTs dealing with zinc
supplementation in < 5 yrs. At least 50% of RDA for at least
2 weeks |
Systematicreview of RCTs |
Pooled ORs for diarrheal incidence
and prevalence were 0.82(95% CI 0.72 to 0.93) and 0.75 (95%
CI 0.63 to 0.88) respectively. Results similar in
short-course and continuous trials |
15-25% reduction in incidence
of diarrhea in the short-termwith zinc supplementatio |
A meta-analysis of 17 randomized controlled
trials of zinc supplementation (for >3 months) for under-five
children reported fewer episodes of diarrhea (rate ratio: 0.86), and
significantly fewer attacks of severe diarrhea or dysentery (rate
ratio: 0.85), and persistent diarrhea (rate ratio: 0.75) with zinc
supplementation in comparison to placebo [81]. Zinc-supplemented
children also had significantly fewer total days with diarrhea (rate
ratio: 0.86). The review concluded that zinc supplementation reduced
significantly the frequency and severity of diarrhea and the
duration of diarrheal morbidity. However, the relatively limited
reduction in morbidity, and the presence of significant
heterogeneity and publication bias indicate the need for larger,
high-quality studies to identify sub-populations most likely to
benefit. Other recent systematic reviews [78,79] concluded that
there is a significant reduction in the incidence and prevalence of
diarrhea with zinc supplementation but effect on mortality reduction
is minimal. Zinc supplementation given during neonatal period also
does not seem to reduce diarrheal morbidity in next one year [80].
Zinc supplementation for at least 2 weeks leads
to 15-25% fewer episodes of diarrhea in under-five children in the
subsequent 2-3 months. There is no benefit of providing zinc in the
neonatal period.
5. Health Care Practices in Management of
Diarrhea (WebTable VI)
A. Care-Seeking
In NFHS-3 [3], treatment for diarrhea was sought
from a health provider for 60% under-five children. The proportion
of mothers who sought care was similar to NFHS-2 (63%) and NFHS-1
(61%) data [11,12]. Urban children, boys, children of educated
mothers and children in households belonging to the higher wealth
quintiles were more likely than other children to be taken to a
health facility or provider for advice or treatment. In the UNICEF
ten district survey [13] and CES [2], almost three-fourths of
caregivers reported seeking care outside the home for diarrhea in
children. In the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare-UNICEF rural
India survey [83] conducted almost 20 years back, the proportion who
sought care from a health provider was 65%. From these nationwide
surveys, it is apparent that two-thirds to three-fourths of mothers
seek care outside home when their child (below the age of five
years) suffers from diarrhea. It is striking to note that
care-seeking behavior does not seem to have changed over last twenty
years, with almost 30-40% children never seeking care outside home
Few surveys have provided information about the
profile of health workers visited by mothers. In the UNICEF
ten-district survey (2009) [13], a large majority (79% total, 82%
urban and 77% rural) of mothers sought treatment from private
medical sector. Private service providers (doctor) and private
hospitals were the most common sources of consultations. Only 22% of
mothers sought care from public health sector. Among the public
sector health facilities; government hospitals, PHCs, CHCs, and
rural hospital were more popular. Anganwadi and sub-centres were
least used for diarrhea treatment. In the UNICEF coverage evaluation
survey [2], 48% mothers sought care from private sector and 21% from
government sector during an episode of diarrhea in their child.
Similarly, in the MoHFW-UNICEF rural survey
(1990) [83], 83% of mothers sought treatment from private
practitioners, mostly practicing allopathy (not necessarily
licensed). Only 12% sought care from government health center or
health worker. The profile of rural doctors was also assessed in
this survey. It was found that 62% had no medical qualification and
only 3% had a MBBS degree.
In view of the foregoing, it is apparent that any
intervention to improve the diarrhea management practices must
target the private doctors, including unlicenced and unqualified
B. Oral Rehydration Therapy
National Diarrheal Disease Control Program has
been operational in the country since 1980s, and oral rehydration
therapy (ORT) is the key element. Recently, the Government of India
introduced the low osmolarity Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS),
recommended by WHO for the management of diarrhea. Zinc has also
been approved as an adjunct to ORS for the management of diarrhea.
Emphasis is also placed on continued feeding, including
breastfeeding during diarrhea. One major goal of this program is to
increase awareness among mothers and communities about the causes
and treatment of diarrhea. ORS packets are made widely available and
mothers are taught how to use them.
NFHS-3 asked mothers of under-five children who
suffered from diarrhea within two weeks preceding the survey, a
series of questions about feeding practices during diarrhea, the
treatment of diarrhea, and their knowledge and use of ORS. Sixty
percent of the mothers reported consulting a health care provider
during the episode of diarrhea [3]. However, only 26% of children
used ORS. Another disturbing fact was that caregivers of only one in
ten children gave increased fluids during diarrhea. Twenty-seven
percent of children were given less to drink, 10 percent were given
much less to drink, and 4 percent were not given anything to drink,
resulting in 4 in 10 children with diarrhea having their fluids
decreased while suffering from diarrhea. More than half (57 percent)
of children received neither oral rehydration therapy nor increased
fluids when sick with diarrhea. Use of ORS and ORT was even less
likely among children living in rural areas, children of mothers
with little or no education, and children belonging to households in
the lower wealth quintiles. These figures indicate poor
implementation of proper diarrhea treatment practices not only among
mothers but also among health-care providers.
All three National family health surveys
[3,11,12] also assessed the knowledge of mothers of under-five
children regarding ORS. NFHS-3 reported that 73% of women knew about
ORS packets. Knowledge of ORS packets was considerably higher among
urban mothers (86%) than rural mothers (70%). The proportion of
women who knew of ORS packets increased with education and
increasing wealth index. Knowledge of ORS packets was lowest among
mothers belonging to the lowest wealth quintile (59%). Knowledge of
ORS packets was lowest among mothers who were not regularly exposed
to any mass media. There was a clear dichotomy between knowledge and
practice. Despite three-fourth of women knowing about ORS, only
one-fourth used it when their child suffered from diarrhea. This
difference can not be explained only on the basis of use of other
home available fluids as only 43% mother used either ORS or
increased fluids (including home available fluids) during diarrhea.
The trends related to management practices
related to diarrhea in the communities are not very encouraging.
Table IV shows that ORS use rates have not improved
significantly in the seven years from NFHS-2 (1998-99) to NFHS-3
(2005-06) despite improvement in knowledge. The figures of ORS use
rates in NFHS-1 are not strictly comparable as these were related to
‘ever use of ORS’ in comparison to ‘ORS use during current episode
of diarrhea’ in NFHS-2 and NFHS-3. UNICEF surveys report a better
ORS use rates (38%-43%) in comparison to NFHS surveys.
TABLE IV Temporal Trends in Oral Rehydration Therapy
Indicator |
Survey (Year) |
UNICEF RuralIndia survey (1990) |
(1992-93) |
(1998-99) |
(2005-06) |
district survey(2009) |
UNICEF coverage
evaluation survey(2009-10) |
Knowledge of ORS |
37% |
43% |
62% |
74% |
70% |
NA |
ORS use rate |
6% |
26%* |
27% |
26% |
38% |
43% |
Increasing fluids |
NA |
10% |
22% |
10% |
10% |
10% |
*Ever use of ORS in
NFHS-1; use during most recent episode in other surveys;
ORS: Oral rehydration solution; NFHS: National Family Health
Surveys; MoHFW: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Data
from references [83,3,11,12]. |
Health providers’ practices for management of
diarrhea was assessed in UNICEF ten-district survey [13]. 85-100% of
doctors practicing modern medicine claimed that they prescribed ORS.
However, as earlier stated, mothers’ reports suggested low level of
ORS prescription. In the MoHWF-UNICEF rural India survey [83], most
practitioners were aware of ORS; only few actually prescribed it.
Only 26% stocked ORS with them, out of which almost half had open
packets, and were probably re-dispensing it as medicine in smaller
pouches. In other small-scale prescription surveys, ORS use rates
was also unsatisfactory.
The results underscore the need for informational
programs for mothers and supplemental training for health-care
providers that emphasizes the importance of ORS, ORT, and increased
fluid intake during episodes of diarrhea.
C. Feeding during diarrhea
Continued feeding during a diarrheal episode
helps in faster recovery and reduces the chances of getting
malnourished. In the NFHS-3 survey, only 37% of children were given
the same as usual to eat when recently suffering from diarrhea [3].
Two percent children were given more to eat, 31% were given
‘somewhat less than the usual’ amount of food, 11% were given much
less than the usual amount of food, and 4% were not given any food.
Rural mothers were more likely to reduce feeding during diarrhea.
Behavior contrary to recommendations for proper management of
diarrhea suggests the need for public education program on proper
feeding practices during diarrhea.
The practice of giving semi-solids to children
during diarrhea showed a marginal improvement from 15% in NFHS-2 to
20% in NFHS-3. However, this could be related to more number of
older children in NFHS-3 rather than an improvement in diarrhea
management practice as the NFHS-3 catered to mothers having children
less than five years in comparison to NFHS-2, which surveyed mothers
having children less than three years of age.
D. Zinc
As zinc has been introduced in the National
Program only recently, the data evaluating use of zinc in diarrhea
are scarce. NFHS-3 attempted to obtain the data on zinc treatment
given during diarrhea [3]. Only 0.3% of the mothers reported the use
of zinc during the preceding episode of diarrhea. However, 30% of
mothers reported use of unknown drugs which might have included
zinc. In the UNICEF ten-district survey [13], around 1% of mothers
had knowledge of zinc and a similar proportion utilized zinc in the
management of their child suffering from diarrhea. The awareness
regarding zinc is presently negligible in the community. However,
government and private practitioners of modern medicine have begun
to prescribe zinc. In UNICEF ten-district survey, 30% of government
and 36% of private practitioners of modern medicine claimed to
prescribe zinc to a child suffering from diarrhea. In a prescription
audit from a tertiary care center in Chennai [87], 65% of children
hospitalized with diarrhea received zinc therapy.
E. Other medications/ antibiotics/ antidiarrheals
In NFHS-3 survey, significant proportion of
children were treated with drugs (mostly unnecessary), including 30
percent who were treated with ‘unknown’ drugs and 16 percent who
were treated with antibiotics [3]. Irrational use of antibiotics was
particularly common for children of more educated mothers and for
children in households belonging to the higher wealth quintiles. Use
of antimotility drug was fortunately rare with only 1.5% reporting
their use. However, the validity of this data is limited because of
ignorance of mothers in a significant proportion about the type of
drugs given to their children. NFHS-3 did not provide information
about receipt of injections during diarrheal episode. However, in
NFHS-2 and NFHS-1, 14-15% of mothers reported that injections were
given to their child to treat diarrhea [11,12]. In the recent UNICEF
ten-district survey [13], the proportion receiving injections during
a diarrheal episode was 23%. In the MoHFW-UNICEF rural India survey
[83], 80% of private health providers believed antibiotics to be the
most useful drugs in management of diarrhea, and 40% of children
received injections during an episode of diarrhea.
Prescription audits of doctors have consistently
shown very high usage rates of antibiotics in diarrhea (WebTable
VI). More than two-thirds of prescriptions given to children
suffering from diarrhea had antibiotics. Fixed drug combination (antibacterials
+ antiprotozoals) are also very commonly used in treatment of
Overall, the practices of healthcare providers in
management of diarrhea are far from satisfactory. Use of ORS is low,
and antibiotics and other drugs are used irrationally and
Conclusions: BOX 6
• Three-fourth seek care during diarrhea;
a large majority from private providers.
• Knowledge of ORS/ORT amongst mothers of
under-five children is good (~70-75%) but there is a big gap
between knowledge and practice as reflected in poor ORS
usage rates (25-40%).
• The knowledge regarding ORS has shown a
positive trend but the use rates have been consistently
• Provider’s knowledge of ORS is
universal but this again does not translate commonly into
• Knowledge and use of zinc is
negligible, though appears to be improving.
• Practice of advising increased fluids
and continued feeding during diarrhea needs improvement.
• Irrational use of antibiotics, other
drugs and injections to treat diarrhea is common.
• Use of antisecretory agents is rare.
F. Barriers to appropriate health practices
Information on why ORS is not prescribed or why
it is not used commonly by mothers is very scarce. There is hardly
any published information on this aspect. It is apparent from the
prescription audits that the prescription rate of ORS is poor
amongst health providers whose care is sought most commonly by the
communities. As almost three-fourth of the mothers seek care from
health providers for their child during diarrhea, and in majority
ORS was not prescribed, the ORS usage rate is bound to be low.
As most users and providers have the knowledge of
ORS, but do not make efforts to use it, it reflects low salience of
the product in the mind of target group. The MoHFW-UNICEF survey
addressed some of these issues in the 1990 survey [83]. The mothers
mostly did not use ORS as it was not prescribed by the doctor. Those
who reduced the fluid intake during episode of diarrhea did so
because either the child rejected fluids (30%), or they believed
that the cooling effect of fluids can exacerbate diarrhea (21%) and
water content in the fluid can aggravate diarrhea (17%).
Fortunately, there were no cultural barriers to the adoption of ORS
and ORT, and the level of satisfaction was high amongst the mothers
who used it. Rural doctors perceived the medication
(capsules/tablets) to be the most important element in diarrhea
management, and ORS only as an adjunctive treatment. Sixty-five
percent did not rank ORS among the 3 most important elements of
treatment in the early stages of diarrhea. In the qualitative
survey, the reasons for not prescribing ORS were mentioned as (i)
it does not stop diarrhea, (ii) it is indicated only in
dehydration, and (iii) presence of perceived
contraindications such as vomiting, cough/cold and fever. The
reasons for high antibiotic usage were (i) strong belief on
its benefit in diarrhea, (ii) expectation of patient of
receiving a medicine from health practitioner, and (iii)
regular interaction with chemists about new available drugs. Reasons
for prescribing antibiotics in UNICEF ten-district survey [13] were
presence of dehydration, very frequent loose motions and vomiting.
In some other small scale studies, presence of fever prompted the
doctor to prescribe antibiotics in cases of diarrhea.
Regarding stocking ORS, the majority (79-90%) of
service providers working in the government sector (practitioners of
modern medicine, ANMs/AWWs/ASHAs) and private chemists stocked
supplies of ORS [13]. In contrast, most private practitioners of
modern medicine, unregistered medical practitioners and
private/government AYUSH practitioners kept no stock of ORS packets.
Stock-outs of ORS were reported in 24-42% of government-sector
community health functionaries (ANMs, AWWs and ASHAs). In the MoHFW-UNICEF
rural India survey [83], stocking of ORS was reported by only 26% of
rural doctors; almost half of them were probably opening the packets
and re-dispensing as medicine in smaller paper-pouches (pudiyas).
Lack of adequate training in ORT has also been
cited as one of the reasons for poor ORS usage in the UNICEF
ten-district survey [13]. Although 72% of ANMs/AWWs/ASHAs reported
that they had received some training on management of childhood
diarrhea, most (88%) reported having received training for less than
eight hours.
An operational study for implementation of ORT
was conducted in West Bengal through the existing health services
facilities [92,93]. All the grassroot level health workers,
including their supervisors at various levels were trained regarding
the management of patients of diarrhea by ORT. Training was done for
one working day (in batches of 30-40 health workers) using lectures
with slides. After five months, the training was repeated for one
day, in batches, using modern methods which included module-based
approach, discussion, problem-solving exercises, and demonstrations.
Another block in the same district with similar demographic features
was not provided with this intervention, and served as control.
After 22 months of observation, it was evident that despite adequate
training, the performance of workers was not encouraging as there
was low utilization of both home available fluids and oral
rehydration solution in the study area [93]. Diarrhea associated
mortality was also similar (2.8/1000 under-five children) between
the study and control group. Though evaluation of training of
workers using modern modular methods revealed a striking improvement
in their knowledge regarding signs of dehydration, preparation and
use of ORS etc., this did not translate into practice. The knowledge
and level of skills also went down to a considerable extent after 12
months. In spite of providing necessary forms to maintain records,
no CHGs or AWWs actually did so. There was no supervision at all at
the PHC level. ORS supply was also grossly inadequate as it was not
replenished. In spite of the elaborate training imparted to the
community health guides and anganwadi workers, the overall usage
rate in the study area was only 11% in comparison to 12% in control
areas. Home available fluid (HAF) usage rates were also low in both
the areas (27% in study vs 20% in control). Further, it was
revealed that two-thirds of the mothers did not even know their
village level worker in the study area. In spite of repeated
training of health workers to educate mothers to use ORT earliest in
an episode of diarrhea and in adequate amonts, the grassroot level
health workers failed to do so even amongst the small poroportion of
mothers (12.4%) educated by them. The reasons for failure cited in
this study were: (i) logistic failure, (ii) lack of motivation of
health workers, and (iii) lack of proper supervision at all levels,
and (iv) absence of continued supply of ORS [93]. Box 7
presents a compiled list of barriers to ORS/ORT use, and for
preventing antibiotic use [83, 92-98].
Barriers in ORS Use
A. System side barriers
Lack of motivated staff at most
peripheral level.
Lack of supervision
Lack of confidence of people in public
health system
Lack of awareness of people about public
health system
Health care providers are not convinced
of benefits of ORS, and do not prescribe it despite knowing
about it.
- Perception that it does
not stop diarrhea
- Perception that it is
only indicated in dehydration
- Preference of
intravenous fluids in case of dehydration
ORS-stock outs common with govt. health
Lack of IEC material laying emphasis on
Inadequate training and inadequate
retention of the knowledge and skills about ORT
B. Demand-side barriers
Parents, caregivers and providers are not
convinced of benefits of ORS.
(have knowledge of ORS but don’t use it)
Perception that it is not a medicine
(does not stop diarrhea)
Social beliefs (cooling effect of fluids,
chances of exacerbation of illness)
C. Barriers to Preventing Antibiotic Use
Fever, dehydration and young age prompts
caregiver to prescribe antibiotics
Health workers not convinced of absence
of any benefit.
Demand for antibiotics by patients/parents
is not common but expectation of a product/ medicine by
parents is common.
A recent review has tried to address the problem
of poor performance by community health workers [99]. Most schemes
for these workers assume that there is a sufficient pool of
volunteers to participate in the social service in rural areas and
urban settlements. Most programs pay their community workers a
salary or honorarium and there is no system of sustained community
financing. Other financial incentives range from a small salary from
the state to payments for attendance at training sessions. However,
the costs entailed by lost economic opportunities may be too high
even if they are working on part-time basis. A high attrition rate
contributes to poor stability of the program and increases training
costs because of the need for continuous replacement. Payments and
commissions related to drug dispensing and sales may encourage
inappropriate treatment at the expense of prevention and overuse of
medications. Non-financial approaches to improving performance may
have less potential to distort care than fee-for-service payments or
those associated with drug sales. The review concluded that
policymakers should consider using a mix of financial and
non-financial incentives tailored to local circumstances to improve
health workers’ performance, training programs should be tailored to
the literacy level of the community health workers, and
well-organised supervisory systems should be developed to improve
motivation and provide professional development [99].
G. Social Marketing of ORS
NFHS surveys reported that knowledge of ORS was
consistently better in mothers who are exposed to any kind of mass
media [3,11,12]. Attempts at social marketing of ORT through mass
media have been done in past. Television has been effectively used
impart knowledge in the communities regarding use of ORS and ORT.
A small-scale, questionnaire-based study from the
slums of Delhi, evaluated the effectiveness of the Ministry of
Health’s mass media campaign to promote ORT use during diarrheal
episodes [100]. The knowledge of 59 mothers who watched the
television (TV) advertisement with celebrities delivering simple and
clear messages were compared to 90 mothers who had received ORT
messages from other sources such as health workers. Mothers in the
first group were considerably more likely to know how to correctly
prepare ORS than those who learned about ORT from other sources
(62.7% vs 37.7%). However, no significant difference in use
of ORT at home between the 2 groups existed (69.49% and 53.33%,
respectively). TV advertisements were more likely to teach educated
mothers how to correctly prepare and to use OR at home, than health
staff (81.5% vs 35.5% and 81.5% vs 41.9%,
respectively). These results showed that social marketing of ORS
packets via TV was successful in increasing ORT acceptability,
knowledge and use, and especially among educated mothers. Similar
studies in Bangladesh [101] showed that education incites changes in
attitude and behavior of mothers, which makes them more receptive of
new knowledge and modern medicine. Another possibility for the
education difference may be that TV was able to interest educated
mothers better than health staff. These findings indicate a need to
strengthen education programs in this area using effective media
such as television for both mothers and health care providers
Knowledge gaps and directions for future research
There is an urgent need to find out the reasons
for low ORS use by the users as well as health providers through
large scale representative qualitative studies in the community. The
system-related barriers need to be urgently addressed by
strengthening and overhauling the health system. Acceptability of
different preparations of ORS such as flavoured and ready-made ones
need to be compared to the standard packaging in the community.
National Rural Health Mission is a welcome step in this direction,
and its impact on care-seeking behavior and practices needs to be
continuously monitored. The role of media in improving the practices
needs to be evaluated in operational research programs. With the
revolution in telecommunications, the role of mobile phones in
community education need to be explored. Urgent operational research
is needed to find out the ways to improve the community level
workers’ performance. Their capability in handling various programs
(integrated vs vertical) also need to be explored.
6. Operational Research on Zinc Use in Diarrhea
The efficacy of zinc treatment during diarrhea
has been proved by many randomized, placebo-controlled trials, and
systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials. However, the
effectiveness under real-life conditions is influenced by the
community’s knowledge, attitudes and perceptions, and the quality of
training component and financing system. Data regarding scaling up
of zinc use from effectiveness studies in communities need to be
examined to evaluate its impact on diarrhea management (Table
TABLE V Operational Research On Use Of Zinc During Diarrhea
Author Year
Place |
Sample size and
Profile of
Type of training |
Results |
Comments |
[Ref.] |
characteristics |
health worker |
Bhandari,et al. 2008[104] |
Primary Caresetting, Haryana, India |
Cluster randomized trial Six clusters
of 30,000 people, eachrandomly assigned to intervention and
control sites. Intervention: Zinc and ORS use promoted
through trainings Control: Only ORS promotion |
Government andprivate providersand
village healthworkers
Standard training in diarrhea
management and referral,including appropriate use of zinc.
Duration: half a day for physicians and a full day for
health workers. Education campaigns promoted zinc as 'tonic'
for preventing future episodes. |
After 3 months of intervention:
zinc use during diarrheal episode: 36.5% ORS use: 34.8% vs.
7.8% Compliance with 14 day zinc: 70%Diarrhea in last
two weeks: 13% vs. 18% Antibiotic use: 4% vs. 16% Diarrhea
hospitalizations: After 6 months of intervention: zinc use
during diarrheal episode: 59.8% ORS use: 59.2%
vs. 9.8%Compliance with 14 day zinc: 62%
Diarrhea in last two weeks: 14% vs. 23% Antibiotic use: 2%
vs. 15% |
Extensive IEC campaigns (posters,
announcements) used in intervention areas. Continuous free
supplies of zinc and ORS ascertained. Regular supervision.
Motivation measures for health providers (if any) notclear.
Injection usage and other drug usage remained high inboth
areas. Actual compliance with full 14 day course was 22-36%. |
et al. 2005[105] |
Primary health center of Tigaon in
Faridabad district, Haryana, India. |
Survey of 2364 house-holds having
under-five children served by primary health center.
government providers
(physicians and auxiliary nurse midwives at the primary
health center),private practitioners and community workers
under the ICDS scheme. |
Two day training in diarrhea
management, zinc distribution and use, and referral
criteria. |
There was a shift in care-seeking
from private providers to community health workers. The
prescription and use rates of ORS during diarrhea increased
markedly from 7% atbaseline to over 40% at 3 to 6
months. Zinc was prescribed in more than half of
episodes and 72-74% reported giving the complete 14-day
course. |
Pilot study; formed the basis of
the later cluster-randomized trial. |
Awasthi,et al. 2006[106] |
Outpatient health facilities in six
centers in five countries (Brazil,Ethiopia, Egypt,India and
Philippines |
2,002 children aged 2 to 59 months
Intervention: zinc(20 mg once daily for 14 days) with ORS
Control: ORS alone Locally developed culturally specific
messages for promoting zinc. |
No details onprofile of
health-workers; probably doctors as the study is done in
outpatient health facilities |
No details on training of
healthworkers. Locally developed culturally specific
messages emphasizing therapeutic and pre-ventive benefits of
zinc. |
In five of six sites, ORS use in
cases with continued diarrhea on days 3 to 5 was the same in
the two groups or where it was lower
in zinc group. Overall adherence to zinc
supplementation was 83.8% (95% CI 81-86). Antibiotic/antidiarrheal
use was lesser in the zinc group. |
Quasi-randomized trial; unit
of randomization being the day higher in zinc group, except
in Brazil
Gupta, et al.2007 [107] |
Rural area comprising of 11 villages
in West Bengal |
Randomized double-blind placebo
controlled community based study enrolling1712
children aged between 6 and 48 months in a randomized double
blind study |
Village sur- veillance officers(at
least secondaryschool educated) selected in consultation
with village Panchayat.
Modular training in thelocal
language, including diarrhea management,
preparation of ORS and referral.
Lower incidence of diarrhea in the
supplemented group (RR 0.74, 95%CI 0.64-0.87) 96% of mothers
administered syrup weekly to their children.
Evaluated zinc
supplementation given routinely and not during
diarrheal episodes.
et al. 2004 [108] |
Community based cluster randomized
trial 3,974 children in the intervention clusters and 4,096
in control clusters, Intervention: zinc and ORS promotion
and distribution; Control: ORS distribution and emphasis on
feeding |
Community healthworkers and community
volunteers |
Standard training to community health
ORS use 75% vs. 50% Antibiotic
prescription 13% vs. 34% Other medicines 15% vs 45% |
Continuous free supplies of
zinc and ORS ascertained. Regular supervision. Motivation
measures for health providers (if any) not clear. |
Bhandari, et al. [104] conducted a
cluster-randomized trial in Haryana utilizing government providers
(doctors, ANMs and Aanganwadi workers) and private
practitioners (including unlicenced) as channels of delivery of
intervention (provision of zinc and ORS along with caregiver
education on their use) after a brief training in diarrhea
management and zinc use. The earlier pilot work [105] by this group
had demonstrated the feasibility to train various government and
community channels to promote zinc as a treatment for acute diarrhea
through the primary healthcare system. Information education and
communication (IEC) activities involved posters and campaigns to
promote zinc as a treatment for diarrhea, as well as a "tonic" that
prevents diarrhea over the ensuing months, to ensure compliance with
the full 14-day course. Uninterrupted supplies of ORS packets and
zinc were ensured. The intervention resulted in reduction in the
prevalence of diarrhea and hospitalizations. ORS use increased
significantly in the intervention areas, and the intervention also
resulted in reduction in the use of unwarranted oral and injectable
drugs during diarrhea.
Operational feasibility of introducing zinc in
the treatment of diarrhea has also been demonstrated from a
multicentric study in outpatient health facilities of six centers in
five countries [106] where zinc supplementation was taken by 84% of
participants, and it resulted in reduction in antibiotic/antidiarrheal
use. This study however, did not demonstrate a significant increase
in ORS use with zinc supplementation. Operational feasibility of
preventive zinc therapy has also been demonstrated from rural area
of West Bengal [107]. Evidence from a communities of Bangladesh
[108] also documented a significantly higher use of ORS and other
home fluids in the zinc intervention areas than those in the
comparison areas. The probability of use of an antimicrobial during
diarrhea was only about one-third in the intervention children
compared to that in the comparison children.
The improvement in ORS utilization and reduction
in antibiotic use in the populations receiving zinc demonstrates
that the benefits of zinc supplementation extend well beyond
reducing the diarrheal morbidity and mortality. The reasons for
reduction in antibiotic and other unknown drug usage could be a
reflection of fulfilling the caregivers’ expectation of medicine by
dispensing zinc, and a shift in careseeking behavior from private
provider to government functionary. Improvement in ORS use rates are
likely to be the effect of enthusiastic IEC campaigns incorporating
zinc messages along with ORS. Overall, the studies have demonstrated
that an intervention to improve diarrhea management with ORS and
zinc is feasible, acceptable and effective in rural Indian
communities. Further scaling-up of this intervention should be given
priority in India.
Conclusions: Box 8
Knowledge gaps and directions for future
research: Zinc has now been introduced in the National diarrhea
treatment guidelines. Efforts are on to promote its usage by
involving organizations such as Indian Academy of Pediatrics. The
providers’ practices need to be continuously monitored to document
any effect of these strategies. The efficacy of zinc and its effect
on health-seeking behavior, and ORS and antibiotic use rates need to
be monitored in real program based settings. Compliance with the use
of zinc for 14 days needs to be evaluated in the communities. The
preventive effects of using zinc in the program need to be monitored
by conducting follow-up incidence and prevalence studies. The
capability of the existing health system to deliver zinc along with
other strategies in management of diarrhea need to be assessed by
continuous monitoring and supervision.
• Introduction of zinc in treatment of
diarrhea reduces antibiotic prescription and increases ORS
usage provided all health functionaries (including private
providers) are involved in the program and uninterrupted
supplies are maintained.
• Compliance with zinc is acceptable
after IEC activities.
• Intervention of zinc treatment given
during diarrhea can be upscaled through existing
infrastructure, introducing the training component and IEC
This systematic review methodologically collected
and collated evidence from a variety of sources (including but not
restricted to peer reviewed publications), to guide the initiation
and/or scaling-up of advocacy and actions for tackling the burden of
childhood diarrhea in India. This review is a critical first-step in
today’s era of evidence-informed decision-making. The review
concluded that diarrhea is widely prevalent at any point among
under-five children in India, and accounts for 14% of the total
deaths in this age group. Exclusive breastfeeding, handwashing and
point-of-use water treatment were identified to be the most
effective strategies for prevention of all-cause diarrhea. Rotavirus
vaccines, though efficacious in preventing rotavirus specific
diarrhea, need further evaluation for their efficacy and
effectiveness in India or similar settings. The current use rates
for ORS and zinc are unacceptably low. Incorporation of zinc therapy
in the health programs can reduce antibiotic prescription and
improves ORS utilization. Zinc therapy can be upscaled through
existing infrastructure, introducing the training component and
information, education and communication activities.
Results of this review are in consonance with the
existing diarrhea prevention and control strategies. Recent
analysis using Lives Saved Tool (LiST) estimated that diarrheal
deaths can be drastically reduced (by 78%-92%) if key interventions
(ORS, zinc, antibiotics for dysentery, rotavirus vaccine, vitamin A
supplementation, basic water, sanitation, hygiene, and
breastfeeding) were scaled-up in the 68 high child mortality
countries [109].
Previous reviews tended to have methodological
limitations such as incorporation of outdated data; or selective
inclusion (or omission) of evidence supporting a particular
viewpoint. Another strength of this review is that we could access
current data relevant to India from multiple sources including
Health Ministry documents, NFHS series, UNICEF surveys etc.
Therefore, this systematic review can be regarded as current,
comprehensive and oriented to facilitating informed decision making,
especially at program level.
Nevertheless, some limitations of this review
must also be recognized. We did not undertake detailed quality
assessment of the included publications. Therefore we have not
presented insights into the applicability, transferability or
appropriateness of cited evidence with specific reference to the
Indian context. Secondary analysis of the data presented in the
included publications was also not undertaken. Therefore, we are
unable to present a weighted average for numerical data or other
meta-analyses. We have reported data as presented in the original
publications, without filtering or treating them to fit a common
reporting format. This can make it slightly difficult to compare
outcomes presented in variable manner. Although we have accorded
highest priority to recent systematic reviews, some conclusions
presented in systematic reviews could stem from a limited number of
trials (in some cases, even one RCT) and participants. It must also
be noted that we have not undertaken literature search for some
issues like efficacy and effectiveness of zinc and ORS in management
of diarrhea as these are well established interventions, and the
need of a re-appraisal on these was not identified in the
finalization of questions for this systematic review.
Competing interests: None stated;
Disclaimer: The views expressed by authors
are their own and do not reflect the Institutional policies, to
which they belong.
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