Novel H1N1 means the so called pandemic swine flu virus. Seasonal flu
vaccine (2009) means vaccine containing H1N1 strain of yesteryear and not
novel H1N1 strain. Novel H1N1 has replaced to the tune of 90% all the flu
viruses in areas where there has been documented novel H1N1 outbreak. This
is also evident by the sero-epidemiological survey done in areas like Pune,
where nearly 25% of the general population was found to be seropositive
for the novel H1N1strain (most of them asymptomatic though). Hence in such
areas it is futile to use seasonal flu vaccine made for use during 2009.
This vaccine is of no use now as we await ‘seasonal’ vaccine for the year
In 2009, after the pandemic with novel H1N1, there was
need to protect against the new virus (not covered by seasonal vaccine
2009). This is the reason why a monovalent novel H1N1 vaccine was ordered
by WHO for immediate use in world. Now we have more than 5 monovalent
novel H1N1 vaccines available in the world, including one in India
(licensed for use only for >18 years of age individuals). These vaccines
have been used in millions in the developed world since last 6 months.
This is also the reason why WHO has now declared that novel H1N1 strain
will be the only H1N1 strain in the seasonal vaccine, besides the H3N2 and
the B serotypes for this year (2010).
Till the new trivalent vaccine containing novel H1N1 is
available, one has to use monovalent H1N1 vaccine to protect against novel
H1N1 infection. A live nasal monovalent novel H1N1 vaccine is going to be
marketed soon in India for the use from 3 years of age onwards, and we
hope to receive the ‘seasonal’ 2010 vaccine (containing the novel H1N1
strain) by September 2010. The IAP COI recommendations on use of any flu
vaccine remain same as in past (including the novel H1N1 vaccine –
monovalent or trivalent)(1)
1. Singhal T, Amdekar YK, Agarwal RK. IAP Committee on
Immunization 2007-2008. IAP Guidebook on Immunization. New Delhi: Jaypee
Brothers; 2009.