V.V. Khadilkar and A.V. Khadilkar
From the Growth and Pediatric Endocrine Research
Unit, Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Jehangir
Hospital, 32, Sassoon Road, Pune 411 001, India.
Correspondence to: Dr. Vaman Khadilkar, Consultant
Pediatric Endocrinologist, Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research
Institute, Jehangir Hospital, 32, Sassoon Road,
Pune-411 0001, India. E-mail:
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Manuscript received: July 7, 2004, Initial review
completed: September 20, 2004;
Revision accepted: February 2, 2005.
In a prospective study on 11 patients with
Type 1 diabetes we evaluated the glycaemic control and
hypoglycaemic episodes on a combination therapy of "pre-mixed"
and glargine insulin. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C), fasting (FPG)
and Post Prandial blood glucose (PPG) levels were recorded at
baseline and three monthly intervals for a period of 6 months.
The mean HbA1C reduced from 9.5 to 7.3%, incidence of
hypoglycemias from 1.6 to 0.8, mean FPG from 146.5 to 90.4 and
mean PPG from 258.4 to 184 over a six-month observation period.
This regimen also helps to avoid injection of insulin before
lunch so that child’s school schedule is minimally disturbed and
yet the incidence of hypoglycemia is not increased.
Key words: Glycosylated hemoglobin, Insulin glargine,
Type 1 diabetes.
Insulin Glargine is a long acting
analogue of insulin, which has a peakless profile and has been
used successfully in the management of type 1 diabetes in
combination with short or ultra short acting insulin
preparations(1). It has been shown to reduce the incidence of
nocturnal hypoglycemia and is at least as effective as NPH in
controlling Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C)(2,3). In most clinical
trials insulin glargine is used as basal insulin along with 3 or 4
doses of short or ultra short acting insulin. The disadvantage of
this regimen is that a minimum of 4-5 injections per day have to
be administered, very frequent blood sugar monitoring becomes
mandatory and the cost of monitoring and therapy together is quite
high. We studied the glycemic control in type I diabetic children
using a combination of partial "pre-mixed", short acting and
glargine insulin and also the safety of this combination in terms
of hypoglycemia. We used a novel combination of NPH, short acting
and glargine insulin to reduce the number of injections, partly
reduce the cost of treatment while achieving better control of
HbA1C and blood sugars thus potentially reducing long term
complications. Reports of the use of Insulin glargine in type 1
diabetes are rare in Indian literature, hence this report.
Subjects and Methods
Eleven patients with Type I diabetes between
the age of 7 and 15 years were studied. At the beginning of the
study all children were on "pre-mixed"(4) i.e., 2 daily doses of
combination of short and inter-mediate acting insulins (in
proportion of 2/3 intermediate acting and 1/3 short acting) given
as before breakfast and before dinner doses. At the beginning of
study period all 11 children’s regimen was changed to before
breakfast combination of short acting and NPH insulin (1/3 and 2/3
dose respectively) and before dinner combination of short acting
and Glargine insulin, Glargine being given as a separate injection
at a separate site. No insulin injection was given before lunch.
Patients were asked to perform home monitoring of blood glucose (HMBG)
on three days of the week and keep a diary and were requested to
report to the clinic every month. Performance checks were made on
patient’s glucometers at each of these monthly visits. HbA1C was
performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
Parameters studied included height, weight, HMBG readings,
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and number of symptomatic
hypoglycemic episodes at baseline, 3 months and 6 months period.
Ethical committee of our research institute
approved the study and all patients’ assent and parents signed
informed consent was obtained before the study was started.
Of the 11 patients studied, 7 were females and
4 were males. Mean age of patients at the time of starting insulin
glargine was 11.2 years and mean duration of diabetes was 3.9
years (6 months to 8 years). The dose of glargine used at the
beginning was 0.2 units/kg/day and increased to 0.3 units/kg/day
at 3 months interval due to higher than acceptable fasting glucose
and HbA1C levels. Mean daily dose of insulin was 0.9 µ/kg at
baseline, it was 1 µ/kg at 3 months and remained the same at the
end of 6 months of therapy. Two patients dropped out of the study
after 3 months of therapy as they found 3 injections (as opposed
to two of pre-mixed insulin) hard to take. Wilcoxon Signed rank
test was applied to the HbA1C performed on the 9 patients and a
significant difference was found in the HbA1C at baseline and six
months. The same test was applied to the body mass index standard
deviation scores (BMISDS) at baseline and six months of therapy
and no significant difference was found in the BMISDS.
As can be seen in Table I the HbA1C , fasting
and post prandial plasma glucose levels reduced after 6 months of
therapy (mean FPG at baseline-146.5 mg/dL, at 6months- 90.4, mean
PPG at baseline –258.4, at 6 months 184 mg/dL).
Table I
Mean Values of Study Parameters
Baseline |
3 months
6 months |
Glycosylated hemoglobin(%)
Hypoglycemic episodes
Glargine dose (unit/kg/d)
Short acting insulin dose/kg
“Premixed” insulin dose/kg
Total insulin/day in µ/kg
Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dL)
Post prandial glucose (mg/dL)
The decline in plasma glucose levels, incidence
of hypoglycemia and decline in HBA1C is shown in (Figs. 1-3)
respectively. There was a reduction in mean number of
hypoglycemia’s from 1.6 to 0.5 at three months to become 0.8 at 6
months. This was possibly due to the fact that one patient was
inadvertently given double the dose of insulin resulting in a
hypoglycemic episode. No nocturnal hypoglycemias were noted.
Fig. 1. The decline in plasma glucose
levels was from 146.5 to 90.4 mg/dl (fasting) and 254.4 to
184.0 mg/dl (post prandial) after six months of therapy. |
Fig. 2. Reduction in mean number of
hypoglycemias was from 1.6 to 0.5 at three months to become
0.8 at six months. |
Fig. 2. Reduction in mean number of
hypoglycemias was from 1.6 to 0.5 at three months to become
0.8 at six months. |
Insulin Glargine is a recombinant analogue of
regular insulin that is produced by adding two arginine molecules
at the end of B chain and substitution of one glycine unit in
place of aspargine at position 21 on the A chain. This insulin is
soluble in acidic medium but precipitates in the neutral pH of
subcutaneous tissue forming small particulate hexamers, which
slowly get absorbed in the circulation. It thus provides
approximately 24 hours of peakless insulin mimicking the natural
basal pancreatic secretion.
In the early years of Type 1 diabetes as there
is some preservation of circulating natural insulin still present,
pre-mixed or two daily injections of combination of short acting
and intermediate acting insulin are often given to control sugars.
This regimen gives four peaks of insulin thus providing cover for
mealtime hyperglycemia as well as basal insulin. The downside of
this regimen is that it produces night time hypoglycemia due to
late peak that NPH produces following pre dinner dose. As the
duration of Type 1 diabetes increases there is near total absence
of endogenous insulin and hence after first few years "pre-mixed"
regimens are not ideal. Glargine is an ideal long acting insulin
to control hyperglycemia in between meals and when coupled with
3-4 injections of regular or lispro insulin before meals it is a
most successful regimen (besides Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin
therapy [CSII]) in controlling hyperglycemia. This regimen also
prevents night time hypoglycemia and it has been shown in large
trials such as DCCT that with such multidose regimens it is
possible to postpone the complications of diabetes(5). Insulin
glargine has been shown to be better than twice-daily ultralente
or NPH in controlling HbA1C, and in some studies it has been shown
to control fasting plasma glucose better than NPH. It comes
closest to CSII, which is the gold standard in insulin therapy
today(6) and use of Glargine has been shown to reduce the
incidence of hypoglycemia in general and nocturnal hypoglycemia in
In India there are many restrictions on use of
intensive therapy, which include exorbitant cost of newer insulin
analogues, lack of 24 hours access to diabetes clinic, patients’,
parents and teachers’ inability to accept the demanding life style
due to HMBG and multiple injections. Long school hours and
reluctance of parents to use injections in the school premises
adds to the problems.
We used a regimen, which consisted of before
breakfast combination of short acting and NPH insulin thus giving
2 peaks during daytime, one following breakfast and second
following lunch. This eliminates the need for before lunch insulin
injection and also allows for in between meal snacking, which is
common in children. The second set of injections was used before
dinner as a combination of short acting insulin and glargine at
two separate sites. This provided cover for post dinner
hyperglycemia and baseline insulin cover for 24 hours was provided
by glargine. As no NPH was used at dinnertime there was no danger
of late night insulin surge causing hypoglycemia. NPH during
daytime along with glargine increased the level of circulating
insulin during waking hours but as most children eat 4-5 times
during the day, increased incidence of hypo-glycemias during the
day was not noted. Weight gain was a concern but was not observed
in our patients, as was seen from the BMISDS, possibly because the
total dose of insulin remained almost constant before and after
initiation of glargine. Glargine is an expensive insulin at
present and its cost (about Rs 2/unit) increases further due to
short shelf life after opening the vial. Vials are only available
in 1000 units thus increasing the wastage. Prefilled pen
cartridges which are available abroad will be welcome to make it
more affordable for our patients.
Our study shows that concomitant use of
Glargine and NPH is possible. Fasting and post meal sugars as well
as HbA1C was better controlled in our patients thus potentially
reducing long term complications. The lowering of the HbA1C may
also partly be attributed to the greater scrutiny of the patients
by the parents and the study team. Three injections per day was
acceptable to most patients and smaller vials or pre filled
cartridges will help to reduce wastage and improve cost
Contributors: VVK and AVK carried out the
clinical workup. AVK collected the data and both authors drafted
the manuscript. VVK will act as guarantor of the study.
Funding: HCJMRI, Jehangir Hospital, Pune.
Competing interests: Nil.
Key Messages |
• A combination of glargine insulin with NPH and short
acting insulin may allow better Glycemic control without
increasing hypoglycemic episodes thus reducing the risk of
long-term complications.
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