The issue of use of nimesulide as an anti-pyretic agent in children has
generated a lot of debate in the last 24 months and I must compliment
Piyush Gupta and H.P.S. Sachdev for conducting and reporting a
systematic meta-analysis regarding safety of oral use of nimesulide in
children. They have concluded that for short-term use (< 10 days)
in children, nimesulide is as ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’ as other
analgesics-antipyretics(1). Meta-analysis provides one of the strongest
scientific evidence for a research question. However, type B adverse
drug reactions, which are bizarre reactions that cannot be predicted
from the known pharmacology of the drug, are extremely rare occurrences.
A large sample size would be required to pick up such reactions(2,3). At
least 30000 people need to be treated with a drug (and their data
analyzed) to be sure that a reaction with an incidence of 1 in 10000 is
not missed(4). These events and reactions are best detected through
post-marketing surveillance(5). Therefore, the government should
establish a countrywide network operating on a continuous basis, for
monitoring the safety of newly introduced, if not all, drugs. At
present, departments of Clinical Pharmacology at select medical colleges
and only a few centers are working in this area(6). These centers are
collecting data regarding adverse drug events only from a few physicians
working in the same institution. Although these efforts are laudable,
they are not able to generate the kind of data, which could form the
basis of corrective measures. As we are unable to generate data
pertaining to side effects of drugs in our own population, we are
heavily dependent on the data generated in other countries and advisory
notes issued and regulatory actions taken by regulators elsewhere. And
when the regulators world over are divided in their opinion about safety
of a drug, Indian drug regulators are in a dilemma regarding allowing
its continued production and marketing. In this context it should also
be noted that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of different type or
severity might occur in Indian population due to socio-cultural and
ethnic factors(6), making it imperative upon us to generate Indian data.
Previously, new drugs were introduced in the Indian
market after a gap of several years. Hence the physicians and
regulators here were able to draw upon the data generated in the
countries that were using the drug for those years. It has been
observed that the lag has now decreased considerably(7). This makes it
even more pertinent for us to have an indigenous system to detect
adverse drug events. The centers under the nation-wide
pharmacovigilance system should collect data regarding adverse drug
events from clinicians, pharmacists, nurses and lay people. The apex
center under the system could collate the data and perform analytical,
advisory and regulatory functions. It could put up alerts and advisory
notes for the clinicians regarding ADRs and safety of drugs. At
present, the clinicians are not aware of the valuable contribution
that they can make in monitoring drug safety. Hence, the
pharmacovigilance program should also take up educational activities
in collaboration with professional bodies like the Indian Academy of
Pediatrics, to inform and enlighten clinicians about the need for and
advantages of an active reporting system for monitoring drug safety.
Sandeep B. Bavdekar,
Seth G. S. Medical College and
K. E. M. Hospital,
Parel, Mumbai 400012, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Gupta P, Sachdev HPS. Safety of Oral Use of
Nimesulide in Children: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled
Trials. Indian Pediatr 2003; 40: 518-531.
2. Jefferys DB, Leakey D, Lewis JA, Payne S,
Rawlings MD. New active substances authorized in the United Kingdom
between 1972 and 1994. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1998; 45: 151-156.
3. Pirmohamed M, Park BK. Adverse drug reactions:
Back to future. Br J Clin Pharamacol 2003; 55: 486-492.
4. WHO. Safety of Medicines. A Guide to detecting
and reporting adverse drug reactions. Why health professionals need
to take action. WHO/EDM/QSM/2002.2
5. Pirmohamed M, Breckenridge AM, Kitteringham
NR, Park BK. Adverse drug reactions. Br Med J 1998; 316: 1295- 1298.
6. Kshirsagar NA, Karande S. Adverse drug
reaction monitoring in pediatric practice. Indian Pediatr 1996; 33:
7. Karan RS, Malhotra S, Pandhi P. The Drug Lag: New Drug
Introductions in India in Comparison to United States. J Assoc
Physicians India 2002; 50: 782-787.