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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 2003; 40:795

Nebulised Adrenaline in Wheeze Associated Respiratory Tract Infections

The established fact that nebulised adrenaline is better than salbutamol has been again brought out in this study by Ray and Singh(1), however few points need attention.

1. The title of the article should have mentioned Bronchiolitis in place of WARI, because the authors have studied children with the diagnosis of bronchiolitis.

2. The dose of 0.1 ml of 1:10000 solution of adrenaline for nebulisation does not seem to be correct. The doses used in the study are in variance to suggested doses of 3 ml of 1:1000 solution of L-adrenaline in cases with bronchiolitis(2).

3. It would have been more relevant, that a group was nebulised with normal saline.

4. The fact that 6/45 in adrenaline group, and 14/46 in salbutamol group required hospitalization because of non-improve-ment/deterioration, stress the importance of follow up of the children who were sent home after nebulisation.

A.P. Gupta,
Associate Professor in Pediatrics,
RNT Medical College, Udaipur,


1. Ray MS, Singh V. Comparison of nebulised adrenaline versus salbutamol in wheeze associated respiratory infections in infants. Indian Pediatr 2002; 39: 12-22.

2. Klan TP. Recent Advances in the treatment of bronchiolitis and laryngitis. Pediatr Clin North Am 1997; 44: 249-261.


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