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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2005; 42:405


Doctor-Patient Communication

Conversations in Care - www.conversationsincare.com 

This is an electronic textbook on promoting doctor-patient communication, which can be accessed free, as of now. The communication skills are addressed in various chapters, with each chapter dealing with a particular situation. The situations range from use of non-verbal communication, communication in crisis, breaking bad news, and managing second opinions, among others. The communication strategy in each situation has been beautifully summarized at the end of the chapter.

American Academy on Physician and Patient - www.physicianpatient.org 

The American Academy on Physician and Patient (AAPP) aims to improve patient care through research, education, and improving professional standards in patient-doctor communication. The association publishes two medical journals, Patient Education and Counseling and Medical Encounter, with the latter being available online. An interactive course on healthcare communication, called doc.com, accessible from http://webcampus. med.drexel.edu/demo/doccom/ is an initiative from the association. Their website also contains sections on patient experiences and a monthly patient interview vignette, where difficult interview situations are discussed..

C. Vidyashankar,
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E-mail: [email protected]




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