Indian Pediatr 2010;47: 890-891 |
Plasma Efavirenz in HIV-Infected Children
Treated with Generic Antiretroviral Drugs in India |
Geetha Ramachandran, AK Hemanth Kumar, M
Vasantha, Ira Shah* and Soumya Swaminathan#
From the Tuberculosis Research Centre (Indian Council of
Medical Research), Chennai, India; and
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, *BJ Wadia Hospital
for Children,
Mumbai, India.
Correspondence to:
[email protected]
We measured plasma concentration of efavirenz (EFV) in 16
HIV-infected Indian children receiving antiretroviral treatment at
Government ART centres. The mean 12-hour concentration was 2.39 µg/mL
(range: 0.72- 7.82 µg/mL). The majority of children treated with generic
EFV at currently recommended doses had blood levels within the
therapeutic range.
Key words: Antiretroviral treatment, HIV-infected children,
Plasma Efavirenz.
The National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)
has developed a weight-based dosing card used in antiretroviral treatment
(ART) centres, which aims to provide the correct dose of antiretroviral
drugs to children(1). We measured the steady state 12-hour plasma
concentration of efavirenz (EFV) in HIV-infected Indian children receiving
treatment with generic drugs, to determine if this weight-based approach
resulted in optimal blood levels.
Sixteen HIV-infected children (6 males) receiving an
EFV-containing ART regimen for at least two weeks from Government ART
centres at Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Chennai; Government
Rajaji Hospital, Madurai; and BJ Wadia Hospital, Mumbai; were recruited.
The mean age was 101 months, mean CD4 count was 14% and mean body weight
was 18.8 kg. None were on concurrent rifampicin-containing anti-TB
treatment. The study was cleared by the Institutional Ethics Committee;
informed written consent was obtained from parent/guardian. Twelve-hour
plasma EFV concentration was determined by HPLC(2).
The mean 12-hour EFV concentration in the 16 children
was 2.39 µg/mL (range: 0.72-7.82 µg/mL). The blood levels were within the
therapeutic range (1 – 4 µg/mL) of EFV in 12, below 1.0 µg/mL in 1 and
above 4.0 µg/mL in 3 children. The only child who had sub-therapeutic EFV
concentration had not shown an increase in CD4 cell counts up to 36 months
of treatment. Weight gain ranged from 0.3 to 19.5 kg during a treatment
period of 1 to 93 months and clinical status showed improvement in all
The clinical recommendations for treatment of children
with EFV are based on data obtained in adult patients(3). In this small
group of children studied, the mean dose of EFV received was 14.6 mg/kg
body weight, which is within the recommended dosing range (10.0 to 16.7
mg/kg). Hirt, et al.(4) suggested that pediatric dosing guidelines
for EFV should be based on both age and body weight, since plasma
clearance of EFV decreased significantly with age, due to higher activity
of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in younger children.
We found that the majority (15 out of 16 children)
receiving EFV doses based on the NACO guidelines had 12-hour EFV
concentrations within or above the therapeutic range. Three children with
drug levels above the therapeutic limit did not have any obvious adverse
effects due to EFV. Although these findings are encouraging, the small
sample size limits the generalizability of the conclusions. Our study
findings are consistent with those in Thai HIV-infected children(5), but
differ with von Hentig, et al.(6) and Ren, et al.(7), who
reported a higher proportion of children with sub-therapeutic plasma EFV.
The difference could be due to ethnic variations and genetic factors which
are known to influence EFV pharmacokinetics. Our limitations include the
small sample size, lack of information on CYP2B6 516G>T polymorphism and
post-ART viral load. However, our data provides some preliminary
information that can be used to guide treatment policy for HIV-infected
children in India.
Dr PK Bhavani, Dr Poorana Ganaga Devi, Ms P Vennila and
HIV laboratory staff.
Funding: USAID through WHO, SEARO, New Delhi.
Competing interests: None.
1. National AIDS Control Organisation. Guidelines for
HIV care and treatment in infants and children, November 2006. Available
from http://www. nacoonline.org/quick-links/publication/treatment-care-support.
Accessed on April 03, 2010.
2. Ramachandran G, Kumar AK, Swaminathan S, Venkatesan
P, Kumaraswami V, Greenblatt DJ. Simple and rapid liquid chromatography
method for determination of efavirenz in plasma. J Chromatogr B Analyt
Technol Biomed Life Sci 2006; 835: 131-135.
3. van Leth F, Phanuphak P, Ruxrungtham K, Baraldi E,
Miller S, Gazzard B, et al. Comparison of first-line antiretroviral
therapy with regimens including nevirapine, efavirenz or both drugs, plus
stavudine and lamivudine : a randomized open-label trial, the 2NN study.
Lancet 2004; 363: 1253-1263.
4. Hirt D, Urien S, Olivier M, Pcyriere H, Nacro B,
Diagbouga S, et al. Is the recommended dose of efavirenz optimal in
young West African HIV-infected children? Antimicrob Agents Chemother
2009; 53: 4407-4413.
5. Puthanakit T, Tanbaiboon P, Aurpibul L, Cressey TR,
Sirisanthana V. Plasma efavirenz concentrations and the association with
CYP2B6 516G>T polymorphism in HIV-infected Thai children. Antivir Ther
2009; 14: 315-320.
6. von Hentig N, Koenigs C, Elanjikal S, Linde R,
Dunsch D, Kreuz W, et al. Need for therapeutic drug monitoring in
HIV-1 infected children receiving efavirenz doses according to
international guidelines. Eur J Med Res 2006; 11: 377-380.
7. Ren Y, Nuttall JJ, Egbers C, Eley BS, Meyers TM,
Smith PJ, et al. High prevalence of subtherapeutic plasma
concentrations of efavirenz in children. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2007;
45: 133-136.