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Indian Pediatrics 2000;37: 1291-1292.


NIH Consensus Statements - http://odp.od.nih.gov/consensus/default.html. The NIH Office of Medical Applications of Research (OMAR) manages the NIH Consensus Development Program, the premier health technology assessment and transfer program in American medicine. Under this program, OMAR organizes major conferences that produce consensus statement and technology assessment on controversial issues in medicine important to heath care providers, patients, and the general public. The various consensus statements, including many in pediatrics, are accessible from this site.

Cochrane Neonatal Collaborative Review Group-www/nichd.nih.gov/cochraneneonatal.

These systematic reviews on controversial topics were provided by the Cochrane Neonatal Collaborative Review Group, and are the result of activity sponsored, in part, by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). The full text of the reviews can be downloaded from this site.

Human Genome Project - http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis/. Information about this significant advance in biotechnology including the project progress, its applications, the various ethical, legal and scientific issues associated with it can be accessed from this site. The website is maintained by the US Department of Energy, one of the co-ordinaters of this project. Educational videos, audios and webcasts about this project can also be viewed from their site.

HIV/AIDS Information Center-www/ ama.assn.org/special/hiv/hivhome.htm. The JAMA HIV/AIDS Information Center is designed as a resource for physicians and other health professionals. The site is produced and maintained by JAMA editors. This site contains the latest news, information about treatment and prevention and resource for patients and professionals.

Pocket Pediatrics-http://members.aol.com/pocketpeds/index.htm. This is a pocket size booklet of information on over 300 of the most frequently prescribed pediatric medica-tions. The full text can be accessed on-line. In addition, the website contains quick reference sheets on common childhood diseases, parent information cards on pediatrics over the counter preparations and instructions on medication administration techniques.

Journal of Indian Medical Association- www.jimaonline.org. The largest circulated medical journal, and one of the oldest among the indexed medical journals in India is now online. The full text of this monthly journal can be accessed free of charge. The site uses flash, a multimedia software for its title page, which takes time to load. The articles are available in a printer friendly format and also in pdf format for downloading.

C. Vidyashankar
Military Hospital, Namkum,
Ranchi 834 010, India.

[email protected]


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