Indian Pediatr 2012;49:
377-399 |
Burden of Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) in
India: A Systematic Review
Pooja Dewan and Piyush Gupta
From the Department of Pediatrics, University College
of Medical Sciences, Delhi 110 095, India.
Correspondence to: Dr Piyush Gupta, Block R-6-A,
Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110 095, India.
[email protected]
Background :
Rubella, though a mild, vaccine-preventable disease, can manifest with
severe teratogenic effects in the fetus labeled as congenital rubella
syndrome (CRS) due to primary maternal rubella infection. Despite a
reduction in disease burden of several vaccine-preventable diseases
through childhood immunization, CRS continues to account for preventable
severe morbidity including childhood blindness, deafness, heart disease,
and mental retardation.
Objective: To conduct a systematic review to
describe the prevalence of CRS and its contribution to major long-term
handicaps in Indian population. Another objective was to estimate the
susceptibility to rubella infection in Indian adolescent girls and women
of reproductive age-group. We also explored strategies to decrease CRS
in India by identifying the immunogenicity of rubella containing
vaccines (RCV) in Indian children and women, as well as their coverage
in India.
Methods: Publications reporting ‘CRS prevalence
in general population as well as selected subgroups i.e., suspected
intra-uterine infection, congenital ocular abnormalities, deafness,
congenital heart disease, mental retardation, and congenital
malformations’, ‘seroprevalence to rubella (IgG) amongst women and
adolescents’, and ‘immunogenicity and coverage of RCVs’ in Indian
population were retrieved through a systematic search. Primary databases
employed were Medline through PubMed and IndMed, websites of the WHO,
and UNICEF. No restrictions were applied in terms of study designs. The
primary outcome measure was ‘congenital rubella syndrome’ (CRS) which
was further categorized as ‘suspected CRS’ and ‘confirmed CRS’ as
defined by World Health Organization (WHO).
Results: Comprehensive evidence about the true
burden of CRS in India is not available. Almost all studies have been
done in institutional/hospital set-ups and community-based studies are
grossly lacking. There are no studies assessing the prevalence of CRS in
general population. All studies have evaluated the CRS burden in
symptomatic cohorts of children. 1-15% of all infants suspected to have
intra-uterine infection were found to have laboratory evidence of CRS.
About 3-10% of suspected CRS cases are ultimately proven to have
confirmed CRS with the aid of laboratory tests. CRS accounts for 10-15%
of pediatric cataract. 10-50% of children with congenital anomalies have
laboratory evidence of CRS. 10-30% of adolescent females and 12-30% of
women in the reproductive age-group are susceptible to rubella infection
in India. RCVs are highly immunogenic in Indian adolescents and women.
The coverage data of RCVs in India is not available. However, the
coverage of MMR vaccine has been reported as 42%, 30% and 5% from Delhi,
Chandigarh and Goa, respectively.
Conclusion: This systematic review identifies and
explores factors associated with the prevalence of CRS in India. There
is a need for urgent action in terms of revamping the national
immunization policy and introduction of RCVs in the national
immunization program. Active surveillance of rubella and CRS is needed
to redress the burden of CRS in India.
Keywords: Congenital rubella syndrome, India, Prevalence,
Rubella, Susceptibility, Vaccine.
Rubella although a mild viral illness, is of high
public health importance owing to the teratogenic effects that can
result from congenital rubella infection (CRI), leading to miscarriage,
fetal death, or birth of an infant with congenital rubella syndrome
(CRS). The clinical spectrum of CRS includes ophthalmic, auditory,
cardiac, and craniofacial defects. Worldwide, it is estimated that more
than 100 000 infants are born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)
each year [1]. According to the estimates based on a statistical model
derived from the seroprevalence data from SEAR during 2000-2009, 46,621
infants with CRS are born annually in South East Asian Region (SEAR)
alone [2].
Recognizing the fact that CRS is a cause of
preventable morbidity including childhood blindness and deafness, which
in turn has life-long special health and social needs, the World Health
Organization (WHO) has advocated the use of rubella containing vaccines
(RCV) in many countries (discussed later). To mitigate the CRS
incidence, the United States strategized to vaccinate all infants
against rubella [3], while the United Kingdom, targeted adolescent girls
for vaccination [4]; however, both the strategies were only partially
successful. The reason for partial failure of these strategies were that
while in the United States pregnant women continued to be exposed to
rubella in children and adults; in the United Kingdom unvaccinated girls
who refused vaccination were still exposed to rubella cases because of
circulation of virus in the male population and children. It was soon
realized that combining universal immunization of infants with
vaccination of adolescent girls and adult women was the most effective
approach to eliminate rubella and CRS. By 2009, 130 out of 193 member
countries had incorporated rubella vaccine into their national routine
childhood immunization programs. However, only 4 out of 11 countries in
the WHO SEAR and 2 out of 46 member states in the WHO African region had
incorporated the RCV into their immunization schedule till 2009 [2].
Before the introduction of rubella vaccine in 1969,
the global incidence of CRS ranged from 0.8-4/1000 live births during
rubella epidemics to about 0.1-0.2/1000 live births during endemic
periods [5]. The World Health Organization established goals to
eliminate rubella and CRS in the WHO Region of the Americas by 2010, and
the WHO European Region by 2015, and in the WHO Western Pacific Region
for accelerated rubella control and CRS elimination by 2015. Sustained
vaccination strategy enabled America to decrease rubella cases by 98%,
from 1,35,947 in 1998 to 2,998 in 2006. Consequently, the CRS incidence
had also decreased. The last confirmed case of CRS was delivered in
Brazil on 26 August, 2009 and no new cases of CRS were reported from
America in 2010. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is due to
confirm rubella and CRS elimination from the American region by 2012
[6]. While the western hemisphere continues to make huge strides in its
endeavor to control CRS, 52% of the developing countries, including
India, which account for two-third of the global birth cohort, are yet
to incorporate the MMR vaccine in their national schedule [1].
In addition to appropriate vaccination with good
coverage, adequate surveillance of CRS is needed to ensure continued
control. In 2009, out of 193 WHO member states, 123 states were
reporting CRS and a total of 165 CRS cases were reported in 2009 [2].
While surveillance data on CRS from most developed countries is
available, statistics from most developing countries including India is
lacking. In India, no country-wide estimates of CRS burden and
susceptibility to rubella infection are available as there is lack of a
national surveillance and registry for rubella. In addition, diversity
of laboratories and assay techniques makes comparison of data
challenging [7]. In the absence of rubella surveillance data,
understanding regional endemic-epidemic cycles of rubella virus is
difficult and it is not possible to devise a national strategy to
curtail the morbidity due to rubella infection. Therefore, there is a
need to summarize and critically evaluate all available data related to
the prevalence of congenital rubella syndrome and the susceptibility of
Indian adolescent girls and women in reproductive age-group to rubella
Study Design
We aimed to review and describe the prevalence of CRS
and its contribution to major long-term handicaps in Indian population.
Another objective was to review the available literature to have an
estimate of the susceptibility to rubella infection in adolescent girls
and women of reproductive age-group, in India. We also looked at the
studies documenting the immunogenicity of rubella containing vaccines
(RCV) in children and women of reproductive age-group, and the
population covered by the rubella containing vaccines, in India. For
this, the standard methodology for conducting a narrative systematic
review was adapted [8].
For the primary research question ‘evaluation of
prevalence of congenital rubella syndrome in India’; secondary research
issues were framed to review the disease-specific burden of CRS in
selected subgroups i.e., suspected intra-uterine infection, congenital
ocular abnormalities, deafness, congenital heart disease, mental
retardation, and congenital malformations. The second research question
i.e., susceptibility of Indian adolescent girls and women of
reproductive age-group to rubella infection, was addressed separately.
Studies pertaining to either seroprevalence or susceptibility to rubella
infection were searched. Seroprevalence (anti-rubella IgG positivity)
was taken as surrogate marker for immunity to rubella infection.
To address the research questions, the primary
databases employed were Medline through PubMed (www.pubmed.com)
and IndMed (http://indmed.nic.in/). Specific sources including
National Sample Survey, World Health Organization (WHO) reports
available online (www.who.int), documents of the UNICEF available
online (www.unicef.org/india/), National Family Health Survey (http://www.nfhsindia.org/),
and documents of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government
of India (www.mohfw.nic.in) available online were also accessed
to address specific questions. Further, reference lists of included
publications were searched to identify additional studies. No attempt
was made to obtain unpublished data, or data unavailable in the public
domain, or data available within specific institutions at the national,
state or local level.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Types of publications: All types of publications
available in scientific public domain and reporting on congenital
rubella infection in India by direct data collection through clinical
examination, laboratory testing, or clinical history taking, were
included. Publications based on indirect data sources or extrapolations
were excluded.
Type of participants: Publications were included
pertaining to rubella infection in neonates, infants, under-5 children,
adolescents (10-19y), women of reproductive age-group (16-45y) and
pregnant/parturient women. Studies on rubella infection in general
population, general child population and special groups (children with
suspected intra-uterine infection, congenital ocular abnormalities,
cataract, blindness, hearing impairment, mental retardation, congenital
heart defects, and congenital malformations) were also included.
Outcome variables
For this review, the primary outcome variable was
‘congenital rubella syndrome’ (CRS) which was further categorized as
‘suspected CRS’ and ‘confirmed CRS’ as specified by CDC [9] and accepted
by World Health Organization (WHO), or as per author’s definitions. WHO
defines a suspected CRS case as an infant less than 1 year of age
who does not meet the criteria for a probable or confirmed case but who
has one of more of the following clinical findings: cataracts or
congenital glaucoma, congenital heart disease (most commonly patent
ductus arteriosus or peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis), hearing
impairment, pigmentary retinopathy, purpura, hepatosplenomegaly,
jaundice, microcephaly, developmental delay, meningoencephalitis, or
radiolucent bone disease. WHO defines a probable CRS case as an
infant without an alternative etiology that does not have laboratory
confirmation of rubella infection but has at least 2 of the following:
cataracts or congenital glaucoma, congenital heart disease (most
commonly patent ductus arteriosus or peripheral pulmonary artery
stenosis), hearing impairment, or pigmentary retinopathy; or an infant
with one of the above findings and one of the following: purpura,
splenomegaly, microcephaly, mental retardation, meningoencephalitis,
radiolucent bone disease or neonatal jaundice. A confirmed CRS case
is an infant with at least one symptom (listed above) that is clinically
consistent with congenital rubella syndrome; and laboratory evidence of
congenital rubella infection as demonstrated by isolation of rubella
virus from appropriate sample, or detection of rubella-specific
immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody, or infant rubella antibody level that
persists at a higher level and for a longer period than expected from
passive transfer of maternal antibody (i.e., rubella titer that does not
drop at the expected rate of a twofold dilution per month), or a
specimen that is PCR positive for rubella virus. An infant with a
positive blood test for rubella IgM who does not have
clinically-confirmed CRS is classified as having congenital rubella
infection (CRI).
Women with rubella specific antibodies (anti-rubella
IgG) in titers deemed protective for rubella (as per manufacturer’s
protocol) detected using seroassays like hemagglutination-inhibition
test (HAIT) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were considered
immune or seropositive for rubella. Women with equivocal results
or those with absent antibodies or antibody titers below the protective
level for rubella (as per the manufacturer’s protocol), described
variously as <10 U/mL, <11 U/mL, <12 U/mL, <15 U/mL using ELISA or <20
U/mL, in different studies were considered as susceptible to
Immunogenicity of rubella containing vaccine
(RCV) was defined in terms of seroconversion atleast 4 weeks
after vaccination with RCV. Pre-vaccination and post-vaccination
serological status was determined by ELISA/HAIT. The change in the
proportion of children having protective levels of anti-rubella
antibodies, before and atleast 4 weeks after vaccination, were estimated
to determine the immunogenicity of RCV.
Coverage of rubella containing vaccine (RCV) in a
geographical area was defined in terms of percentage of children aged
12-60 months or adolescents and women in reproductive age-group who had
received RCVs, as determined by the immunization history or by
confirmation from the immunization records where available.
Searching the Literature
For searching the PubMed, a search string was devised
by converting each research question into PICO format. Mesh headings
were looked for the research theme in question and added to the PubMed
search builder. Salient keywords were included during search. A search
for MESH headings for ‘congenital rubella syndrome’, revealed ‘Rubella
Syndrome, congenital’, which was relevant and yielded 27 subheadings.
For assessing the prevalence of CRS in India, we searched PubMed using
the search search string: "(Epidemiolog* OR Burden OR Morbidity OR
Mortality OR Incidence OR Prevalence OR Profile) AND (Congenital rubella
syndrome OR Rubella OR CRS OR German measles) AND India". An additional
search was made for the secondary research questions by combining
keywords/MESH terms for the secondary research question using the search
string "(*) AND (rubella syndrome, congenital) AND India", where the
asterisk represents the Mesh term/keywords for the secondary research
question. Where no or limited search results were obtained by using the
above search string, search string was modified by deleting "India". To
search the IndMed, the search string was kept simple using search
keywords. The detailed search strings used are shown in Table
I. The search date, search terms, search string and search output
were recorded and saved.
TABLE I Research Questions and Search Strings Used
Research Question |
Search string for searching PubMed |
Search string for
searching IndMed |
1 |
What is the prevalence of congenital |
(epidemiolog* OR burden OR morbidity OR |
rubella AND India
rubella syndrome (CRS) in India? |
morbidity OR mortality or incidence OR
To determine the disease-specific
prevalence OR profile) AND (cogenital rubella |
prevalence of CRS in children with: |
syndrome OR rubella OR crs OR German |
Suspected intra-uterine infection+;
measles) AND India. |
Congenital ocular abnormalities*;
deafness#; congenital heart |
disease£; mental retardation§; |
congenital malformations$ |
2. |
What is the proportion of women of
(epidemiology* OR serology OR susceptibility |
rubella AND India |
reproductive age-group and
OR burden OR surveillance OR morbidity
adolescent girls susceptible to
OR mortality OR incidence OR prevalence
rubella infection in India? |
OR immunity) AND (women OR adolescents
OR child-bearing OR pregnant) AND (rubella
OR congenital rubella syndrome OR crs
OR german measles)AND india
3. |
What is the immunogenicity of
(children OR adolescents OR adults |
rubella AND vaccine AND india
rubella containing vaccines in
OR females) AND (rubella vaccine
children and women of reproductive
OR mmr vaccine) AND (immunity OR serology
age-group in India? |
OR safety OR immunogenicity OR seroprotection
OR seroconversion) AND india |
4. |
What is the coverage of the rubella
(mmr coverage OR rubella vaccine coverage)
rubella AND vaccine AND india |
containing vaccines in India? |
AND india |
PubMed search strings for: +(congenital infection OR
intrauterine infection OR TORCH) AND (rubella syndrome,
congenital) AND india; *(blindness OR cataract OR visual
handicap OR eye defects OR retinopathy OR congenital
malformation) AND (rubella syndrome, congenital) AND india;
#(deafness OR hearing loss OR hearing defect OR sensorineural
hearing loss OR congenital malformation) AND (rubella OR
congenital rubella syndrome); £: (congenital heart defect OR
patent ductus arteriosus OR heart disease OR congenital
malformation) AND (rubella OR congenital rubella syndrome) AND
india; §: (mental retardation OR intellectual disability OR
mental handicap OR developmental delay OR neuromotor dysfunction
OR congenital malformation) AND (rubella OR congenital rubella
syndrome) AND india; $: (congenital abnormalities OR congenital
malformation OR congenital defects) AND (rubella syndrome,
congenital) AND india. |
The next step involved screening all titles
and excluding the titles which were obviously not relevant; the
remaining articles were processed further. The next step involved
examination of the abstract or the introduction (where the abstract
was not published) of the short-listed titles; the ones which were not
found relevant were excluded and the remaining articles were processed
further. The next step involved examination of full-text articles.
Related cross-references in identified articles were also
reviewed and similar steps were performed before short listing the
cross-references. Only English language publications were sought and
Data Collection and Analysis
Each included publication was studied in detail and
relevant data were extracted. All included studies were categorized
according to the following categories:
1. Study population
• General population
• General child population
• Special groups: Children with (i)
suspected intra-uterine infection; (ii) congenital ocular
abnormalities; (iii) hearing impairment; (iv) mental
retardation; (v) congenital heart defects; (vi)
congenital malformations
2. Study-setting
• Community-based
• School-based
• Hospital-based/Healthcare-based
The data were synthesized in a descriptive manner and
no secondary data analysis was performed. Wherever possible, numerical
data were tabulated.
The details of the search output in terms of
citations identified, titles screened, abstracts short-listed and
full-text examined are shown in Webtable I and
Figures 1 and 2. Literature searches were carried out
during December 2011; and updated on 6 February 2012.
Fig. 1 Search results for articles
determining prevalence of congenital rubella syndrome in India.
Fig. 2 Search results for articles
determining the susceptibility to rubella infection in Indian
women and adolescent girls.
1. Prevalence of Congenital Rubella Syndrome in India
No systematic review or nation-wide cohort study is
available addressing the disease burden or prevalence of CRS in
community settings. There are no studies evaluating the prevalence of
CRS in general population or general child population. A total of 27
studies could be identified that had assessed the prevalence of CRS in
certain specific populations. There are 11 studies which assess the
burden of suspected intra-uterine infection due to CRS in children
[10-20]. Out of 11 studies, 4 studies assess the prevalence of confirmed
CRS in children with clinically suspected CRS [17-20]. There are 14
studies in children with congenital ocular abnormalities [14,19,20-31],
4 in children with hearing impairment [32-35], 5 in children with mental
retardation [13-15,20,22], 2 in children with congenital heart disease
[20,22],and 4 in children with congenital malformations [15,20,22,36].
Almost all of these studies have been done in hospital set-ups where
cohorts of children with specific clinical features or symptoms have been
evaluated. These are 4 laboratory-based studies [10,17,18,36]. There are
2 studies assessing the prevalence of CRS amongst school children
attending schools for deaf and mute [33,35]. The study design was
prospective in 11 studies [11-16,19,21,25,33,35], case-control in 5
studies [20,22,28,29,34] and retrospective in 11 studies
Only one large community-based study has addressed
the prevalence of CRS in India [21]. This study was conducted in Tamil
Nadu, over a period of 2 years (2002 to 2004), amongst 51,548 under-5
children with ocular abnormalities (cataract, corneal opacity, glaucoma,
microphthalmos, optic atrophy, nystagmus, etc), mental retardation, or
developmental delay. Probable CRS cases were recruited from hospital and
outreach services of the Aravind Eye Care System. Clinical confirmation
was based on the fulfilment of the World Health Organization (WHO)
definition, and laboratory confirmation was based on a positive test for
IgM antibody. 2.1% (n=1090) children had clinically suspected CRS
(probable CRS) while 0.58% (n=299) were clinically confirmed CRS
and 0.0009% (n=46) were laboratory confirmed CRS. Presence of
cataract (P <0.0001), iris hypoplasia (P <0.0001)
retinopathy (P <0.0001), microcornea (P =0.003) and
glaucoma (P <0.0001) were significantly associated with clinical
CRS. The presence of cataract (P <0.0001), microcornea (P
<0.0001) and glaucoma (P =0.002) were significantly associated
with laboratory confirmed CRS. Of all the eye signs evaluated for
screening, cataracts were most sensitive (80.4%) for detecting CRS. Iris
hypoplasia and pigmentary retinopathy were highly specific for CRS. Only
6 of the nearly 992 mothers of children with suspected CRS had been
vaccinated against rubella.
Prevalence of CRS amongst children with suspected
intra-uterine infection
There are 11 studies evaluating prevalence of CRS
amongst children with suspected intra-uterine infection as shown in
Table II; of these 8 are hospital-based [11-16,19,20] and 3
are laboratory-based [10,17,18]. Of these 7 studies have been conducted
prospectively [11-16,18] while there is 1 case-control study [20] and 3
retrospective chart reviews [10,17,18]. There are 4 studies [17-20]
assessing the laboratory evidence of rubella infection in clinically
suspected CRS cases. Web Table II shows the detailed
description of the studies evaluating the prevalence of CRS in children
with suspected intra-uterine infection.
TABLE II Prevalence of CRS in Children with Clinically Suspected Intra-uterine Infection and
Children with Ocular Abnormalities
S. No |
Study Group |
Study Duration |
Study Design |
Place of Study |
Age-group |
Study Population (n) |
Confirmed CRS (%) |
Prevalence of CRS in Children with Clinically Suspected
Intra-uterine Infection |
1. |
Das, et al. [10] |
1991-2003 |
Delhi |
0-12 months |
2. |
Chakravarti, et al. [11] |
2006* |
HB, prospective |
Delhi |
0-12 months |
3. |
Deorari, et al. [12] |
1992-1994 |
HB, prospective |
Delhi |
0-1 month |
4. |
Abraham, et al. [13] |
1996-1997 |
HB, prospective, |
Vellore |
0-12 months |
5. |
Ballal, et al. [14] |
1991-1993 |
HB, prospective |
Manipal |
0-12 months |
342 |
6. |
Broor, et al. [15] |
1991* |
HB, prospective |
Delhi |
0-12 months |
7. |
Manjunath, et al. [16] |
1979-1982 |
Multi-centric HB, prospective, |
Delhi |
0-12 months |
8. |
Singh, et al. [17] |
1999-2006 |
Chandigarh |
NA |
9. |
Chandy, et al. [18] |
2000-2008 |
Vellore |
0-12 months |
9.4% |
10. |
Rajasundari, et al. [19] |
2002-2005 |
HB, prospective |
Madurai |
0-60 months |
11. |
Chakrabarty,et al. [20] |
1975* |
HB, CC |
Calcutta |
NA |
66 |
Prevalence of CRS in Children with Ocular Abnormalities |
1. |
Vijayalakshmi, et al. [21] |
2002-2004 |
CB and HB, prospective |
Madurai |
<5y |
51,548 |
0.09% |
2. |
Rajasundari, et al. [19] |
2002-2005 |
HB, prospective |
Madurai |
<5y |
65 |
26% |
3. |
Chaturvedi, et al. [22] |
1976* |
HB, CC |
Lucknow |
NA |
16 |
69% |
4. |
Mahalakshmi, et al. [23] |
1998-2006 |
Chennai |
<1y |
593 |
8.4% |
5. |
Khandekar, et al. [24] |
2003-2005 |
Chitrakoot |
4months-18y |
502 |
- |
6. |
Johar, et al. [25] |
2001-2002 |
HB, prospective |
Ahmedabad |
10 days-15y
172 |
4.1% |
7. |
Malathi, et al. [26] |
1990-1998 |
Chennai |
<12y |
70 |
41% (IgM in serum) |
10% (Viral culture) |
8. |
Madhavan [27] |
1990-1998 |
Chennai |
NA |
86 |
8.1% (Viral culture) |
9. |
Eckstein, et al. [28] |
1993-1994 |
HB, CC |
Madurai |
<15y |
514 |
10.5% |
10. |
Eckstein, et al. [29] |
1993-1994 |
HB, CC |
Madurai |
<1y |
95 |
26.3% (IgM in saliva) 27.9% (IgM in serum) |
11. |
Angra, et al. [30] |
1987* |
Delhi |
NA |
200 |
12. |
Angra, et al. [31] |
1982* |
Delhi |
<1y |
485 |
1.4% (serology)
0.6% (viral culture) |
13. |
Ballal, et al. [14] |
1991-1993 |
HB, prospective |
Manipal |
<1y |
50 |
28% |
14. |
Chakrabarty, et al. [20] |
1975* |
HB, CC |
Calcutta |
NA |
18 |
66.6% |
CB: community-based, CC: case control, HB: hospital-based,
LB: Laboratory-based, NA: Not available, RCR: retrospective
chart review, * Year of Publication, where the study duration
was not specified. |
In a study from a tertiary hospital in Delhi [10],
records of 200 infants and 360 older children with suspected
intra-uterine infection, in whom IgM for rubella was done over a period
of 13 years were reviewed. Only 2 infants showed evidence of acute
rubella infection (IgM positive). Amongst the older children, 15
children (4%) showed anti-rubella IgM. The older children probably had
acquired rubella infection with the common presenting complaints being
maculopapular rash and lymphadenopathy. In contrast, in a prospective
study from another tertiary care centre in Delhi [11], about 10% of
babies suspected to have intra-uterine infection (15 out of 146) were
found to be positive for anti-rubella IgM. Deorari, et al. [12]
in a study from Delhi evaluated cord samples of 1302 consecutive babies
for total IgM. If the total IgM was found to be more than 20mg/dL,
intra-uterine infection was suspected and the samples were further
processed for anti-rubella IgM. Out of 1302 cord samples, 270 had total
IgM>20 mg/dL, out of which 8 samples tested positive for anti-rubella
In a study from Christian Medical College, Vellore
[13], serum samples from 92 infants presenting with neonatal cholestasis,
hematological, cardiac, neurological, ophthalmic, dysmorphic and/or
other anomalies compatible with congenital infections, between January
1996 and December 1997, were tested for anti-rubella IgM. 9 infants
(9.8%) tested positive for rubella infection.
Ballal, et al. [14] evaluated sera from 342
infants suspected of having congenital infection (bilateral congenital
cataract, neonatal hepatitis, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR),
developmental delay with or without microcephaly, hepatosplenomegaly,
cerebral palsy, pneumonitis and hydrocephalus) from January
1991-December 1993 for rubella specific IgM antibodies. Of the total 342
infants, 52 (15.2%) were found to be positive for IgM antibodies to
rubella virus. The commonest clinical presentation in infants with lgM
antibodies to rubella virus was bilateral congenital cataract (14/52)
and developmental delay ± microcephaly (11/52).
Broor, et al. [15] in a study from a tertiary
hospital in Delhi, evaluated 242 infants suspected of having
intra-uterine infection for anti-rubella IgM. 12% infants (30/249) were
positive for anti-rubella IgM. Manjunath et al. [16] in a
multi-centric study from Delhi evaluated 272 infants with suspected
intra-uterine infection, with clinical manifestations like congenital
cataract, microphthalmia, congenital cardiac manifestations, deafness,
low birth weight, microcephaly, neonatal hepatitis, or
hepatosplenomegaly, and their mothers for rubella infection by
hemagglutinatiobn test. Anti-rubella IgM estimation was done in only 16
infants. Overall, 90% of mothers (247/272) and 64.3% infants (175/272)
were seropositive for rubella infection by hemagglutination test. The
seropositivity was highest amongst neonates (73.6%), followed by infants
between 1-3 months age (66.6%) and infants >3 months age (52.5%). 18.75%
infants and 53.3% of mothers had antibody titers > 1:40. Evidence of
congenital rubella was obtained in 18 babies; 16 babies had higher
antibody titers than their mothers and an additional two babies were
positive for anti-rubella IgM.
In a retrospective study from Chandigarh, from 1999
to 2006, Singh, et al. [17] evaluated the records of 947 children
with suspected intra-uterine rubella infection. The children presenting
with one or more of the following manifestations: fever, pneumonia,
jaundice, encephalitis, cardiac anomalies, hearing defects, nephritic
syndrome, growth retardation, or ascites, were screened for rubella
infection by assay of anti-rubella IgM in blood. The age-wise
distribution of suspected cases was 0-29 days: 279, 1 month-1 year: 484,
and >1 year: 184. The seropositivity rates were 2.5%, 4.3%, and 2.3%
amongst children in the age-group 0-29 days, 1 month-1 year, and > 1
year respectively. Overall 2.8% children were IgM positive for rubella
Chandy, et al. [18] reviewed the laboratory
results for 646 infants with clinically suspected CRS between the years
2000 to 2008. CRS was suspected in an infant if he/she had one or more
of the following symptoms and signs: fever, pneumonia, bone lesions,
lethargy, cataract, congenital heart disease, hearing deficiency,
hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, or developmental delay. The proportion of
suspected CRS cases that were laboratory confirmed increased from 4% in
2000 to 11% in 2008. Overall 61 (9.4%) infants were positive for
anti-rubella IgM. 7 of them also gave a history suggestive of rubella
infection in mother during pregnancy. The most common clinical features
seen in confirmed cases were developmental delay, deafness, hepatitis,
cataract, hepatosplenomegaly and respiratory distress.
In another study from south India [19], 65 under-5
children with ocular abnormalities with/without systemic manifestations
consistent with suspected CRS were evaluated in a prospective study for
anti-rubella IgM and IgG [21]. 26% (17/65) children were laboratory
confirmed CRS cases as per the WHO. 79% of children (48/65) were
seropositive for rubella infection (IgM and/or IgG).
Chakrabarty, et al. [20] tested 140 children
with congenital malformations (cases) and 151 healthy children
(controls) for rubella antibodies. Cases were categorized into (a)
Rubella Syndrome (diseases of heart, cataracts, mental retardation,
deafness; n=66), and (b) Other malformed babies (urogenital
malformations, anomalies of skull and brain, diseases of alimentary
tract, miscellaneous defects; n= 74). Seropositivity in cases of
rubella syndrome (48.5%) was significantly higher than that of other
malformed group (17.5%) and controls (33.1%); also antibody titers in
this group (GMT: 60.4) were significantly more than other malformed
group (GMT: 36) and controls (GMT: 33.4).
Prevalence of CRS amongst children with congenital
ocular abnormalities
There are 14 studies evaluating rubella as the
etiology of ocular defects in children (Table II). All
except one study [21] were hospital-based. Of these, 6 studies are
retrospective chart reviews [23,24,26,27,30,31], 4 are case-control
studies [20,22,28,29] and 4 are prospective studies [14,19,21,25]. There
are 3 studies in children with various ocular abnormalities suggestive
of CRS (probable CRS) [19,21,22]; one of them is a large community-based
study [21], which has been described previously.
Rajasundari, et al. [19] conducted a
prospective study in 65 under-5 children with various ocular
abnormalities consistent with a diagnosis of suspected CRS viz.,
congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma, pigmentary retinopathy,
microcornea, cloudy cornea, corneal opacity, megalocornea and
anophthalmia, with/without systemic features of CRS or maternal history
suggestive of rubella infection. Multiple samples from blood, saliva,
lens aspirates and throat swabs were tested for antibodies or viral RNA.
40% of under-5 children with ocular abnormalities were positive for
anti-rubella IgM. 79% of children (48/65) were seropositive for rubella
infection (IgM or IgG). Overall 26% children with ocular abnormalities
(17/65) met the WHO case definition of CRS. Viral RNA was detected in 26
children; the isolation being highest from lens (92% of positives)
followed by saliva (60% of positives).
In a study by Chaturvedi, et al. [22] in the
1970s, out of 197 children with congenital malformations, 16 had eye
anomalies (cataract, optic atrophy, phthisis bulbi, ptosis, coloboma
iris, cryptophthalmos, glaucoma, anophthalmos and micropthalmos). 151
healthy age-matched controls without congenital malformations were also
evaluated. Out of 16 children with eye anomalies, 11 (69%) were
seropositive for rubella by hemagglutination test. 28% of healthy
controls (n=151) were found to be seropositive for rubella.
There are 11 studies evaluating CRS as an etiological
factor for congenital cataract. In a study from south India over 9 years
from a tertiary eye hospital, 8.4% of congenital cataract amongst
infants was attributed to CRS based on detection of IgM rubella
antibodies [23]. Khandekar, et al. [24] in a retrospective study
evaluated the records of 502 children, aged 4 months to 18 years, with
cataract. Of these, 88 children had congenital cataract. Of the 88
children with congenital cataract, 11 eyes had coloboma of iris, 6 had
microcornea, 1 had marfan syndrome with subluxated lens, 3 cases had
other signs of CRS. Thereby, attributing 4% of congenital cataract in
under-18 children to be due to CRS in the absence of any laboratory
diagnostic test (results based on clinical examination).
In a prospective, hospital-based study from western
India, out of 172 children < 15y age with cataract, 7 children (4.6%)
had congenital rubella syndrome [25]. TORCH test for rubella in 63
patients out of 152 patients of non-traumatic cataracts and out of them
7 were found positive for the rubella. 5 children were less than one
year of age at the time of presentation while 2 cases presented at the
age of 7 and 8.5 years respectively. Eight mothers gave a history of
skin rash during pregnancy, out of which one child was positive for
rubella antigen. Rubella cataract was total lamellar type
In a study from Tamil Nadu, the lens aspirates were
collected during a 9-year period (1990 to 1998), from 70 children <12
years with congenital cataract [26]. The lens aspirates were processed
for the isolation of rubella virus by conventional viral isolation
culture method. Identification of the virus was confirmed by
immunofluorescence using human anti-rubella virus specific hyperimmune
serum. Out of these 70 children rubella antibodies were also assessed in
55 children by ELISA test. Rubella virus was isolated from lens
aspirates in 7 out of 70 children with congenital cataract. Out of the
55 sera tested, 22 had both anti-rubella IgM and IgG antibodies, 13 had
only anti-rubella IgG, 7 had only anti-rubella IgM; 13 samples did not
have detectable rubella antibodies. Out of these 55 children, rubella
virus could not be isolated in 49. Out of those 49 children, 12 (24.5%)
were below the age of 6 months. Based on viral isolation, 10% congenital
cataract was attributed to rubella infection. In another study from
Tamil Nadu, Madhavan et al. [27] isolated rubella virus from 8.1%
of lens aspirates from children with congenital cataract.
In a case-control study from Tamil Nadu [28], 514
consecutive children with cataract attending an eye hospital outpatient
clinic were examined and their parents interviewed by a trained
interviewer using a standardized questionnaire. Rubella serology was
performed in infants to detect congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Of the
366 children with non-traumatic cataract, 15% were due to congenital
rubella syndrome. Amongst infants 25% congenital cataracts were due to
rubella. Cataract of nuclear morphology was found to have a 75% positive
predictive value for CRS. None of the controls (n=35) had serological
evidence of rubella. In another study from the same centre [29], 95
consecutive infants with congenital cataract were assessed for rubella
infection by detecting anti-rubella IgM in saliva. In 61 infants
anti-rubella antibodies were also assessed in serum. 26.3% infants with
congenital cataract (25/95) had anti-rubella IgM in saliva. 27.9%
infants (17/61) had anti- rubella IgM in serum.
Angra [30] evaluated 200 children with congenital
cataract for rubella antibodies and found 43 children were seropositive
for rubella. They attributed 21.5% of congenital cataract to congenital
rubella infection. Out of these 43 children, 17 children had clinical
features suggestive of CRS. Previously, Angra [31] reported that amongst
485 infants with congenital cataract, 41 children had maternal history
suggestive of intra-uterine rubella infection. Of these 41 children, 32
(78%) had clinical rubella syndrome. In 34 children (83%) the mother’s
serology was positive and in 7 children (17%) rubella antibodies were
detected. Positive lens culture was obtained in 7.3% children (3/41).
In a study from Karnataka, out of 372 children with
suspected intra-uterine infections; 50 had bilateral congenital cataract
[14]. Serum samples of these infants were tested for rubella specific
IgM antibodies by micro-ELISA. 28% (n=14) infants with bilateral
congenital cataract were seropositive for rubella infection (IgM).
In a study by Chakrabarty, et al. [20] in the
early 1970s, out of 140 children with congenital malformations, 18 had
congenital cataract. 66.6% of the children with congenital cataract had
rubella antibodies detected by hemagglutination test.
Web Table III shows the detailed
methods and results of various studies evaluating the prevalence of CRS
amongst children with congenital ocular abnormalities. Table
II shows the summarized results of Web Table III and
hence should be interpreted with caution.
Prevalence of CRS amongst children with hearing
There are 4 studies evaluating congenital rubella
infection as an etiological factor for deafness in Indian populations (Web
Table IV). Of these, 2 studies have been conducted amongst
children attending schools for deaf and dumb [33,35], while 3 of them
are hospital-based [32-34]. There is 1 case-control study [34], 1
retrospective chart review [32] and 2 prospective studies [33,35]. Rout
et al. [32] found perinatal rubella as a significant etiological
factor for deafness amongst the 38 factors evaluated in a retrospective
study reviewing records of 1000 children <15y with deafness. Other
factors viz., prenatal diseases, exposure to radiation during
gestation, premature delivery, low birth weight, postnatal jaundice and
neonatal seizures, were the significant predictors of hearing impairment
in children. Reddy et al. [33] in a hospital and school-based
study evaluated the cause of hearing loss in 1076 children < 14y and
reported a history of intra-uterine rubella infection in 1.7% children
with deafness. Out of the 17 children with hearing loss and suspected
intra-uterine rubella infection, 88.24% (n=15) children had
severe sensorineural hearing impairment and 11.76% (n=2) of them
had profound deafness. In another study from a tertiary hospital in
Delhi [34], 140 neonates were tested by BERA to ascertain the incidence
of congenital and early acquired sensory-neural hearing loss. The
subjects included 70 normal born neonates and 70 high-risk neonates. The
70 neonates with various high risks included those with a family history
of deafness, prematurity, asphyxia, perinatal infections,
hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal sepsis, meningitis, ototoxicity, or fetal
malformations. 44 out of 140 neonates showed abnormalities on initial
BERA testing. Perinatal Rubella was observed in two cases, which showed
hearing loss. In another study from south India [35], information was
collected by questionnaire from parents and teachers of 928 deaf school
children. 374 of these children were also examined. Streptomycin
injections were responsible for 3.6% of cases and meningitis for 5.3%.
29% of children examined had ophthalmic signs of CRS.
Prevalence of CRS amongst children with mental
There are no studies evaluating congenital rubella
infection as a cause of mental retardation amongst Indian children.
However, there are 5 studies evaluating rubella as an etiological factor
in subsets of children with mental retardation/developmental delay with
suspected intra-uterine infection/ congenital malformations (Web
Table V).
In a study from Vellore [13], serum samples were
collected from 92 infants presenting with features of intrauterine
infections between 1996 and 1997. Rubella IgM antibodies were detected
in 1 out of 13 children (7.6%) who had neurological abnormalities.
Ballal, et al. [14] evaluated 342 infants with suspected
intra-uterine infections. 83 of them had developmental delay ±
microcephaly. 11 out of 83 infants (13%) with developmental delay were
seropositive for rubella (IgM). In a prospective study from Delhi, out
of 249 infants suspected with congenital infection, 39 infants had
mental retardation ± microcephaly, none of whom had anti-rubella IgM in
blood [15]. In a study by Chaturvedi et al., [22] out of 197
children with congenital malformations, 34 had congenital CNS anomalies
(mental retardation ± microcephaly, mental retardation + cerebral palsy,
meninogocele, hydrocephalus, cranial defects, spinal defects). There
were 64 healthy age-matched controls. 45% (15/34) and 28% (18/64) of
children with congenital CNS anomalies and controls, respectively, were
seropositive for rubella by hemagglutination test. In another study, out
of 140 children with congenital malformations, 10 children had mental
retardation, 6 of them were seropositive for rubella infection [20].
Prevalence of CRS amongst children with congenital
heart disease
In 2 hospital-based, case-control studies in children
with congenital malformations, CRS was found to be present in about 30%
of children with congenital heart diseases [20,22], as shown in
Web Table VI. Chaturvedi, et al. [22] evaluated 197
children with congenital malformations; 30 of which had congenital heart
defects (atrial septal defects, ventricular septal defects, patent
ductus arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis, Fallot ’s tetralogy, dextrocardia),
and 151 healthy controls without congenital malformations. 33% of
children with congenital heart defects (n=10) were seropositive
for rubella. The rubella seropositivity in control group was 28%.
Chakraborty, et al. [20] recruited 140 children with congenital
malformations, out of which 35 children had congenital heart disease
(ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, patent ductus
arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis, Fallot’s tetralogy, tricuspid atresia,
and Eisenmenger complex). 32.1% (n=45) children with congenital
malformations were seropositive for rubella while 34.3% (n=12) of
children with congenital heart defects were seropositive for rubella. 50
out of 151 healthy controls without congenital malformations had rubella
antibodies in blood.
Prevalence of CRS amongst children with congenital
There are 4 studies amongst Indian children with
congenital malformations where congenital rubella infection has been
investigated as an etiological factor as shown in
Web Table
VII. Of these, 3 are hospital-based [15,20,22] and 1 study is
laboratory-based [36]. There are 2 case-control studies [20,22], while
there is 1 study each of prospective [15] and retrospective chart review
[36] type. In a laboratory-based study from Delhi over 15 years
(1988-2002), the overall prevalence of rubella infection (IgM) amongst
infants with congenital malformations (cataract, deafness, septicemia,
congestive heart failure, anemia, microcephaly, bronchopneumonia,
anencephaly, etc) was 10.46% [36]. The prevalence showed a declining
trend over the years, being as high as 34.5% in 1988 to 0% in 2002. The
prevalence of rubella infection among children with congenital
malformations was high in 1989 (21%), 1991 (18.7%), 1998 (19.5%), and
1999 (8.6%) which correlated with the increase in acute rubella
infection in child-bearing age-group in the years 1988, 1991, and 1998.
Broor, et al. [15] showed that nearly
one-fourth of infants with congenital malformations (23/90) had
anti-rubella IgM in blood. Previously, Chaturvedi, et al. [22]
reported a prevalence of 46% amongst infants with congenital
malformations compared to 41% amongst children with unspecified
age-group with congenital malformations and 28% amongst controls.
Seropositivity for rubella amongst cases aged below 3 years was found to
be significantly higher than that in age-matched controls. In a study
from Calcutta, [20] nearly one-third of children with congenital
malformations (45/140) were seropositive for rubella, which was similar
to that seen in controls (50/151, 33.4%). Children with congenital
malformations were categorized into (a) Rubella Syndrome (diseases of
heart, cataracts, mental retardation, deafness; n=66), and (b) Other
malformed babies (urogenital malformations, anomalies of skull and
brain, diseases of alimentary tract, miscellaneous defects; n= 74).
Seropositivity in cases of rubella syndrome (48.5%) was significantly
higher than that of other malformed group (17.5%) and controls (33.1%);
also antibody titers in this group were significantly more than those of
the other two groups.
2. Susceptibility of Adolescent Girls and Women
of Reproductive Age-group to Rubella Infection
There are no systematic reviews or nation-wide
studies assessing the susceptibility of Indian population to rubella
infection in general or specific to children, adolescent girls or women
in the reproductive age-groups. A total of 29 studies (Table
III) were included for the purpose of this review, as detailed
earlier (Fig. 2). For the purpose of this review we
segregated these studies into 3 broad target groups: (i)
adolescent girls in pre-fertility age-group, (ii) non-pregnant
women of reproductive age-group, and (iii) pregnant women. There were 12
studies in adolescent females of pre-fertility age-group (10-15y)
[37-48], 10 studies in non-pregnant women of reproductive age-group
(16-45y) [21,22,36,40,42,45-49] , and 15 studies in pregnant women
[23,30,43,44,51-61] . Of these, 3 studies were conducted in female
health personnel of reproductive age-group (16-45y) [40,50,62].
TABLE III Susceptibility to Rubella Infection in Adolescent Girls and Women in India
S No. |
Authors |
Place |
Setting |
Duration |
Participants |
susceptibility |
Adolescent Girls of Pre-fertility Age-group |
1. |
Sharma, et al. [37] |
Maharashtra |
SB |
2008-2009 |
1329 |
23.6% |
2. |
Sharma, et al. [38] |
Jammu |
SB |
2000 |
275 |
37.4% |
3. |
Ramamurty, et al. [39] |
Tamil Nadu |
CB |
2003 |
148 |
13.5% |
4. |
Singla, et al. [40] |
Amritsar |
HB |
2003-2004 |
200 |
36% |
5. |
Yadav, et al. [41] |
Delhi |
HB |
2001* |
140 |
10% |
6. |
Yadav, et al. [42] |
Delhi |
HB |
1995* |
11 |
45.4% |
7. |
Bhaskaram, et al. [43] |
Hyderabad |
HB |
1991* |
139 |
7% |
8. |
Pal, et al. [44] |
Chandigarh |
HB |
1974* |
17 |
20% |
Mathur, et al. [45] |
Lucknow |
HB |
1974* |
31 |
35.5% |
10. |
Chakraborty, et al. [46] |
Calcutta |
HB |
1973* |
30 |
66.6% |
11. |
Chakraborty, et al. [47] |
Calcutta |
HB |
1971* |
21 |
66.6% |
12. |
Seth, et al. [48] |
Delhi |
HB |
1971* |
43 |
29.5% |
Non-pregnant Women of Reproductive Age-group |
1. |
Chandy, et al. [18] |
Vellore |
LB |
2000-2008 |
770 |
12.5% |
2. |
Rajasundari, et al. [49] |
Madurai |
HP |
2004-2005 |
500 |
11.8% |
3. |
Rustgi, et al. [50] |
Delhi |
CB |
2005* |
230 |
17.8% |
4. |
Vijayalakshmi, et al. [51] |
Madurai |
HP |
2002 |
1000 |
15% |
5. |
Singla, et al. [40] |
Amritsar |
HB & HP |
2003-2004 |
147 |
23.1% |
6. |
Yadav, et al. [42] |
Delhi |
HB |
1995* |
162 |
43.8% |
7. |
Mathur, et al. [45] |
Lucknow |
HB |
1974* |
349 |
9.5% |
8. |
Chakraborty, et al. [46] |
HB |
1973* |
174 |
46.8% |
9. |
Chakraborty, et al. [47] |
Calcutta |
HB |
1971* |
129 |
44.1% |
10. |
Seth, et al. [48] |
Delhi |
HB & CB |
1971* |
261 |
21.8% |
Pregnant Women
1. |
Padmaja, et al. [52] |
Kerala |
HB |
2003-2006 |
485 |
34.3% |
2. |
Gupta, et al. [53]
Delhi |
HB |
2003-2004 |
305 |
12.8% |
3. |
Gandhoke, et al. [36] |
Delhi |
1988-2002 |
5022 |
14.6% |
4. |
Deka, et al. [54]
Delhi |
HB |
2001-2002 |
100 |
21% |
5. |
Thapliyal, et al. [55] |
Haldwani |
HB |
2005* |
33.3% |
6. |
Singla, et al. [40] |
Amritsar |
HB & HP |
2003-2004 |
233 |
32.8% |
7. |
Turbadkar, et al. [56] |
Mumbai |
HB |
2003* |
BOH: 380 |
38.7% |
8. |
Bhaskaram, et al. [43] |
Hyderabad |
HB |
1991* |
274 |
5.1% |
9. |
Khare, et al. [57] |
Delhi |
HB |
1987* |
160 |
46% |
10. |
Black, et al. [58] |
Vellore |
HB |
1984 |
237 |
5.5% |
11. |
Shanmugam, et al. [59] |
Kerala |
HB |
1982* |
536 |
26% |
12. |
Mathur, et al. [60] |
Lucknow |
HB |
1982* |
300 |
20.7% |
13. |
Chaturvedi, et al. [22] |
Lucknow |
HB, CC |
1976* |
194 |
BOH: 144 |
N: 50 |
14. |
Chakravarty, et al. [61] |
Calcutta |
HB |
1976* |
40 |
32.5% |
15. |
Pal, et al. [44] |
Chandigarh |
HB |
1974* |
322 |
16. |
Seth, et al. [62] |
Delhi |
HB |
1972* |
220 |
12.7% |
BOH: Bad obstetric history, CB: Community-based, CC: Case-control, HB: Hospital-based, HP: Health personnel-based, LB: Laboratory-based, RCR: Retrospective chart review, SB: School-based, *Year of Publication, where the study duration was not specified. |
A. Susceptibility of adolescent girls in
pre-fertility age-group to rubella infection
Out of the 12 studies assessing seroprevalence to
rubella among Indian adolescent girls in pre-fertility age-group, there
is only 1 community-based study [39] while 2 studies are school-based
[37,38]. The remaining 9 studies [40-48] were conducted in
hospital-based settings. All studies have been carried out
In a recent study, the serological status of 1,329
healthy adolescent school girls, aged 12-15y, from 12 districts of
Maharashtra, namely, Ahmednagar, Beed, Dhule, Jalna, Kolhapur, Latur,
Nasik, Nandurbar, Pune, Satara, Solapur, and Osmanabad, was assessed
[37]. Overall rubella seropositivity was 76.4% in 1,329 girls (GMT:
36.08 IU/mLmL, 32.4-40.17). Solapur and Latur districts showed the
lowest percent seroprotection (around 68%). The urban population had a
comparatively better immune status than that of the rural population
(80.2% versus 73.1%), the difference being statistically significant.
Sharma, et al. [38] reported a rubella
susceptibility rate of 37.4% in a school-based study in Jammu, wherein
275 girls aged 11-18 years were evaluated for anti-rubella IgG levels
[38]. Out of 275 girls, 90 were seronegative for rubella. The GMT of the
population was 9.83 IU/mLmL, which was much below the deemed protective
level for rubella of 25 IU/mL.
In a community-based study from Tamil Nadu [39], sera
were collected from 148 girls aged 11-16 years residing in rural areas
of Tamil Nadu. The sera were tested for IgG rubella antibodies by ELISA.
13.5% (20 out of 148) of adolescent girls were seronegative for rubella.
In a hospital-based study from Amritsar [40], out of
200 adolescent girls aged 11-16 years, 128 (64%) had anti-rubella IgG
antibodies. The seroprevalence among women aged 16-25y (n=159),
26-35y (n=167), and 36-45y (n=54), was 69.2%, 77.2% and
59.3%, respectively. Overall 36% of adolescent girls in Amritsar were
susceptible to rubella infection.
In a hospital-based study from Delhi, amongst 140
adolescent girls aged 9-12y, 10% were seronegative [41]. In contrast, in
another study from Delhi, 45.4% of girls aged 10-14y were found to be
susceptible to rubella infection [42].
In a study from Hyderabad [43], the prevalence of
rubella was determined in different age-groupage-groups of the female
population by estimating IgG antibodies to rubella virus using ELISA.
274 pairs of maternal-cord blood samples were collected. Samples were
also obtained from 139 children aged 1-15 years and assayed for rubella
antibodies. The sample was read as positive if the titers were >15 EU/mL.
94.9% of mothers and 94.1% of cord blood samples showed seropositivity.
Children between 1 and 5 years showed the lowest seropositivity of 69.2%
which gradually increased to reach near 95% levels by 15 years. There is
continuous exposure to rubella infection in childhood through
Pal, et al. [44] reported 20% susceptibility
to rubella among 17 girls aged 10-15y in Chandigarh. About one-third of
adolescent girls aged 10-15y were reported to be susceptible to rubella
in Lucknow [45]. In 2 small studies from Calcutta in early 1970s,
adolescent girls aged 12-14y showed very high susceptibility of nearly
67% [46,47]. The susceptibility rates among women aged 15-19y and 20-25y
were about 41% and 46% respectively. A study from Delhi [48], between
1968 and 1969, evaluated 346 women aged 10-34y for rubella antibodies by
hemagglutination test. About 30% of girls, aged 10-14y, were susceptible
to rubella infection, while susceptibility among women aged 15-19y,
20-24y and 25-34y was 25.4%, 22.4% and 18.5% respectively.
A uniform finding from 4 studies [37,40,42,48]
reveals that susceptibility to rubella infection in adolescent girls
living in rural areas is higher than those living in urban areas. Also
adolescent girls from upper socio-economic status were found more
susceptibile to rubella infection [40,43].
B. Susceptibility of non-pregnant females in
reproductive age-group to rubella
There are 10 studies assessing the seroprevalence to
rubella amongst non-pregnant Indian females aged 16-45y
[18,40,41,45-51]. Only 2 prospective studies have been done in the
community-based set-up [48,50]. There is a single laboratory-based
retrospective study [18], while the remaining 7 studies have been
carried out in hospital-based settings [40,42,45-47,49,51]. Three
studies assess the seroprevalence to rubella infection amongst female
health personnel [40,49,51].
In a laboratory based study from Vellore [18],
records of 770 women aged ≥
attending the departments of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive
medicine unit, were examined to assess the susceptibility to rubella.
12.5% of women in the reproductive age-group were seronegative for
rubella. Women in the 19–23 and ≥35
years age-groups showed better levels of immunity to rubella (91%) than
those in the 24–34 years age-group (85.5%).
In a study from an eye hospital in Madurai [49], out
of 581 health personnel (500 female and 81 male), 66 personnel (59
females and 7 males) were found to be seronegative for rubella. 493
health personnel were seropositive with good protective immunity and 22
had both IgM and IgG antibodies. Sixty six volunteers (59 females and 7
males) were found to be seronegative to rubella. 11.8% of female health
personnel in the reproductive age-group were seronegative for rubella.
Seronegativity was high among the laboratory/research staff and
physicians and lowest among housekeepers/caterers.
Rustgi, et al. [50] in a community-based study
assessed rubella serology of 230 adolescent unmarried girls aged 15-18 y
(115 girls of high socioeconomic status and 115 girls of low
socio-economic status). Overall 17.8% girls were seronegative for
rubella. Girls in the lower socio-economic status were less vulnerable
to rubella (9.6% seronegative) compared to girls of higher
socio-economic status (26.1% seronegative) (P <0.001).
In another study from three eye hospitals in Tamil
Nadu [51], 1000 female health personnel were tested for IgG rubella
antibodies. 15% of health personnel were seronegative for rubella. The
susceptibility with respect to different age-groups was 18-19y: 13%,
20-24y: 15%, 25-29y: 16.4%, and 30-40y: 23.9%. With respect to the
different eye centers, the proportions of seronegative female health
personnel were: 11.7% (8.1-16.5) at Coimbatore, 15% (12.3-18.1) at
Madurai, and 20.8% (14.7-28.6) at Tirunelveli. The proportion of
seronegative personnel was significantly higher among married women
(21.5%) than among single women (14.0%) (P = 0.02). Rates of
seronegativity were highest amongst physicians and lowest among
In a rubella serosurvey from Amritsar [40], out of
580 subjects (including 80 health personnel), there were 380 women in
the reproductive age-group. The seroprevalence in women in the
age-groups 16-25y, 26-35y and 36-45y was 69.2%, 77.2% and 59.3%.
Overall, 28.7% of women in the reproductive age-group were susceptible
to rubella infection. Out of the 380 women, 233 were pregnant and had a
seropositivity of 67.8%; the seropositivity in the 147 non-pregnant
women was 76.9% the difference was not statistically significant. They
also reported 20% seronegativity amongst 80 female hospital workers in
In a study from a tertiary hospital in Delhi [41],
out of 162 females in the child-bearing age-group, 90 (56.2%) were
seropositive for rubella. Nearly half of the females were susceptible to
rubella infection.
In a study from Lucknow 500 sera were collected from
females of different age-groups and 100 sera from pregnant women and
tested for rubella antibodies by hemagglutination test [45]. Out of 500
sera tested 400 (80%) were positive. In the cord sera, 74.1% samples (43
out of 58) were positive and amongst infants 55.5% were positive,
decreasing to 52.3% in age-group 2-3y. Six years onwards the
seropositivity increased with increasing age, reaching peak at 26-30y
(93.9%). A second peak was seen after 45y. Amongst the women in the
reproductive age-group, 9.5% were seronegative.
In a survey from Calcutta among women aged 12-25y,
rubella antibodies were tested in sera from 207 girls attending
out-patient department. The seropositivity in age-groups 12-14y, 15-19y
and 20-25y were 33.3%, 59.3% and 53.9% respectively [46]. In a similar
study from Calcutta, seropositivity in age-groups 12-14y, 15-19y and
20-25y were 33.3%, 58.7% and 53.1% respectively [47].
In a hospital-based study from Delhi, 421 females
aged 5-34y were tested for rubella antibodies [48]. Amongst the 220
women in reproductive age-group 12.7% were seronegative for rubella. The
susceptibility in different age-groups was 5-9y: 52%, 10-14y: 29.5%,
15-19y: 7.1%, 20-24y: 11.6%, 25-29y: 15.5%, and 30-34y: 15.4%. The women
from urban areas were more susceptible compared to women from rural
areas. The mean antibody titer in urban females was highest in the
10-14y age-group and lowest in 25-34y age-group.
C. Susceptibility to rubella in pregnant females
Padmaja, et al. [52] in a hospital-based
study, assessed the seroprevalence to rubella among pregnant women. Out
of 485 pregnant women attending the antenatal clinics of 3 government
maternity hospitals in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, between 2003 and
2006, 283 women (65.7%) were IgG-positive and 13 women (3%) were IgM
positive, when tested in the first trimester. At the time of delivery
only 37 women who were initially IgG-negative were tested again for
rubella antibodies; among them, 28 (75.7%) were now IgG positive and 2
(5.4%) were IgM positive. Only, 3 seropositive women brought their
babies for follow up and they were found to have normal hearing.
In a retrospective study from a tertiary care
hospital in Delhi [53], case records of 305 pregnant women (73 of them
had history of previous bad obstetric outcome: spontaneous abortion,
premature labor or congenitally malformed or stillbirths) were assessed
for immunity to rubella. 266 women (87.2%) had anti-rubella IgG. The
age-wise prevalence of anti-rubella IgG was: 15-19y: 92.5%; 20-24y:
89.5%; 25-30y: 87%, and > 31y: 77.5%. The seropositivity rate among
pregnant women aged 15-19y was significantly higher than those aged >
31y. Seropositivity in those with previous bad obstetric outcome was
91.7% against 85.7% in women with normal obstetric performance. Only 3
women (0.98%) were positive for anti-rubella IgM.
Gandhoke, et al. [36] reported that about
14.6% of pregnant women in Delhi were susceptible to rubella infection
based on data collected between 1988 and 2002. Over 15 years, the
susceptibility of pregnant women decreased from 51% in 1988 to 13% in
2002. In a prospective study from a tertiary hospital in Delhi, out of
100 pregnant women, 21 were seronegative for rubella [54].
In a small hospital-based study in Haldwani [55], 20
pregnant with bad obstetric history were tested for rubella antibodies.
4 women were positive for anti-rubella IgM and 10 women were positive
for anti-rubella IgG.
Turbadkar, et al. [56] reported anti-rubella
antibodies in 61.3% of pregnant women with bad obstetric history (BOH)
in a prospective study in a tertiary hospital in Mumbai over 1 year.
26.8% of pregnant women with BOH had anti-rubella IgM antibodies. In a
study from Hyderabad, nearly 95% of pregnant women were seropositive for
rubella, demonstrating high levels of immunity [43]. While in a study
from Delhi around the same time showed that only 54% of pregnant women
had rubella antibodies [57]. A study from Vellore demonstrated that out
of 237 pregnant women, 94.5% had rubella antibodies [58]. Shanumugam,
et al. [59] assessed the serological status of 526 pregnant women
for rubella by hemagglutination inhibition test (HAIT). 74.1% of women
had antibodies for rubella; the prevalence rate was more during second
trimester (77.5%). The geometrical mean titer (GMT) was 73 EU/mL for
rubella antibody and rubella antibodies were found to be more prevalent
in the age-group of 26-30 years (76.8%). In a hospital-based study from
Lucknow, out of 300 pregnant women, nearly 21% were seronegative for
rubella [60]. Chaturvedi et al. [22] undertook a case control
study wherein there were 144 pregnant women with bad obstetric outcome
as cases and 50 pregnant women with normal obstetric history as
controls. 12% of cases and 18% of controls were seronegative for
rubella. In a study from Calcutta, 32.5% of pregnant women were
seronegative for rubella [61]. The susceptibility rates among pregnant
women from Chandigarh [44] and Delhi [62] were much lower at 19% and
12.7% respectively. The rubella susceptibility among different
age-groups of pregnant women from Delhi were reported as 15-19y: 7.1%,
20-24y: 11.6%, 25-29y: 15.5%, and 30-34y: 15.4%.
The seroprevalence amongst rural females was higher
compared to urban females [37,40,48], as also in women from lower socio
economic class [40,42,50]. The susceptibility rates to rubella infection
amongst pregnant women vary from as low as 5.5% [58] to as high as 46%
There are 6 studies evaluating rubella seroprevalence
in pregnant women with bad obstetric history [22,36,43,55,56,60]. The
seroprevalence amongst women with bad obstetric outcome was higher
compared to women with normal pregnancy outcome. In a large
laboratory-based study from Delhi over 15 years [36], 5022 samples from
pregnant women were evaluated; the seroprevalence of rubella infection
was higher in women with bad obstetric history (87%) compared to those
with normal pregnancy outcome (83%). Bhaskaram et al. [43] found
the antibody titers to rubella in women with adverse pregnancy outcome
(34.2 ± 4.2 EU/mL, n=8) or stillbirths (42.1 ± 3.9 EU/mL, n=23) was much
lower than that seen in women with normal pregnancy outcome (51.8 ± 1.9
EU/mL, n=274).
3. Immunogenicity of Rubella Containing Vaccines
in India
There are no systematic reviews or nation-wide
studies assessing immunogenicity of rubella vaccine or MMR vaccine
amongst children, adolescent girls, or women of reproductive age-group.
We short-listed 9 articles for inclusion in our review; these included 4
studies evaluating the immunogenicity of rubella vaccine [37,38,41,63]
and 5 studies evaluating the immunogenicity of MMR vaccine [64-68]
IV). Three of the 4 studies on rubella vaccine were conducted in
adolescent girls: 2 were school-based [37,38] and one was hospital-based
[63]. Remaining one study [63] was conducted in female health personnel.
A. Immunogenicity of rubella vaccines
There are 4 studies assessing the immune response of
rubella vaccine amongst Indian children (Table IV). In a
multi-centric study from 12 districts of Maharashtra [37], 1,329 female
adolescent girls (12-15y) were assessed for their serological status in
terms of rubella exposure. After enrolment, a pre-vaccination blood
sample was collected from the participants followed by rubella
vaccination (R-vac). Pre-vaccination rubella immunity was higher in the
urban (80.2%) population compared to the rural (73.1%) population.
Following R-vac vaccination, out of 1,159 participants who completed the
study, all (100%) the urban and 99.5% of participants in the rural area
developed antibodies against rubella. Overall, 99.7% of the participants
developed antibodies to rubella. No significant adverse effects were
reported by any participant.
Sharma, et al. [38] assessed the
seroprevalence to rubella in 275 school-girls aged 11-18y from Jammu;
the seronegative girls were administered rubella vaccine (R-vac, Serum
Institute of India, Pune). The pre-vaccination rubella seroprevalence
was 67% and 90 girls were seronegative. Eight weeks after immunization,
the seroprevalence was 100%. The pre-vaccination rubella IgG GMT was
9.83 IU/mL which rose to 94.8 IU/mL after vaccination (P<0.01).
No serious adverse effects were noted following vaccination.
Rajasundari, et al. [49] assessed the response
to rubella vaccine amongst 60 health personnel; out of which there were
55 females aged 15-40y. The seroconversion was observed in all
vaccinated individuals, as seen by the appearance of anti-rubella IgG
antibodies by the fourth week, reaching the peak protective levels (>20
IU/mL) by the third month, remaining at the same level by the sixth
month. There was also a progressive increase in the avidity after
vaccination. A significant (P <0.001) difference in the mean
avidity index (mean ± SD) was observed among the fourth week (9.2 ±
15.23), third month (36.9 ± 12.20) and sixth month (58.2 ± 9.25)
post-vaccinated samples, indicating a progressive increase in the
maturation of antibody from the first to the sixth month after
Yadav, et al. [41] assessed 140 school girls
aged 9-12y and found 10% were seronegative for rubella. The seronegative
girls (n=14) were vaccinated with rubella vaccine and they observed 100%
seroprevalence 4-6 weeks after vaccination.
B. Immunogenicity of MMR vaccine
There are 5 studies assessing the immune response of
MMR vaccine amongst Indian children (Table IV). Gomber,
et al. [64] recruited 84 children at 4-6 years, all of whom had
received one dose of MMR vaccine between 12-24 months, and found that
only 81% were seropositive after 4-5y follow-up. They administered a
second dose of MMR vaccine and showed 100% seroprevalence after 4-6
weeks. In contrast, Raut, et al. [65] recruited 99 children aged
1-10y (14.04 ± 1.80 y) who had received single dose of MMR vaccine and
followed them up after 6 years to assess persistence of immunity. Only
41 children could be followed up. They reported 100% (95% CI: 91 to
100%) seroprevalence amongst children even after 6 years. Yadav, et
al. [66] evaluated the rubella seroprevalence in 240 children, aged
9-18 months, who had not received MMR vaccine and found 24%
seropositivity. After 4-6 weeks of MMR vaccination, the seropositivity
rose to 96%. In another multi-centric study, 89 children aged 15-24
months who had previously received one dose of measles vaccine, were
given MMR vaccine, and followed up to assess seroprevalence at 1 week
and 4 weeks [67]. They reported a seroprevalence of 13% before
vaccination which rose to 15% at 1 week after vaccination and 99% at 4
weeks after vaccination. Singh, et al. [68] also demonstrated
that seroconversion rates to rubella antigen were high as well as
comparable at 9, 12 and 15 months age, tested 4 weeks after immunization
with MMR vaccine by ELISA.
4. Coverage of Rubella Containing Vaccines in India
No national estimates on the coverage of MMR vaccine
are available [69]. We found 3 small regional surveys on coverage of MMR
vaccine in Delhi, Chandigarh and Goa (Table V). In a study
from two urbanized villages of East Delhi, children aged 24-47 months
were selected using systematic random sampling and coverage of 41.6% of
MMR vaccine was reported during 2007 [70]. In a house to house survey
conducted, between January 2004 and September 2005, from an urban sector
of Chandigarh, MMR coverage of 27.6% in under-five children was reported
[71]. In questionnaire-based survey, a mere 5% coverage was reported
from Goa wherein 362 children aged 12-23 months were recruited from
different parts of Goa using cluster sampling method from December 2000
to May 2001 [72].
TABLE V Immunization Coverage of MMR Vaccine in India
Study Group |
Duration |
Study |
Age-group |
Study Design, |
Coverage |
(n) |
Sampling technique |
Chhabra, et al. [70] |
2000-2003 |
Delhi |
24-27 months |
CB, CS, |
41.6% |
(n=693) |
systematic random sampling |
Dalal, et al. [71] |
2000-2001 |
Goa |
12-23 months |
CB, |
5% |
(n=362) |
Cluster sampling |
Puri, et al. [72] |
2004-2005 |
Chandigarh |
Under-5 |
27.6% |
(n=1031) |
survey |
CB: Community-based, CS: Cross-sectional, NA: Not available. |
This systematic review has examined the prevalence of
congenital rubella syndrome in India with respect to general population
as well as special population groups (ocular abnormalities including
cataract, hearing loss, mental handicap, cardiac defects and congenital
anomalies). Almost all studies have been done in institutional/hospital
set-ups and community-based studies are grossly lacking. There are no
studies assessing the prevalence of CRS in general population. All
studies have evaluated the CRS burden in symptomatic cohorts of
children. 1-15% of all infants suspected to have intra-uterine infection
were found to have laboratory evidence of CRS. About 3-10% of clinically
suspected CRS cases, ultimately get confirmed CRS with the aid of
laboratory tests. CRS accounts for 10-15% of pediatric cataract. There
are no studies estimating the prevalence of confirmed CRS in children
with hearing loss, mentally retardation, or congenital heart disease.
10-50% of children with congenital anomalies have laboratory evidence of
CRS. Almost all studies on seroprevalence of rubella amongst Indian
females revealed that 10-30% of adolescent girls and 12-30% of women in
the reproductive age-group are susceptible to rubella infection. Rubella
vaccine was found to be highly immunogenic in Indian adolescents and
women with 100% seroconversion documented 4-8 weeks after vaccination.
MMR vaccine shows a 100% seroconversion when tested 4-6 weeks after
vaccination, the immunogenic response 4-6 years after vaccination has
been reported to vary from 81% to 100% [64,65]. The coverage data of
RCVs in India is not available. However, the coverage of MMR vaccine has
been reported as 42%, 30% and 5% from Delhi, Chandigarh and Goa,
There is only a single large community-based study in
under-5 children with ocular abnormalities on this aspect [21]. 0.6% and
0.09% of under-5 children with ocular abnormalities have clinical CRS
and confirmed CRS, respectively. Based on their findings, the prevalence
of clinical CRS can be calculated as 6 per 1000 under-5 children with
ocular abnormalities. Laboratory-confirmed CRS (anti-rubella IgM
positive) prevalence can be calculated as 0.9 per 1000 under-5 children
with ocular abnormalities. However, it is difficult to further
extrapolate these results to the total population/ child population in
India as there are no estimates of the burden of children with ocular
abnormalities. Also, prevalence estimates based on this study would be
confounded by the fact that children with CRS but without ocular
abnormalities were probably missed out in this study. In addition,
children with CRS who were too sick or physically handicapped were
probably not brought to the hospital. In addition, the ones who were too
sick had probably died before they could be brought to the hospital.
Considering that only 41% of the deliveries in India are in
institutional set-ups [73], the probability of institutional follow-up
for children delivered at home is less and therefore the chances of
detecting CRS in such children is remote. Consequently, the projected
numbers of CRS in India based on such hospital-based studies would be an
underestimate of the actual disease-burden.
Most of the studies we included in our review did not
use the standard case definitions for CRS [9]. Amongst the studies
evaluating CRS prevalence amongst Indian children, only two studies have
defined CRS as per the WHO [19, 21]. Most of the studies done in 1970s
and 1980s have used hemagglutination test to detect rubella antibodies
and have not distinguished between IgG and IgM antibodies. 12 studies
have established rubella as an etiology of ocular abnormalities based on
detection of anti-rubella antibodies in blood [14,19-23,25,26,28-31],
and rubella antibodies in saliva [19,28,29]. Out of 14 studies only 4
studies have attempted viral isolation from lens aspirates
[19,26,27,31]. While IgM antibodies decrease with time and may not be
detectable after infancy, viral isolation from lens aspirates may be
possible even upto 3 years age [13]. Therefore, tests using anti-rubella
IgM estimation alone may under-diagnose CRS compared to combination of
both the tests. In addition PCR is a highly sensitive and specific test
which also helps to quantify viral load and it has been used only in 1
study [19]. The marked variation in the patient’s ages and profiles, as
well as the laboratory techniques used to confirm congenital rubella
infection makes it difficult to compare the results of different studies
and predict trends in CRS prevalence over time.
About 12-14% of childhood blindness in India is due
to cataract [74, 75]. In India, CRS was found to be the second leading
cause of non-traumatic childhood cataract, exceeded only by hereditary
cataract [28]. Rubella cataract accounted for about 10% of pediatric
cataract in India [28]. Therefore, by extrapolation about 1.5% of
childhood blindness in India can be attributed to rubella cataract
alone. The National prevalence of blindness/low vision is 0.8/1000 child
population [76]. Therefore, the National prevalence of blindness/low
vision due to rubella cataract is 0.012/1000 child population. In 2010,
the under-15 Indian child population stood at about 370 million.
Therefore, there were about 4440 children (<15y) in India in 2010 with
rubella cataract. Since, CRS manifests with cataract in about 50-60%
cases, therefore about 9000 children (<15y) in India had CRS in 2010.
However, this is a very rough estimate. Rubella cataract also
contributes to a significant financial burden. Approximately 70 million
blind-person years are caused by childhood blindness of which about 10
million blind-person years (15%) is due to childhood cataract [75].
Since, rubella cataract contributes to 10% of pediatric cataract, as a
corollary, about 2 million blind-person years are due to rubella
cataract. Eventually, not all children with rubella cataract get
operated and even those operated may have dismal outcomes. In a recent
study from India, 50% of children with bilateral cataract remained
legally blind following cataract surgery [77]. This may ultimately
transcend into significant financial loss for the country.
There are no country-wide estimates on rubella
seroprevalence in women of reproductive age-group. However, most studies
from different regions in India indicate that rubella susceptibility in
adolescents and women of childbearing age is more than 15%. There are 7
studies on rubella susceptibility among adolescents and women in
childbearing age in Delhi between 1970 and 2006. While the time trends
from Delhi indicate a lowered susceptibility to rubella infection over
the years, high susceptibility rates of 34.3% and 38.7% were reported
from Thirunavanthapuram and Mumbai respectively, in 2010 [52] and 2003
[56], respectively. Considering the WHO guidelines, which suggest that
CRS can occur even when susceptibility levels in women are below 10%
[78], the recent very high susceptibility rates are of concern. The
findings of the present study indicate the need to plan strategies for
rubella vaccination in the under-five children all over India and
conduct mass scale vaccination with monovalent rubella vaccine for
adolescent girls as has been done in the developed countries. Currently,
MMR vaccine is given to children as a part of the State health policy
only in Delhi, Goa, Puducherry and Sikkim [79-81]. Rubella vaccine is
given to all adolescent girls since 2003 as a state policy in Goa [81];
all other states and union territories in India rely on private
practitioners for rubella vaccination for adolescent girls. This may be
the reason for the high susceptibility to rubella among Indian female
population. WHO recommends that all member states that have first-dose
measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) coverage >80%, should introduce RCV in
their immunization program [5]. In 2009, the median MCV1 coverage was
96% (IQR: 92-99%) for the 130 states using RCV. However, 9 out of 130
member states have MCV1 coverage <80%; median MCV1 coverage being 76%
(IQR: 74-91%) [5]. According to UNICEF-CES 2009 [68], the measles
vaccination coverage in India is 74.1% for children aged 12-23 months.
However, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka,
Kerala, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and all union
territories have measles vaccination coverage > 80%. Given the evidence
that both MMR and rubella vaccines are highly immunogenic amongst Indian
population with protective titers persisting even after 4-6 years of
immunization [64,65], we need to consider the introduction of MMR
vaccine for all children aged 12-15 months and rubella vaccine for all
adolescents in the pre-fertility age in a phased manner at least in
these parts of India with high coverage of measles vaccine. However,
this strategy needs to be propagated with caution, as this may be a
double-edged weapon. It has been recognized by WHO that by introducing
mumps and rubella vaccines into childhood vaccination programs that do
not achieve high coverage (>80%), the median age at which rubella
infection occurs increases which in turn paradoxically increases the
incidence of CRS [82,83].
No nation-wide data on coverage of MMR vaccine are
available. However, the coverage of MMR vaccine in Delhi from two urban
villages in east Delhi was reported as about 42% and that in Chandigarh
was about 30%; the corresponding figures from Goa are a mere 5%. Though
all the three regions have coverage estimates far below that aimed by
the government (>80%), the relatively better coverage seen in Delhi
compared to Goa, may be explained by the fact that while Delhi
government adopted an extra Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine since
1999 [79], Goa adopted MMR vaccine in the state immunization policy in
2003 [80]. Chandigarh showed comparable coverage figures to Delhi
despite a lack of state immunization policy on MMR as this study was
done in an affluent urban sector of Chandigarh.
The two WHO regions, American and European regions
had set goals for rubella elimination by 2010. While the United States
of America has managed to attain its set goal ahead of time through a 4
pronged strategy of national vaccination policy with high coverage among
young children, ensuring high levels of immunity, adequate surveillance,
and introduction of rubella vaccine in countries of western hemisphere
to decrease risk of import of rubella cases [84,85], the European region
is almost there [86,87]. The WHO has recommended 3 strategies to
eliminate CRS from countries like India [7]. The first stage involves
investigation of any rubella outbreak to assess CRS cases for at least 2
years and to determine susceptibility to rubella infection among women
in childbearing age-group. The second stage is to begin a national
rubella immunization program to actively report all rubella cases on a
monthly basis and to report each CRS case. The third stage is
investigation and reporting of each case of febrile rash within 48
hours. While India is still to grapple with the first stage of rubella
elimination, the logistics of conducting a nationwide antenatal survey
with stratified sampling to determine the risk for rubella in the
community in India can be particularly daunting. Also the cost of
Rubella IgG or IgM in a standard laboratory in India would be around 450
INR, which makes serosurveillance of rubella amongst Indian females of
child-bearing age, a prohibitive option. In contrast, the cost of a
single dose of indigenous MMR vaccine and rubella vaccine is 70 INR and
55 INR, respectively [88], making implementation of state immunization
programs using RCV a more feasible option.
We could not estimate the true prevalence of CRS in
India in the light of the limitations of the study designs and absence
of national surveillance. Limitations of this review also include a lack
of a meta-analysis and inability to access institutional or regional
databases and the ERMED. However, our review process does have several
strengths. The main highlights of our review process include a
systematic approach, detailed literature search from multiple sources,
inclusion of all publications that attempted to identify CRS cases in
population directly through laboratory tests or indirectly by seeking
detailed maternal history or clinical examination. We considered all
types of study design. In the light of our findings we recommend a need
to revise our national immunization policy to include rubella containing
vaccines in the national immunization program and integrate the
surveillance of rubella and CRS with measles surveillance.
Contributors: PG conceptualized the systematic
review. PG and PD formulated the search methodology. PD searched for
literature and drafted the manuscript. PG gave critical inputs. PG and
PD approved the final manuscript.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the paper are
the authors' own and do not necessasarily reflect the decisions or
stated policies of the institutions/organizations they work in/with.
Competing interests: None stated;
Funding: UNICEF.
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