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Short Communication

Indian Pediatrics 2007; 44:355-357

Zinc and Copper in Colostrum


Petr Melnikov, Aby Jaine da Cruz Montes Moura, Durval Batista Palhares and Carmen Silvia Martimbianco de Figueiredo

From the Department of Pediatrics, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Correspondence to: Dr. Petr Melni Kov, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Federal University of
Mato Grosso DoSul, Brazil.

Manuscript received: December 1, 2006; Initial review completed: September 1, 2006;
Revision accepted: January 29, 2006.



The Zn (Zinc) and Cu (Copper) contents of the first day milk from 117 Brazilian mothers were examined in relation to maternal age, parity and number of miscarriages. In parallel, household water was analyzed for the contents of the same trace elements. No significant relationship was found between levels of Zn and Cu and the aforementioned factors.

Key words: Colostrum, Copper, Zinc.

Trace elements, including zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu), are crucial for the functioning of organ systems in the human body, because of their role in several metabolic pathways, growth processes, cell development and protein synthesis. The literature provides little specific information on the content of Zn and Cu in colostrum. Though some studies have been done to estimate their content in early lactation(1-4), the information on concentrations during the initial three days of lactation is scarce(2,4).

Subject and Methods

A total of 117 postpartum healthy(5) mothers in the maternity ward of Associação de Amparo à Maternidade e Infância volunteered to provide colostrum samples for this study. None of the infants showed malformations or clinically detectable impairment. Samples were collected by manual expression on the 2nd day postpartum at the milk bank of the institution.

Information on the maternal age, parity, occupation, previous miscarriages, smoking and alcohol consumption was obtained. In parallel, household water from individual faucets was analyzed. The specimens were digested with 65% nitric acid. The treatment yielded a yellowish solution containing a small globule of fat that, upon cooling, was removed with a platinum loop. Analyses were carried out using atomic absorption spectrometry.

Statistical tests of Mann–Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis were applied. Differences at P <0.05 were considered statistically significant.


The mean age of participating mothers was 22.1 years and their parity ranged from 1 to 8. As many as 55.6% (n = 65) were housewives, 14.5% were students, and 29.8% had other occupations. Of the 117 participants, 9.4% reported having had at least one miscarriage. Smoking was reported only in 1.7%. Alcohol usage was not reported. No significant differences were found between any pair of these three groups (Table I).

Table I 

Zinc and Copper Content of Colostrum of Healthy Mothers
of participants
Zn (mg/dL)
Mean ± SD
Cu  (mg/dL)
Mean ±  SD
  Total number 117 1.27 ± 0.78 0.13 ± 0.08
Abortions* 1 11 1.39 ± 0.65 0.13 ± 0.08
none 106 1.26 ± 0.79 0.14 ± 0.09
Parity* < 3 100 1.19 ± 0.58 0.13 ± 0.08
3  and < 5 13 1.49 ± 0.79 0.13 ± 0.09
5 4 2.53 ± 0.72 0.10 ± 0.08
Age* 14 – 21 62 1.23 ± 0.63 0.13 ± 0.08
22 – 29 45 1.20 ± 0.58 0.14 ± 0.08
30 10 1.81 ± 0.75 0.12 ± 0.08
* The intergroup differences are not statistically significant  (P <0.05).


Zn and Cu levels in the water samples were lower than the analytically detectable range.


The average concentration of Zn in colostrum was 1.27 ± 0.78 mg%, whereas reported levels were 0.25-0.9 mg% in the beginning of lactation(6-10). One of the few studies(2) that specifies the day of collection (2nd day postpartum) gives a similar value of 1.15 ± 0.47 mg% for Zn, content in Denver, Colorado, USA, a city with nearly the same population as Campo Grande.

Data on Cu are scarce in the literature. In the present study, the average value of Cu in colostrum was 0.18 ± 0.08 mg%. Lonnerdal(3) reports mean values from 0.04 to 0.06 mg%, whereas other authors describe lower levels, from 0.02 to 0.04 mg%(1-3,7-10). The above mentioned data(2) are also much lower, 0.05 ± 0.03 mg%. Thus, Cu concentrations in colostrum in Campo Grande are almost fourfold higher than in Denver, Colorado. It cannot be from local water, since Cu concetrations in the households supply were insignificant. Nor can it be meat since its consumption in Mato Grosso do Sul in 2005 was 29.5 kg per capita, while in Denver in 1984 – 1988, when Casey’ s data were collected, it was 64 kg.

In the present study, no significant differences in Zn and Cu contents were found regarding parity and history of miscarriage, which is in agreement with the findings of Felley(4) but not with those of Cumming(7) and Kirsten(8).


The authors are indebted to Marcos Antônio Contel Secco for having helped in the preparation of the present article.

Contributors: PM–concept, designing and general supervision of the study; DBP–interpretation and clinical evaluation of results; AJCMM–aquisition and interpretation of data, drafting the article; and CSMF– aquisition of data, analysis of data, revising the text.

Funding: Federal Governament Resources, Brazil.

Competing interests: None.


What this Study Adds

• Zn and Cu concentrations in colostrum were 1.22 ± 0.78 mg% and 0.18 ± mg%, respectively, reflecting their requirements by neonates during early lactation in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil; these were not related to mother’s age, parity, and history of miscarriage.





1. Trace elements in human nutrition and health. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1996.

2. Casey CK, Hambidge M, Neville MC. Studies in human lactation: zinc, copper, manganese and chromium in human milk in the first month of lactation. Am J Clin Nutr 1985; 41: 1193-1200.

3. Lönnerdal B. Effects of milk and milk components on calcium, magnesium and trace element absorption during infancy. Physiol Rev 1997; 77: 643-669.

4. Feelev RM, Eitenmiller RR, Jones JB, Barnhart H. Copper, iron and zinc contents of human milk at early stages of lactation. Am J Clin Nutr 1983; 37: 443-448.

5. Cuppari L. Guia de medicina ambulatorial e hospitalar da UNIFESP. São Paulo: Manole; 2005.

6. Dórea JG. Zinc in human milk. Nutr Res 2000; 20: 1645-1687.

7. Cumming FJ, Fardy JJ, Briggs MH. Trace elements in human milk. Obstetr Gynecol 1983; 62: 506–508.

8. Kirsten GF, Heese H de, Watermeyer S, Dempster W S, Pocock F, Varkevisser H. Zinc and copper levels in the breast-milk of Cape Town mothers. South Africa Med J 1985; 68: 402-405.

9. Feferbaum R, Falcão M. Nutrição do recém-nascido. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2003.

10. Siciliano L, Dìni E, Puig M, Rodriguez I, Golding R, Itriago A. Determinación de zinc y cobre en leche materna en una muestra de población de Caracas. Arch Venezol Puericul Pediatr 1992; 55: 74-77.


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