Indian Pediatr 2009;46: 521-523 |
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis |
Garima Garg, Anil Sachdev and Dhiren Gupta
From the Department of Pediatrics, Centre for Child
Health, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India.
Correspondence to: Dr Anil Sachdev, 63/12, Old Rajinder
New Delhi 110 060, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Manuscript received: February 6, 2008;
Initial review: March 5, 2008;
Accepted: May 26, 2008.
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a rare cause of
respiratory distress in neonates. We present a 4-month-old infant who
presented with progressive respiratory distress since birth and failure
to thrive. He was initially treated as a case of diffuse alveolar
disease but on open lung biopsy was diagnosed as pulmonary alveolar
proteinosis. The child expired at 7 months of age.
Key words: Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, Surfactant
protein B deficiency.
P ulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a
rare cause of lung dysfunction and respiratory distress in term
neonates(1). In several cases, a deficiency or insufficiency of surfactant
protein B (SP-B) has been caused by a frame shift mutation in the gene
encoding SP-B(2). Mortality rate in infants is 100% on conventional
treatment. The only treatment available is lung transplantation.
Case Report
We present a 4 months old male child born of
non-consanguineous marriage as a preterm (35 weeks, birthweight 2.2 kg) by
cesarean section, to a third gravida mother with history of two abortions
in past. She had oligohydramnios in this pregnancy. She also had pulmonary
tuberculosis prior to this pregnancy for which she received complete
treatment. The baby developed respiratory distress at birth, was intubated
and given surfactant. He also developed sepsis and hyperbilirubinemia
requiring antibiotics and phototherapy. He was discharged on day 10 of
life. Subsequently child was well according to the parents except for poor
weight gain.
Fig.1 Bilateral hazy lung fields. |
He was re-hospitalized at 4 months of age with
complaints of poor weight gain for 2-3 months and respiratory distress for
15 days. Chest radiograph revealed bilateral hazy lung fields (Fig.
1) and was managed as bronchopneumonia. Since the child did not
improve, and in view of history of tuberculosis in mother and positive
Mantoux test, he was started on anti-tubercular therapy (4 drug therapy;
HRZS), which he received for around 20 days. CT chest revealed diffuse
opacification with air bronchogram in bilateral lung fields except in
right middle lobe (Fig. 2). The child did not improve, had
persistent oxygen requirement, and was referred to us for further
Fig.2 Diffuse opacification with air
bronchogram in bilateral lung fields except in right middle lobe. |
At admission in pediatric intensive care unit, the
child was tachypneic, with marked respiratory distress and severe
hypoxemia (pH 7.28, pCO 2 51mm Hg,
pO2 34.2 mm Hg, SaO2 59%). Flexible bronchoscopy showed diffuse congestion
of the bronchi but no gross structural anomaly of airways. Broncho-alveolar
lavage (BAL) fluid was milky in appearance and was negative for AFB and
Pneumocystis carinii. Gram's stain and pyogenic culture did not yield
any organism. Histopathological analysis revealed numerous lipid-laden
macrophages. In view of increasing work of breathing and progressive
hyper-carbia (pH 7.23, pCO2 67 mm Hg, pO2 100.2 mm Hg, SaO2: 97%), the
child was ventilated. Provisional diagnosis of diffuse alveolar disease
was made. He was extubated after 4 days as he started showing gradual
improvement. Immunological work up was done to rule out immunodeficiency,
ELISA for HIV-1, HIV-2 was negative. IgG was on lower range of normal
(210, normal: 200-1000).
Tube feeds were gradually introduced and child began to
gain weight and maintain saturations under oxygen (SpO 2
92-95% at a flow rate of 2-3 l/min with nasal prongs), with decrease in
respiratory distress. In view of low IgG levels child was given a dose of
IVIG. Further immunological work up revealed absolute lymphopenia on two
occasions absolute lymphocyte count of 2914/cumm; and 1255/cumm) with
decreased T cells (873/µL; normal: 2170-6500/µL) and B cells (210/µL;
normal 430-3300/µL). Nitroblue Tetrazolium Test (NBT) and immunoreactive
trypsin were negative. He remained stable for few days. In view of
persistent O2 dependence, open lung biopsy was done after 40 days of
hospital stay. Biopsy showed many distended alveoli containing pale
eosinophilic granular material and scattered foamy macrophages, some
alveoli showing prominent lining cells and others showing thickening of
septa. Presence of diastase resistant and PAS positive alveolar material
was suggestive of alveolar proteinosis. Subsequently the child underwent
repeated large volume bronchoalveolar lavages, which showed presence of
PAS positive material. A trial of surfactant was also given, but there was
no improvement in general condition. Baby continued to have poor weight
gain with progressively decreasing oral acceptance and increasing O2
requirements. The child was discharged on request on home O2 therapy on
68th day after admission. A week later the parents informed about the
death of their child.
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is an extremely
rare cause of respiratory failure in the pediatric age group that was
first described in 1958(1). It is characterized by intra-alveolar
accumulation of PAS positive surfactant rich material. The lung
architecture is typically preserved(1). Impairment of surfactant clearance
as a result of inhibition of the action of GM-CSF may underlie many
acquired cases, whereas congenital disease is most commonly attributable
to mutations in surfactant protein genes but may also be caused by GM-CSF
receptor defects(2,3).
Our patient was a preterm baby with hyaline membrane
disease requiring mechanical ventilation and surfactant therapy. The
interim time period till readmission with us did not reveal history of
respiratory distress, so the diagnosis of immediate-onset pulmonary
alveolar proteinosis (congenital variety) cannot be ascertained. Since the
child had the onset of complaints at 4 months of age so the disease was a
postnatal type of PAP. The largest series of 23 children with postnatal
PAP (median age of diagnosis 6 months) was reported in 2004(4). All of
symptomatic infants had growth retardation and progressively appearing
The clinical course of congenital alveolar proteinosis
and acquired PAP is different although the histopathological appearance is
similar. In neonates with congenital variety, the mortality rate
associated with conventional therapy is 100%(5). Lung transplantation
improves survival. Disease-specific 5-year survival rates are estimated to
be 88%. About 80% of deaths occur within the first 12 months. Most cases
are transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner(6,7).
There is no specific treatment of PAP. The appropriate
management, however, depends on the patient's age at presentation, the
severity of symptoms, and the anticipated course of the disease.
Mechanical ventilation is often necessary in congenital PAP. Repeated
whole lung lavage is the mainstay of treatment for PAP. The aim is to
eliminate the material in distal air spaces and restore the permeability
of the alveolar-capillary barrier (4). There are no randomized control
trials done to assess the efficacy of whole lung lavage but case reports
have shown improvement in exercise tolerance and symptoms, pulmonary
function, arterial oxygenation and shunt fraction. In children, there is
decrease in need for oxygen, respiratory rate and weight gain(8).
The use of whole-lung lavage is less well established
in young infants and newborns mainly because of the technical difficulties
associated with use of large endotracheal tube(9). The use of surfactant
has not been of benefit. Because congenital PAP is a single-gene defect,
it may be a candidate disease for gene therapy(4). Intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIG) and GM-CSF therapy do not have a role in congenital
form of disease although in adult studies they have shown benefit(4,8,10).
Other options include extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation and lung
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a rare but important
cause of respiratory distress. Differential diagnosis that needs to be
considered are acute respiratory distress syndrome, interstitial
pneumonitis, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, typical bacterial pneumonia,
hypersensitivity pneumonia, bronchiolitis obliterans, and organizing
Contributors: All the authors were involved in all
aspects of manuscript preparation.
Funding: None.
Competing interests: None stated.
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