Indian Pediatr 2016;53: 23-26 |
The Revised Guidelines of the Medical Council
of India for Academic Promotions:
Need for a Rethink
Rakesh Aggarwal 1,
Nithya Gogtay2, Rajeev Kumar3
and Peush Sahni4, for the
Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors*
1Former Editor, Indian Journal of
Gastroenterology; 2Editor, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine;
3Editor, Indian Journal of Urology; and 4Editor, The
National Medical Journal of India.
Correspondence to: Peush Sahni, President,
Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors, The National Medical Journal of India, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110 029, India.
Email: [email protected]
Note: This editorial is being published
simultaneously in the Indian Heart Journal, Indian Journal of
Anaesthesia, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, Indian Journal of
Medical Ethics, Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, Indian Journal
of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Indian Journal of Pathology
and Microbiology, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Indian Journal of
Physiology and Pharmacology, Indian Journal of Urology, Indian
Pediatrics, International Journal of Health Research & Medicolegal
Practice, Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology, Journal of
Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Journal of Clinical and Scientific
Research, Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Journal of Family Medicine
and Primary Care, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,
Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Journal of
Postgraduate Medicine, National Journal of Integrated Research in
Medicine, and The National Medical Journal of India. It may also be
published in forthcoming issues of other journals.
* See Annexure for endorsers. This editorial is not endorsed by all
members of the IAMJE.
M easuring academic achievements is never an easy
task. This is particularly so when individuals are assessed for
promotions in several fields with differing job descriptions. Assessment
by peers is time-consuming and may be prone to bias; thus, objective
criteria are required to minimize these concerns.
The Medical Council of India (MCI) has laid down
guidelines for appointments and promotions of teachers in medical
institutions in India. Among the criteria used for promotions,
publication of research is an essential requirement. Though the need for
this requirement has been debated, it is believed that the quality of
teaching improves when medical teachers are involved in research. Many
countries have made it mandatory for their medical faculty to do
research; some other countries incentivize the conduct and publication
of research. Reports have also lamented that the physician–scientist
might become an endangered species [1,2]. Thus, linking publications
with promotions might benefit both the individual and society. The flip
side is that the time spent on research might take teachers away from
teaching or clinical duties, particularly in under-staffed specialty
departments. Further, the quality of research is likely to be poor when
the resources and training in research are lacking [3]. Poor quality may
even discredit research as a professional activity. Insistence on a
certain amount of published research to maintain teaching credentials
may lead to the phenomenon of ‘publish or perish’ [4]. Finally, it is
important to consider that biomedical research may, at times, be
relevant to non-biomedical journals and criteria for awarding credit to
such publications should also be devised.
The MCI requires that the medical faculty engages in
research. One measure to achieve this goal is the mandatory ‘thesis’ for
postgraduate (Masters; MD/MS/DNB) and post-doctoral (DM/MCh/DNB)
courses. Each student, regardless of specialty, is required to undertake
a research study with a faculty member as the guide and often
one-to-a-few faculty members from the same or related subjects as
co-guides. Apart from providing training in doing research, the thesis
is expected to inculcate an appreciation for research methodology and
critical analysis. This experience is relevant to students who will
become full-time researchers, and is also beneficial to medical
practitioners who may never conduct further research but should be able
to discern the merits of newer management options for their patients.
The MCI’s initial guidelines for promotion to the
position of Associate Professor and Professor required publication of at
least two research papers by the candidates [5]. In September 2015, the
MCI issued a ‘clarification’ on what constitutes ‘research publications’
for promotion of teaching faculty of medical colleges/institutions in
India (Box 1) [6]. This ‘clarification’ raises the
following issues:
Box 1 Guidelines for Counting Research
Publications for Promotion of Teaching Faculty of Medical
Colleges/Institutions in India as Laid Down in an Order by
Medical Council of India in September 2015
a. Index agencies: Scopus, PubMed,
Medline, Embase/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus and Index
b. Types of articles to be considered:
Original research articles and original research papers.
c. Criteria for National/International
journal: Published by a National/International – specialty
journal/journal of a national/international society provided it
is included in one of the indexes mentioned above.
d. Authorship: First author, second
e. E-journals: E-journals not includedThe
above would also be applicable for ‘accepted for publication’
The new guidelines stipulate that publications in
e-journals will not be considered for promotion. This guideline is
probably in response to the proliferation of predatory journals, almost
exclusively among e-journals, over the past five years. It is worrying
that the largest number of authors and publishers seem to be from India
[7]. Predatory publishing is perhaps a manifestation of the ‘publish or
perish’ phenomenon with authors willing to pay for a publication [7].
While the MCI’s corrective measure is laudable, the
definition of ‘e-journals’ is variable [8]. We assume that the MCI
implies e-journals are those that do not have a print version. This
guideline would exclude many high-quality journals that are published
only in the electronic format, e.g. the PLoS group of journals, the
Biomed Central (BMC) journals, British Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, and New Zealand Medical Journal. It might also
exclude journals that publish papers in a longer e-version and a shorter
print version (BMJ). Many believe that ‘paper journals’ of niche
specialties (with limited circulation) may soon cease to appear.
Publishing is rapidly shifting to the electronic format and an explosive
growth in e-journals is envisaged. Thus, the embargo on all e-journals
seems unfair. The main objective of this guideline appears to be to
limit predatory publishing and to ensure quality. This can be achieved
by insisting on other criteria such as indexing, because reputed indexes
are unlikely to include predatory journals.
Indexation or inclusion in select databases is an
imperfect surrogate for quality. A more direct measure would probably be
an assessment of each individual journal by peers. Till such an
evaluation is available, we agree with the MCI’s requirement that the
journal of publication be listed in a recognized database. However, we
suggest that the list of databases provided in the MCI’s order needs a
re-look. For example, Index Copernicus was last updated in 2014 [9].
Some journals listed on this index, and their publishers appear on
Beall’s list of potentially predatory journals [10]. In fact, Beall’s
blog says "Index Copernicus has no value" [11]. Although the MCI’s order
lists Medline and Index Medicus separately, these are actually one
database. Similarly, PubMed is not a database but a search engine that
searches various databases including Medline and PubMed Central. More
important is the omission of Science Citation Index, an important
database currently published by Thomson Reuters and of IndMed, a
database of Indian medical journals, curated by the Indian Council of
Medical Research. We suggest the following list of acceptable databases:
Medline, PubMed Central, Science Citation Index, Embase/Excerpta Medica,
Scopus and IndMed.
Article Types
The MCI guideline states that only ‘Original research
articles’ and ‘Original research papers’ will be eligible for
consideration. The objective here appears to be to include papers with
original data and to exclude case-reports and reviews or opinions.
However, this guideline is not precise because different journals
classify original research variously under these two and some other
sections, such as brief communications, short reports, etc. Further,
this clause discredits meta-analyses and systematic reviews that involve
scientific interpretation of original data. Instead of prescribing
specific article-type labels, the MCI could suggest that the paper
should report ‘original research data or its interpretation in a
meta-analysis or systematic review [12].’ The guidelines’ implication
that case reports, reviews and opinion pieces should not carry any value
remains debatable since these are an important part of scientific
National versus International Journals
The distinction between ‘national’ and
‘international’ journals is unclear. The inclusion of words such as
‘India’ or ‘Indian’ in the title does not necessarily make a journal of
lesser quality. Similarly, the presence of words such as
‘international’, ‘global’ or ‘world’ in a journal’s name does not confer
it with a higher quality. National journals are in fact more likely to
publish research that is relevant to the local population. Again, this
discrimination by the MCI appears to be a surrogate marker for quality.
Since indexing has already been included as a criterion, the terms
‘national’ and ‘international’ have little value. We also suggest that
the criterion of society journals be removed as indexation covers the
quality requirements. The quality of a number of non-society journals
(for example The Lancet) is widely recognized.
Place in Authorship Sequence
Finally, the MCI guideline of limiting credit to only
the first two authors of a paper is too restrictive. This guideline
seems to be an attempt to weed out the malpractice of gift authorship.
Again, the MCI’s aim is laudable but the implementation can result in
greater harm. The first name in a paper is generally associated with the
person who did the maximum work and the last name being that of the
supervising senior [13]. The MCI guideline suggests that other names
except the first two on the byline are those of ‘guests’.
The research scenario has moved towards collaborative
and multidisciplinary projects conducted by large teams. To publish a
paper in a high-quality journal, a researcher needs to look at a
research problem from diverse aspects (e.g. clinical, laboratory,
genetics, and immunology). Hence, good papers often have multiple
authors with equal contribution, and all of them deserve equal credit.
The MCI guideline may not only deny credit to all
those who have contributed, it may even encourage the practice of
denying first authorship, and credit, to junior researchers whose
contribution is often the maximum. Experience of many medical editors
shows that it is not uncommon to find the senior-most author as the
first author (even in case reports) due to the premium placed on this
position [14]. Therefore, we suggest that this guideline should be
removed, and all the authors of a paper should receive credit for it.
Box 2 Our Suggestions
a) Acceptable databases:
Medline, PubMed Central, Science Citation
Index, Embase/Excerpta Medica, Scopus and IndMed
b) Types of articles to be considered:
Articles reporting original research data or
their interpretation in a meta-analysis or systematic review
c) Authorship:
All authors
We appreciate the MCI’s intention to give research
its due recognition in academic institutions as well as for streamlining
the process of promotion of teachers. Our suggestions to amend the
existing guidelines, summarized in Box 2, can help remove
ambiguities in the new MCI guidelines. These could also serve as the
starting point of a wider consultation on the evaluation of research
performance of medical teachers in India.
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4. Colpaert J. The ‘publish and perish’ syndrome.
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5. Medical Council of India. Minimum Qualifications
for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 (Amended upto May
2015) Available from:
TIONS-16.05.15.pdf Accessed December 21, 2015.
6. Medical Council of India. Circular No.
MCI-12(l)/2015-TEQ/ l3l880. Available from:
Accessed December 08, 2015.
7. Shen C, Bjork BC. ‘Predatory’ open access: A
longitudinal study of article volumes and market characteristics. BMC
Med. 2015;13:230.
8. Llewellyn RD, Pellack LJ, Shonrock DD. The use of
electronic-only journals in scientific research. Issues in Science and
Technology Librarianship. 2002; doi: 10.5062/F41V5BZM.
9. Index Copernicus International. Available from:
http://en.indexcopernicus.com/ Accessed December 01, 2015.
10. Scholarly Open Access. List of Publishers:
Beall’s List. Available from: http://scholarlyoa.com/publishers/
Accessed December 20, 2015.
11. Scholarly Open Access. Index Copernicus Has No
Value. Available from: http://scholarlyoa.com/2013/11/21/index -copernicus-has-no-value
Accessed December 20, 2015.
12. Bandewar SVS, Pai SA. Regressive trend: MCI’s
approach to assessment of medical teachers’ performance. Indian J Med
Ethics. 2015;12:192-5.
13. Zbar A, Frank E. Significance of authorship
position: An open-ended international assessment. Am J Med Sci.
14. Goel A, Kumar S, Mandhani A, Panda A, Kumar R.
Authorship misconduct in a small specialty journal: A retrospective
review. Poster presentation at the First WAME International Conference
for Medical Journal Editors, 2-4 Oct 2015, New Delhi, India.
The following members of the Indian
Association of Medical Journal Editors (IAMJE) also endorse this
Zaffar Abbas, Editor, JK
Philip Abraham, Former
Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology
Amita Aggarwal, Editor, Indian
Journal of Rheumatology
S Bala Bhaskar, Editor-in-Chief,
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia
Soumyadeep Bhaumik, Executive Editor,
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
KK Deepak, Executive Editor,
Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Chetna Desai, Chief Editor, Indian
Journal of Pharmacology
Madhu C Divakar, Editor-in-Chief,
Hygeia: Journal for Drugs and Medicines
Apul Goel, Associate Editor,
Indian Journal of Urology
V Gopi Krishna, Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Conservative Dentistry
Anju Grewal, Chief Editor, Journal
of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology
OP Gupta, Editor-in-Chief, Journal
of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Praveen Iyer, Assistant Editor,
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
Vishakha Jain, Assistant Editor,
Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Amar Jesani, Editor, Indian
Journal of Medical Ethics
SM Kadri, Editor-in-Chief, Global
Journal of Medicine and Public Health
Arti Kapil, Editor, Indian Journal
of Medical Microbiology
Vishwa Mohan Katoch, Editor,
Indian Journal of Leprosy
GK Kulkarni, Editor, Indian
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Adarsh Kumar, Web Editor,
International Journal of Health Research & Medicolegal Practice
Santosh Kumar, Associate Editor,
Indian Journal of Urology
GM Malik, Chief Editor, JK
Mohandas K Mallath, Member, Editorial
Board, ecancermedicalscience
Vijay P Mathur, Former Member,
Editorial Board, Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and
Preventive Dentistry
Sundeep Mishra, Honorary Editor,
Indian Heart Journal
Vatsala Misra, Editor-in-Chief,
Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology
Alladi Mohan, Editor, Journal of
Clinical and Scientific Research
Samiran Nundy, Editor, Current
Medicine Research and Practice
Sanjay A Pai, Member, Working
Editorial Group, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics
Bhushan Patwardhan, Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
Amitabh Prakash, Editor-in-Chief,
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
BS Ramakrishna, Editor-in-Chief,
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology
V Raveenthiran, Editor, Journal of
Neonatal Surgery
HPS Sachdev, Former Editor-in-Chief,
Indian Pediatrics
Yogesh K Sarin, Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Neonatal Surgery
Chinmay Shah, Editor, National
Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dheeraj Shah, Editor-in-Chief,
Indian Pediatrics
PVLN Srinivasa Rao, Executive
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Clinical and Scientific Research
Nandini Suresh, Associate Editor,
Journal of Conservative Dentistry
George Thomas, Former Editor,
Indian Journal of Medical Ethics
Mukesh Yadav, Editor, Journal of Indian Academy of
Forensic Medicine