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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 1999; 36:202-203

The Updates are for the Audience

The recent letter on this subject(1) amply revealed the concern of the audience about the need to fulfill the objectives of such updates. I am sure that many find it difficult to organize CMEPs against so many odds. I suggest some "food for thought" in this direction.

1. Apart from punctuality and some time saving measures, some austerty measures are also necessary during the updates(2). The organizers should remember that not all delegates can afford the expenditure which is incurred on delegate fees, to and fro expenditure, hotel expenses and of-course the loss of practice. This is especially so for the post graduates (PG), and young practitioners (and young academicians in colleges) who have just started earning by medical practice. So the working dinner and Banquet should be made optional (on spot payment). The fees for PGs should be cut drastically.

2. The system of spot registration should be deleted or the fees for such registration should be kept very high to reduce the sudden rush at the last moment, as it can cause difficulty in arranging the appropriate sized halls and food. for the unexpected hike in the number of delegates.

3. Not all district branches which hold CMEP for small number of delegates can spend lavishly and not many sponsors will be forthcoming for small shows. So the guest speakers should be magnanimous enough to travel by economy class, not definitely by air and expect a comfortable stay, not a luxurious stay.

4. The lAP should form a panel of Faculty members at national level, who should be more than willing to answer the call from every small district branch. A region wise panel would be more approachable and less expensive and the list should. be supplied to secretaries of all district and state branches.

5. To encourage better attention by audience during lectures, a "best question" during the Question Answer session can be awarded.

These suggestions can be given due consideration to truly "update'; the purpose of the CMEPs.

Ramesh Yelsangikar,
 Goutam Nivas,
Vitthal Nagar,
Karnataka, India.


1. Paul Y. The updates are for the audience. Indian Pediatr 1998;35: 57.

2. Agarwal S. Let us think together. Academy To- day 1998; 3: 38.


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