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Images in Clinical Practice

Indian Pediatrics 2000;37: 1386

Hypomelanosis of Ito

A 14-month-old male child presented with streaks of hypopigmented macules over the body since birth (Fig. 1). The palms and soles were spared. This child had generalized hypotonia (Fig. 2) but did not have micro-cephaly, mental retardation or seizures. There was no similar family history. The child was diagnosed to have hypomelanosis of Ito.

This condition is a congenital skin dis-order with bizarre, patterned hypopigmented macules arranged in sharply demarcated whorls, streaks and patches. These lesions are similar to a negative image of that present in incontinentia pigmenti; however, there is no evidence of genetic transmission. It may be associated with mosaicism and X chromo-some abnormalities. Microcephaly, mental retardation, seizures and muscular hypotonia can be present.

Archna B. Patel,
Ramesh L. Renge,

Department of Pediatrics,
Indira Gandhi Medical College,
Nagpur, India.

Fig. 1. Streaks and whorls of hypopigmented macules on body surface. Fig. 2. Hypotonia demonstrated by heel to ear test in the patient.


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