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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 1999; 36:1250-1251

Weight Gain During Pregnancy - A Key Factor in Perinatal and Infant Mortality

Authors of this recent publication(1) have again documented the impact of ICDS services in promotion of mother and child health. The birth rate, fertility rate, death rate and inter-pregnancy interval were significantly lower in ICDS population as compared to the non ICDS area. Similarly, the rates of still birth and low birth weight were lower in the ICDS population. How- ever, no adequate explanation has been provided as to why the infant mortality was higher in the ICDS block as compared to non ICDS blocks. Perhaps it is due to the factors which influence child deaths between 1 to 12 months of age, which are more dependent on availability of health services.

Ritu Pradhan,
1/1866, Moti Ram Road,
110 032,



1. Agarwal K, Agarwal KN, Satya K, Agarwal S. Weight gain during pregnancy-A key factor in perinatal and infant mortality. Indian Pediatrc 1998; 35: 733-743.


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