Indian Pediatr 2014;51: 654-657 |
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Educating Fathers to Improve Breastfeeding
Rates and Paternal - Infant Attachment
Emine Özlüses and *Ayda Çelebioglu
From Institute of Health Sciences of Near East
University, Nicosia, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus; and *Faculty of
Health Sciences of Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey.
Correspondence to: Dr Ayda Çelebioglu, Ataturk
University Faculty of Health Sciences, Erzurum, Turkey.
Email: [email protected]
Received: November 29, 2013;
Initial review: December 25, 2013;
Accepted: July 27, 2014.
Objectives: To determine the effect of breastfeeding education
provided to fathers on breastfeeding rates and paternal-infant
attachment. Methods: 117 couples with their infants with the
inclusion criteria: knowledge of reading, writing and speaking
Turkish; living in the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus until their
infants were six months old; and infants having no health problems
preventing the early initiation of breastfeeding. Participants were
divided into 3 groups (2 experimental and 1 control). Breastfeeding
education was provided to the mothers (20 min/d) in the first group
(n=38) and to the mothers and fathers in the second group (n=39)
(20 min/d/parent) until they were discharged from the hospital. This
education was supplemented by a training booklet. The parents and
their infants were followed until the infants were six months old.
Exclusive breastfeeding rates and Paternal-Infant Attachment Scale
scores at six months were main outcome measures. Results:
Exclusive breastfeeding rates (56.4%, 33.3% and 12.8%; P<0.001)
and mean (SD) Paternal-Infant Attachment Scale scores [89.51(7.05),
82.37 (12.80) and 73.38 (18.67); P<0.001] were highest in the
group where education was provided to both mother and father.
Conclusions: Providing breastfeeding education to fathers
increases exclusive breastfeeding rates and strengthens paternal
Keywords: Attachment, Breastfeeding,
Education, Father.
It is believed that only 39% of infants worldwide
receive exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) [1]. The rate of the infants who
are fed with EBF in Turkey between the 4th and the 5th months is 21.9%
[2], which is less than the target rate of 25.5% to be achieved by 2020
[2]. International data [3-7] show that fathers can make a difference in
the rate of infants’ exclusive breastfeeding. They, however, need
information about the breastfeeding process in order to make a
difference. However, there is no research on this subject in the Turkish
Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC).
Attachment is defined as "a strong and continuous
emotional bond that develops between the baby and the caretaker, which
shows itself with relating and missing behaviour, and becomes clear in
stressful situations" [8]. Although it has been proven that EBF affects
maternal-infant attachment positively [9-12], there are no national or
international studies about the effects of EBF education on
paternal-infant attachment.
This study was done to determine the effect of
breastfeeding education provided to the fathers on the rate of EBF and
paternal-infant attachment.
This experimental study was conducted at the Doctor
Burhan Nalbantoglu State Hospital (DBNSH) Maternity Service in Nicosia,
between January 2012 and June 2013.
Parents with knowledge of reading, writing and
speaking Turkish, living in the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC)
until their infants were six months old, and infants having no health
problems preventing the early initiation of breastfeeding were included
in the study after informed parental consent. Parents who had the
possibility of leaving the TRNC during the study, changed health care
institutions for postnatal check-ups, and infants who were not able to
breastfeed at an early stage were not included in the study.
A total of 117 families were included. The eligible
families were divided into 3 groups (matched on basis of parity and
working status): 39 in the control group (no intervention), 39 in the
first experimental group (only mothers had EBF education), and 39 in the
second experimental group (both mothers and fathers had EBF education).
EBF education was provided to the mothers (20 min/d) in the first
experimental group, and to the mothers and fathers (20 min/d for each
parent) in the second experimental group; while there was no
intervention for the mothers or the fathers in the control group.
Moreover, education manuals for mothers (28 pages) and fathers (20
pages), prepared by the researchers, were provided for all the parents.
Technical processes were demonstrated by using a
milking pump, milk collecting bags, feeding cup, chairs and stools,
pillow, and massage oil. The education began in the mother’s hospital
room on the day she came for delivery and continued till discharge
(standard staying duration of 3 d). The fathers’ education was done
during the visiting hours. One of the researchers (EÖ) provided
education to all the participants.
The infants’ feeding types were checked before their
first, second, fourth and sixth month check-ups. Interviews were
terminated at the sixth month. The primary outcome measure of the study
was the rate of EBF. The rate of the infants (n=117) who were
breastfed, without any other liquid or food, from the day that they were
born until the 179th day was determined as the EBF rate. The secondary
outcome measure was the situation of the paternal-infant attachment. The
Paternal-Infant Attachment Scale (PIAS) was used to measure the strength
of the bond between the father and infant [13]. The PIAS is a scale with
19 items, with every item graded between 1 and 5 points. High scores
show that the attachment is strong. The validity and reliability study
of the scale for Turkish society has been previously reported [14]. The
gathered score average from PIAS was near the score of 19 (minimum
value) showed a weak attachment; however, when it was near the score of
95 (the maximum value), this showed a strong attachment.
The study protocol was approved by the Near East
University Medical Faculty Scientific Research Ethical Committee.
Chi-squared test was used for the categorical variables and the groups’
average scale points were compared by using ANOVA. A P value of
<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
The baseline characteristics of the study population
are provided in Table I.
TABLE I Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population (N=117)
First Experimental |
Second Experimental
Control Group
Total |
Group (n=39) |
Group (n=39) |
(n=39) |
Mother’s age (25-30) y
15 (38.9) |
16 (41.0) |
15 (38.5) |
46 (39.3) |
*Elementary level education (Mother) |
19 (48.7) |
16 (41.0) |
25 (64.1) |
60 (51.3) |
Primiparous mother |
20 (51.3) |
21 (53.8) |
19 (48.7) |
60 (49.6) |
Mother umemployed |
19 (48.7) |
20 (51.3) |
20 (51.3) |
59 (50.4) |
*Father’s age (25-30) y |
16 (41.0) |
19 (48.7) |
14 (35.9) |
49 (41.9) |
*Elementary level education
(Father) |
21 (53.8) |
20 (51.3) |
19 (48.7) |
60 (51.3) |
Father supporting household
23 (71.9)
29 (76.3)
20 (74.1)
72 (74.2) |
Middle income family |
26 (66.7) |
26 (66.7) |
27 (69.2) |
79 (67.5) |
Girl child |
26 (66.7) |
24 (61.5) |
22 (56.4) |
72 (61,5) |
*Elementary school and lower degree;
All values in number (%). |
At the second week, the groups showed similarities in
their EBF rates which however started to decrease after the second week.
From first to sixth month, there were significant differences between
the groups (Table II). The EBF rates were higher at 6
months when the mother and father were both educated about EBF.
TABLE II Changes in the Infant’s Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates Over Time
Group I |
Group II |
Controls |
(n=39) |
(n=39) |
(n=39) |
(n=117) |
n (%) |
n (%) |
n (%) |
n (%) |
I week |
59.0 |
69.2 |
51.3 |
59.8 |
II week |
87.2 |
84.6 |
69.2 |
80.3 |
I month* |
82.1 |
87.2 |
33.3 |
67.5 |
II month* |
69.2 |
76.9 |
30.8 |
59.0 |
IV month# |
51.3 |
69.2 |
25.6 |
48.7 |
VI month* |
33.3 |
56.4 |
12.8 |
34.2 |
Group I: First Experimental Group,
Group II: Second Experimental Group, Control :Control Group;
*P<0.001; #P=0.001 |
TABLE III Paternal – Infant Attachment Scale Points in the Groups
Paternal Attachment
Group I |
Group II |
Control |
Scale Points |
Whole groups* |
82.3 (12.8) |
89.5 (7.1) |
73.3 (18.7) |
Exclusively breastfed#
84.6 (8.4) |
89.7 (7.2) |
65.9 (27.5) |
Mix fed |
81.8 (11.6) |
88.6 (8.0) |
75.9 (16.5) |
Formula fed |
80.1 (19.6) |
90.8 (4.3) |
72.5 (18.7) |
*P<0.001; #P=0.001; All
values in mean (SD). |
According to the general point averages according to
group of the PIAS, there was a significant statistical difference
between the groups (Table III). The PIAS average point of
the group in the second experimental group was higher than in the other
groups (P<0.001) and nearest to top point (95). Even though the
fathers were not provided EBF education in first experimental group, the
fathers’ points in this group were higher than the average value of 79.
This shows that the mothers’ education also had a positive effect on the
fathers’ points.
We found that the EBF rates at six months were the
highest in the group where both parents received breastfeeding
education. It is known that the EBF rate is 39% around the world, and
that it is 21.9% in Turkey (between the 4 th
and 5th month) [1,2]. In our
research, only the EBF rates of infants in the second experimental group
reached the worldwide rate.
Wolfberg, et al. [12] found that when fathers
are educated about EBF and infant care, the rates of starting and
continuing EBF during the first six months are higher. Pisacane, et
al. [10] found that when fathers were educated, EBF rates increased
at the sixth month. Susin and Guigliani [11] showed that EBF rates were
higher in the group in which both the mothers and the fathers were
educated about EBF, than in the groups in which there was no education
and in which only the mothers were educated. Tohotoa, et al. [9]
showed that mothers whose husbands received breastfeeding education
before the birth, and breastfeeding education and support after the
birth, liked breastfeeding the most and they were supported the most by
their husbands.
In this research, it was observed that parental
attachment was also more powerful in the second experimental group.
Magill, et al. [15] determined that by teaching the fathers about
the care and communication with the infants, the father-infant
attachment becomes stronger.
We conclude that providing breastfeeding education to
fathers during the postpartum period increases EBF rates significantly
and strengthens paternal attachment. Further research should include the
antenatal period also.
Contributors: All authors were involved in
designing the study, writing the manuscript and its approval.
Funding: None; Competing interests: None
What This Study Adds?
· Providing breastfeeding
education to both parents increases exclusive breastfeeding
· Providing breastfeeding education to the
fathers strengthens paternal-infant attachment.
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