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cochrane collection

Indian Pediatr 2009;46: 703-706

Cough Syrups – Do they Work in Acute Cough?

Joseph L Mathew

From the Advanced Pediatrics Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh 160012, India.
[email protected]

Acute cough is perhaps the single most common presenting symptom in children wherein treatment is demanded and/or initiated. Often it is clinically trivial but very disturbing for the child and family; at other times it can appear harmless but reflect underlying disease. In addition, there is sometimes dichotomy between the physicians’ and patients’ perspectives; the former are concerned about cough representing respiratory disease requiring management, whereas the latter are anxious for immediate symptomatic relief. This dichotomy is the basis for a thriving pharmaceutical industry and the frequent (often injudicious) use of cough medications in our country and elsewhere.


About 20% children suffer from cough at some stage(1) and nearly 5% of childhood visits to physicians are related to cough(2). The free availability of over-the-counter cough syrups, frequent self-medication, relatively lax regulation on the prescription and use of such medication, habit-forming potential with certain preparations and the massive industry drive promoting unrestricted usage, all contribute to making cough a relevant problem in our setting.

Thus the clinical question addressed in this systematic review of evidence is: "In children with acute cough (defined as less than 3-4 weeks duration)(3), (population), do cough syrups (intervention) alter the clinical outcome in terms of symptom relief, decreased frequency/severity, improved quality of life, adverse events etc (outcome) as compared to placebo or no treatment (comparison)?"

Current Best Evidence with Critical Appraisal

A Cochrane Library search on 27 June 2009 with the term "cough" and filter "Record Title" identified 17 Cochrane reviews, 8 other systematic reviews, 625 methodologically-appraised clinical trials, and 3 health technology assessment (HTA) reports. Among these, two Cochrane reviews were relevant; one pertaining to over-the-counter medications in acute cough(4) and the other reporting the role of honey and lozenges in non-specific cough(5). The former included an updated literature search till January 2007, while the latter did not identify any eligible randomized trials. Therefore, an exhaustive literature search (restricted to RCTs) was undertaken in PubMed (Clinical queries). Five systematic reviews/meta-analyses were identified; four(6-9) did not yield additional data and one was in Norwegian(10) with an English summary only. TRIP database and BestBETS were also accessed on the same date. The search strategy and results are depicted in Table I.


Literature Search Strategy for Randomized Controlled Trials
Search terms Filters Output Potentially relevant Additional data
Central (2007-2009)


Record title 56 4 1
Pubmed (Limits: All child, 01/01/2007 to 27/06/2009)


Systematic reviews 34 5 0

cougth antiussive

AND 125 16 1

cough antihistamine

clinical[Titlte/Abstract] 33 4 0

cough decongestant

AND 22 8 0

cough expectorant

trial[Title/Abstract]OR 43 13 0

cough suppressant

clinical trials [MeSH 1028 103 0

cough mucolytic

Terms] OR clinical 6 1 0

cough syrup

trial[Publication Type] 13 3 1

cough over-the-counter

OR 55 6 0

cough dextromethorphan*

random*[Title/Abstract] 28 4 0

cough guaiphenesin/

OR random 7 2 0


allocation[MeSH Terms]

cough bromhexine

OR therapeutic 5 2 0

cough codeine

use[MeSH Subheading]) 25 3 0
TRIP database (www.tripdatabase.com)

cough syrup

None 62 2 0
Best BETS (http://www.bestbets.org/database/browse-bets.php)


None 5 1 0
Date of updated search: 27 June 2009

The additional search revealed two trials evaluating a mixture of pharmacological agents(11, 12), and one assessing menthol(13). The small number of reports on herbal medicines and plant extracts had no data relevant to India. Thus the 2008 Cochrane review(4) and two additional trials(11,12) constitute current best evidence on the subject. A summary of the data from these RCTs is available from the author on request. Meta-analysis was not possible owing to a wide variety of dissimilar outcome measures used to assess efficacy. One of the additional trials(11) was an industry RCT evaluating a mixture of four pharmacologically active products in children and assessing a composite score of symptom relief of runny nose, congestion, pain and cough. The mixture showed a significant benefit on the composite and individual symptom scores; this has been used by the authors to promote the combination. The other RCT(12) showed that dextromethorphan was no better than placebo for the treatment of cough.

The Cochrane review included eight RCTs with 616 participants having cough associated with upper respiratory infection (URI) and treated with various pharmacological agents singly or in combination. There was no difference between various pharmacological agents compared to placebo/no treatment. The reviewers reported the usual stringent methodological procedures that Cochrane Reviews are renowned for. They chose several relevant outcome measures that quantified improvement in terms of change in severity or frequency of cough, comfort to the child in terms of impact on sleep, and parental assessment of improvement through scoring systems. They also introduced an additional refinement viz exclusion of parental or physician rating of ‘wellness’ that was not backed by objective measurements. This is methodologically appealing, but it could be argued that one of the roles of cough medication is to provide comfort to the patient and family, hence even subjective assessment of improvement may be a relevant outcome. In fact, this is a common argument used by many clinicians to prescribe cough syrups on the grounds that parents deserve fulfilment of their demands. However, two findings of this systematic review conclusively dispel such views. First, the trials showed that relief with cough syrups was not only comparable to placebo, but both were of a fairly high magnitude, suggesting significant placebo effect. In other words, the symptomatic relief with cough syrups observed/reported in uncontrolled settings (loosely referred to as personal experience by physicians) is likely to be nothing more than placebo effect. In addition, sleep induced by cough syrups may be mistakenly attributed as a therapeutic rather than side effect, in some cases. The second observation that disallows exploiting even the ‘placebo effect’ of cough medications is the frequency and severity of adverse events reported with most pharmacological preparations. These range from insignificant and transient clinical events to serious adverse events and even death in rare instances. These observations argue strongly against using/prescribing/recommending cough syrups in children.

What then can be done for children with cough? The Cochrane review did not evaluate non-pharmacological preparations such as honey, tulsi leaves, and other herbal preparations and their role (if any) is still open to question. Literature search showed scanty data either in support or against such interventions and this area needs further research, particularly in the Indian context. There is limited data emerging to suggest that honey may have a better antitussive effect than the placebo-equivalent efficacy of cough syrups. This could become an interesting area of research provided methodologically well designed trials using population and age appropriate objective scoring systems are developed.


None of the ten trials comprising current best evidence was conducted in India; and only one was performed in a developing country setting(13). However as mentioned previously, the clinical condition (acute cough), population (otherwise well children), intervention (nature and dosage of medication and metabolism thereof), and outcomes of interest (clinical and social) are all extendible to our setting. Therefore the findings of this systematic review are applicable to our population.

Conflict of interest: None stated;

Funding: None.

EURECA Conclusion in the Indian Context

• Cough syrups are no better than placebo in children with acute cough, and have the risk of adverse effects. Therefore their use should be discouraged.


1. Luyt DK, Burton PR, Simpson H. Epidemiological study of wheeze, doctor diagnosed asthma cough in pre-school children in Leicestershire. BMJ 1993; 306: 1386-1390.

2. Yu TS, Wong TW, Wang XR, Songh H, Wong SL, Tang JL. Adverse effects of low-level air pollution on the respiratory health of school children in Hong Kong. J Occup Environ Med 2001; 43: 310-316.

3. Chow PY, Ng DKK. Chronic cough in children. Singapore Med J 2004; 45: 462-469.

4. Smith SM, Schroeder K, Fahey T. Over-the-counter medications for acute cough in children and adults in ambulatory settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008; 1: CD001831.

5. Mulholland S, Chang AB. Honey and lozenges for children with non-specific cough. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009; 2: CD007523.

6. Shields MD, Bush A, Everard ML, McKenzie S, Primhak R; British Thoracic Society Cough Guideline Group. BTS guidelines: Recommen-dations for the assessment and management of cough in children. Thorax 2008; 63 Suppl 3: iii1-iii15.

7. Ryan T, Brewer M, Small L. Over-the-counter cough and cold medication use in young children. Pediatr Nurs 2008; 34: 174-180.

8. Guirgius-Blake J. Over-the-counter medications for acute cough symptoms. Am Fam Physician 2008; 78: 52-53.

9. Chang AB. Cough. Pediatr Clin North Am 2009; 56: 19-31.

10. Småbrekke L, Melbye H. Medikamentell behandling av akutt hoste. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2009; 129: 998-999.

11. Mizoguchi H, Wilson A, Jerdack GR, Hull JD, Goodale M, Grender JM, et al. Efficacy of a single evening dose of syrup containing paracetamol, dextromethorphan hydro- bromide, doxylamine succinate and ephedrine sulfate in subjects with multiple common cold symptoms. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2007; 45: 230-236.

12. Paul IM, Beiler J, McMonagle A, Shaffer ML, Duda L, Berlin CM Jr. Effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and no treatment on nocturnal cough and sleep quality for coughing children and their parents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2007; 161: 1140-1146.

13. Sakchainanont B, Ruangkanchanasetr S, Chantarojanasiri T, Tapasart C, Suwanjutha S. Effectiveness of antihistamines in common cold. J Med Assoc Thai 1990; 73: 96-103.


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