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Systematic Review

Indian Pediatr 2013;50: 371-376

Nasal Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation versus Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in Neonates: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Shifang Tang, Jinning Zhao, Jie Shen, Zhangxue Hu and Yuan Shi

From the Department of Pediatrics, Daping Hospital, Institue of Surgery Research, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China.

Correspondence to: Dr Yuan Shi, Director and Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China.
Email: [email protected]

Received: November 3, 2011;
Initial review: November 28, 2011;
Accepted: September 20, 2012.

 Published online: 2012, October 05.

PII: S097475591100912

: To compare the efficacy and safety of Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) and Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) in neonates.

Methods: Standard search strategy for the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group was performed. The participants were both preterm and term infants suffering from neonatal respiratory distress syndrome or experiencing apnea of prematurity.

Results: 14 eligible andomized controlled trials involving 1052 newborn infants were included. The study quality and evidence validity was defined as moderate. As compared with nCPAP, NIPPV significantly reduced the incidence of endotracheal ventilation (OR=0.44, 95%CI:0.31–0.63), increased the successful rate of extubation (OR=0.15, 95%CI:0.08–0.31), and had a better outcome indicated by decreased death and/or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (OR=0.57, 95%CI:0.37–0.88). Moreover, NIPPV decreased the number of apneic episodes of prematurity (WMD=-0.48, 95%CI:-0.58–0.37), and marginally decreased the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (OR=0.63, 95%CI:0.39–1.00). No side effects specifically associated with NIPPV were reported.

Conclusions: NIPPV could be used to reduce endotracheal ventilation, increase successful extubation, decrease the rate of apnea of prematurity, and have better outcome indicated by fewer death and/or bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm and term newborn infants.

Key words: Management, Mechanical ventilation, Neonate, Respiratory distress syndrome, Outcome.

Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) has been widely used in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) [1]. As a mode of non-invasive ventilation, NIPPV is suggested to increase the beneficial effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) and, therefore, decrease the need for endotracheal intubation. Several explanations have been put forward for the mechanism of NIPPV [2-4]. Addition of increased flow delivery in the upper airway, increased tidal and minute volumes, increased functional residual capacity, recruitment of collapsed alveoli, improved stability of the chest wall, and less asynchrony of thoraco-abdominal movement have been shown with the application of NIPPV in newborn infants [5].

Some meta-analyses on the comparison of the effect of NIPPV with nCPAP in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) were published on Cochrane Database a few years ago [6-8]. However, only preterm infants were included in these. Recently, NIPPV has been further studied in randomized controlled trials. In addition to major outcome, more data on bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) have been investigated. More studies on the safety of NIPPV were also reported, which concerned the incidence of pneumothorax or air leak, abdominal distention, necrotizing enterocolitis, and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Hence, it is necessary to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of NIPPV compared with nCPAP in NRDS.


Criteria for inclusion and exclusion: Studies were included in the systematic review if they were randomized or quasi-randomized. The participants were both preterm and term infants suffering from neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) or experiencing apnea of prematurity. The interventions for comparison were NIPPV and nCPAP. Studies which did not report outcomes specified in this review were excluded.

NRDS has been suggested not only to be present in preterm infants but also in term infants [9]. Studies involved both preterm and term infants were eligible if there were clinical evidences of NRDS. The diagnosis of NRDS was based on clinical manifestation and X-ray picture [10].

Outcome measures: During NIPPV versus nCPAP in the post-extubation period, the major outcome was respiratory failure leading to endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. When NIPPV versus nCPAP were used as a primary respiratory support, the major outcome was the need of intubation. The secondary outcomes included the rate of apnea, the incidence of BPD, ROP, IVH, PVL, PDA, pneumothorax or air leak, abdominal distention, necrotizing enterocolitis, the total stay in the hospital, and the mortality. Final outcome was determined by the mortality and/or BPD. A good outcome was defined as the infant could be discharged without oxygen treatment, whereas a bad outcome was defined as death and/or BPD.

Search strategy and methods of the review: Standard search strategy for the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group was performed. Searches were made in PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid, Springer and China Knowledge Resource Integrated (CNKI) databases with the terms: newborn OR preterm AND respiratory distress syndrome AND nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation AND nasal continuous positive airway pressure. The search time was from the beginning of the databases to March 2011. Grey literature and conference abstracts were not searched.

Two reviewers performed searches and assessed study quality independently. Study quality was assessed according to Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.0.2, which included allocation concealment, sequence generation, blinding of participants, blinding of researchers, blinding of assessors, incomplete data address, free of selective reporting, and free of other bias [11]. If the article fulfilled all the mentioned criteria, it was classified as adequate and with the least possibility of bias. If the article could not fulfill more than one criterion, it was classified as highly deflective. Discussions were made by the reviewers group when there were different opinions about the evaluation for the quality of articles.

Data were extracted and analysed independently by the two reviewers, following the methods of the Cochrane Collaboration and using the statistical software of Review Manager 4.22, then compared, and the differences resolved.

Statistical analysis: A chi-square test was used to evaluate the statistical homogeneity. If P³0.10, it was judged as statistically non-heterogeneous, and a fixed effect model selected. If P<0.10, it was judged statistically heterogeneous, and a random effect model selected. Categorical data were analyzed using odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Continuous data were analyzed using means and weighted mean difference (WMD) with 95% CI. A P value <0.05 was defined as significant.


On initial search 103 articles were identified, including 97 English papers and 6 papers in other languages with English abstracts (4 Chinese, 1 Spanish, 1 Polish). According to the inclusion criteria, 14 randomized controlled trials involving 1052 newborn infants were included (11 English, 3 Chinese) [12-25]. The selection course of the papers was shown as Fig 1. Among them, 5 trials investigated the effect of NIPPV versus nCPAP in the post-extubation period following ETT and mechanical ventilation [12-16] (Web Table I). The other 9 trials studied the effect of NIPPV versus nCPAP as a primary respiratory support [17-25] (Web Table II).

Fig.1 The selection course of the papers.

The basic data were compared to understand the clinical homogeneity of the included studies, which showed a comparable basic line. Five papers on NIPPV versus nCPAP as mode of extubation were clinically heterogeneous in gestational age, birth weight, regulation data of NIPPV or nCPAP, criteria for extubation, and criteria for re-intubation. Nine papers on NIPPV versus nCPAP as a primary respiratory support had a clinical homogeneity in the inclusive criteria, regulation data of NIPPV or nCPAP, and outcome measure, but there was a little clinically heterogeneity in gestational age and birth weight, because 2 studies involved both preterm and term infants, and 1 paper studied late-preterm infants. Most of the major patients were preterm infants with low or very low birth weight, and there were not enough term infants to be analysed in sub-group.

Methodological quality: The results of the assessment of methodological quality is shown in Web Fig. 1. Adequate concealment at randomization, complete follow-up, and free of selective reporting was identified in all 14 studies. Thirteen studies mentioned the sequence generation. Two studies stated no blinding of researchers.

Major outcome: Five papers [12-16] reported the rate of extubation failure of NIPPV versus nCPAP following ETT and mechanical ventilation. The studies were statistically homogeneous (P=0.64), and a fixed effect model was selected. Meta-analysis showed that the rate of extubation failure of NIPPV was significantly lower than that of nCPAP [OR=0.15 (95% CI: 0.08 0.31)]; P<0.001 (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 The failure extubation rate of NIPPV versus nCPAP.

Six papers [20-25] reported the failure rate of NIPPV versus nCPAP as a primary respiratory mode, which was indicated by whether or not requiring ETT and mechanical ventilation. The results were statistically homogeneous (P=0.58), and a fixed effect model was selected. Meta-analysis showed that the failure rate of not needing needing ETT and mechanical ventilation in NIPPV group was significantly lower than that in nCPAP group as a primary respiratory mode [OR=0.44 (95% CI: 0.31-0.63); P<0.0001) (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 The failure rate of NIPPV versus nCPAP as a primary respiratory mode.

Secondary outcome: Five papers [20-23,25] reported the comparison of NIPPV and nCPAP on the final outcome as a primary respiratory mode, which was indicated by death and/or BPD requiring respiratory supportive treatment at discharge. The results were statistically homogeneous (P=0.29), and a fixed effect model selected. Meta-analysis showed that the final outcome of NIPPV was significantly better than that of nCPAP as a primary respiratory mode [OR=0.57 (95% CI: 0.37-0.88); P=0.01] (Web Fig. 2).

Three papers [17-19] reported the comparison of NIPPV versus nCPAP in the management of apnea of prematurity. The test for heterogeneity was non-significant (P=0.21), and a fixed effect model selected. Meta-analysis showed a statistically lower rate of apnea (episodes per hour) in the NIPPV group as compared with nCPAP group [WMD=-0.48 (95%CI:-0.58-0.37; P<0.001] (Web Fig. 3).

Five papers [13,16,20-21,25] reported the comparison of duration of hospitalization between NIPPV and nCPAP group including the studies either as a primary respiratory mode or as a extubation mode. A random effect model was selected because of significant heterogeneity (P=0.06). Meta-analysis showed that there was no significant difference in duration of hospitalization between NIPPV and nCPAP group [WMD=-0.51 (95%CI:-5.62-4.61; P=0.85] (Web Fig. 4).

Table I showed the incidence of BPD, IVH or PVL, ROP, pneumothorax or air leak, abdominal distention, necrotizing enterocolitis, and PDA in the group of NIPPV versus nCPAP. Except for the incidence of BPD (P=0.05), there was no significant difference between the NIPPV and nCPAP groups respectively (P>0.05).

TABLE I  Meta-analysis of Secondary Outcomes between NIPPV and nCPAP Groups
  n/N1) n/N2) Heterogeneity OR(95%CI) P
BPD [13-14,16,  20-21,25] 45/273 60/268 P=0.46 0.63 (0.39~1.00)  0.05
IVH or PVL[14,17,20-21,25] 36/219 46/216 P=0.76 0.70 (0.43~1.15) 0.16
ROP [14,16,25] 23/130 30/132 P=0.12 0.66 (0.35~1.25) 0.20
pneumothorax or air leak[12,14,16,21,25] 14/225 23/219 P=0.44 0.55 (0.27~1.10) 0.09
abdominal distention[15,19] 6/66 5/70 P=0.39 1.28 (0.37~4.44) 0.70
necrotizing enterocolitis[14-16,21,25] 12/227 19/224 P=0.71 0.61(0.29~1.28) 0.19
PDA[14,16,25] 50/166 51/161 P=0.67 0.92 (0.56~1.52) 0.76
1): total patients of NIPPV group; 2):  total patients of nCPAP group; BPD: bronchopulmonary dysplasia; IVH: intraventricular hemorrhage; PVL: periventricular leukomalacia; ROP: retinopathy; PDA: patent ductus arteriosus


Respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants is still a big challenge for neonatologists [26]. In recent year, increased morbidity of NRDS in late-preterm and term infants has been reported [27]. Although the mortality of NRDS has been significantly reduced the prolonged use of ETT and mechanical ventilation might predispose the neonates to the development of BPD. nCPAP has been widely used as a non-invasive respiratory supportive mode for NRDS [28]. However, nCPAP could not consistently improve ventilation and could not be effective in newborn infants with poor respiratory effort. In fact, as many as 55% preterm infants at the gestational age of 25-26 wk and 40% of 27-28 wk treated by nCPAP developed respiratory failure and needed ETT and mechanical ventilation within five days [29]. NIPPV has been suggested to have stronger respiratory supportive effect than nCPAP [30]. NIPPV has been confirmed to decrease the work of breathing in preterm infants with NRDS as compared with nCPAP [31].

As compared with the previously published meta-analyses [5-7,32] on the comparison of NIPPV and nCPAP, the present study also included the newly published RCT articles, involved both preterm and term infants, and assessed the effect and safety in the round. The present meta-analysis results showed that, as a primary respiratory supportive mode, NIPPV could significantly reduce the need for ETT and mechanical ventilation, decrease the apnea episodes of prematurity, and have a better clinical outcome as compared with nCPAP. NIPPV might be a valuable mode of primary respiratory support. Till now, only one RCT study investigated the comparison of NIPPV and mechanical ventilation in preterm infants after pulmonary surfactant administration [33], which suggested that the group treated by NIPPV had shorter duration of hospitalization, lower BPD and mortality than that treated by mechanical ventilation. A prospective observational study also suggested that NIPPV was a safe and effective primary mode of ventilation in premature infants [34].

The present meta-analysis results confirmed that NIPPV had a better effect than nCPAP in the post-extubation period. Moreover, NIPPV led to a marginally significant reduction in the incidence of BPD as compared with nCPAP. A clinical retrospective study also suggested that NIPPV use in infants with birth weight of 500-750 g was associated with decreased BPD, BPD/death, and neurodevelopmental impairment when compared with those managed with nCPAP [35]. The present meta-analysis results showed that there were no significant differences in the incidence of IVH, PVL, ROP, PDA, pneumothorax or air leak, abdominal distention, necrotizing enterocolitis, and duration of hospitalization between the group of NIPPV and nCPAP. There were no other severe complications associated with NIPPV or nCPAP reported.

nCPAP has been confirmed to be easy, and simple to use treatment of NRDS. As compared with nCPAP, NIPPV might provide slight but important beneficial effects. NIPPV has been successfully established as an effective treatment for NRDS, but the mechanism of action of NIPPV needs further investigations. The research on different ventilator equipment (synchronized versus non-synchronized) or method of synchronization should be continued. Pressure variation during ventilator generated NIPPV might have some negative effect in preterm infants [36]. A randomized crossover trial of four nasal respiratory support systems on apnea of prematurity in very low birth weight infants suggested that a variable flow nCPAP device might be more effective than a conventional ventilator in NIPPV mode [37]. NIPPV has been provided by different study investigators using different ventilator equipment (synchronized versus non-synchronized) or method of synchronization. Similarly, comparative nCPAP has been provided using different types of pressure generators. There is another new mode of two-pressure level respiratory support biphasic positive airway pressure (BiPAP). The safety, i.e. long-term efficacy of these different non-invasive respiratory supports need further investigation [38].

Limitations of the present meta-analysis: The study quality and evidence validity was defined as moderate. Most of the studies involved small number of patients and therefore there was a wide confidence interval in the pooled results. It’s difficult to compare the sub-group of different gestational age and birth-weight because of lack of data for term infants. The effects of NIPPV in late preterm and term neonates need further studies. The present study had insufficient data on important short term (IVH, PVL) and long term (neurological) outcomes.

Contributors: ST and JZ were responsible for data collection. JS and ZH were responsible for computer-related work. YS was responsible for writing the submitted paper.

Funding: Clinical Research Fund (2009) of Third Military Medical University. Competing interests: None stated.

What This Study Adds?

• NIPPV could significantly reduce endotracheal ventilation, increase successful extubation, improve apnea of prematurity, decrease the incidence of BPD, and have better outcome as compared with nCPAP.


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